Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

Cops story is that MB ran from the cop, then when the cop pulled out the gun MB bumrushed him. Yea that makes sense to run from a cop and then bumrush a cop after the cop pulls the gun out.
The people in the Yahoo comments section need to have their backwards @$@ villages nuked
So the officer is now saying that he knew about the alleged robbery? ( still hasn't been proven whether or not MB paid for the rillos). Anyway, I thought the robbery wasn't reported. Then he says MB attacked him, then ran, then turned around and dared him to shoot, then charged him... haha! Dude coming straight out of a comic book.
well he's certainly had enough time to get his story in order

his report didn't even come from him. he never wrote the report of the incident
This "report" on CNN about the cops side of the story, yall do realize its from the fake facebook page right?

CNN doing absolutely zero research before putting out lies on the air
Had not seen the Facebook page, but if true somebody needs to be fired.
Cant find the pic of it but heres the text
Darren Wilson
7 hours ago
my friends and family have been afraid to put out what really happened due to the severe threats.but here is the truth of what happened. as much as i can tell you at this point.

they were walking in the middle of the street. i pulled my vehicle up, rolled my window down and told them to get out of the street. they refused an yelled back cussing - saying they were already almost where they are going.

i pulled further up and over. i was watching them and at that point i got the call in that there was a strong arm robbery. the description they gave was the same as the two and they had something in their hand that looked like it could be the cigars.

i backed my car up and tried to get out of my car, but they slammed my door shut to prevent me from getting out. i started to get out again and stood up, but michael came and started to shove me back in to the car. he started punching me in the face and at that point i grabbed for my gun

michael grabbed for the gun. he got the gun entirely turned against his hip. the gun goes off after it is shoved. michael took off and got to be about 35 ft away

my first protocol is to pursue, so i yell "freeze" , michael and his friend turn around. michael taunts and yells saying "what are you gonna do about it" stuff like that. And next he started bumrushing me. he just started coming at me at full speed so i started shooting. he kept coming. i definitely think the toxicology report will show that he was not right and under the influence of something

this is my account of what happened (at least, what I can openly share at this point). much of what you will hear on Tv and radio is very inaccurate. i will be deactivating my page shortly so please copy this to share the truth. i appreciate your support - especially from my police family
That has been proven fake but CNN is running it from some chick reading this on the radio like its gospel
I'm thinking MB ran, the cop fired at him, but maybe missed/shot MB due to being shook, MB hears shots/gets shot n turns around to go towards cop with hands up surrendering, cop perceives this as MB "charging" him, shoots MB, then performs kill shot to end it.

My thoughts are that the "charging" is BS n that MB was probably approaching the officer to surrender to custody/questioning.
Cops story is that MB ran from the cop, then when the cop pulled out the gun MB bumrushed him. Yea that makes sense to run from a cop and then bumrush a cop after the cop pulls the gun out.

Seems legit...

I mean... Who doesn't charge after someone when they pull out a weapon...

Only after you initially ran from the weapon...
dared him to shoot, charged at him, on something. Second time we've heard this story in the past year ex: Zimmerman. media and police still continuing to make Brown the thug that deserved to die 
well he's certainly had enough time to get his story in order

his report didn't even come from him. he never wrote the report of the incident

More than enough time. But what I find to be very familia is that his story isn't being questioned as much as the witnesses who have nothing to lose. Media isn't saying how ridiculous his story sounds.
The official reports are coming out that there was weed in his system, so they about to spin this like Mike was on PCP

Let the games begin. All this stalling is so they can sully MB's reputation in the media. They give up just enough info about the cop and the incident, while releasing anything negative they uncovered about Mike.

I was going to ask that as well. Just because they found weed in his system, doesn't mean he was high at that moment.

Dawg, that common sense **** isn't going to fly in the media. However long weed stays in your system plays no part in this, he had it in him so that is another strike for him and a plus for cops and prosecution :smh:

Doesn't matter at all. They are just going to abuse the idea and imagery that goes along with weed. People have to realize just how much media relies on trigger words & the humans subconscious.

Weed, black man, Strong Arm ...... all of this repaints him as a thug.

And once again the PROSECUTORS dad was killed on duty by a black man... He has no chance of getting justice in court. NONE

WHo are you telling, once that vid came out I was like oh **** its a wrap. Even after they admitted the officer didn't even know about the robbery, I saw the game they were playing.

"He looked like he was on something" Like clockwork man. Disgusting.

Not surprised, their timing is impeccable.

How many shell casings are going to be presented as evidence, if n when there is a trial? 6 shots hit MB, but how many the officer shot will be just as important. This entire situation is complete BS, but I knew what was up from get :smh:

That is another thing, how many shots did he fire. One of the witnesses said a bullet went in her neighbors apt.

The "good" cops don't stand up to the "bad" ones and do not hold them accountable, which in my opinion makes them an accessory to brutality. I dont care how nice of a cop you are.

Sad but true, when you turn a blind eye to injustice you are just as guilty. Unfortunately everyone isn't built to take those kinds of stands.

They should arrest him because that's what they do to private citizens. Why are cops granted separate rights?

They are above the law, despite what you are told. Besides, the circumstances of this and many other cases like it affords them that privilege. Look how long it took for Zimmerman, and he was only neighborhood watch.
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The people in the Yahoo comments section need to have their backwards @$@ villages nuked
yahoo  any news website comments = eRacists
Comments sections are where they live.  And it isn't just for this story.  Pretty sad individuals.
This "report" on CNN about the cops side of the story, yall do realize its from the fake facebook page right?

CNN doing absolutely zero research before putting out lies on the air
Naw, this story is from "Josie" and from a radio interview "she" did a few days ago.  Someone mentioned the interview a day or two ago.

What I'm trying to figure out is why CNN is reporting this as "news"?  So we're using somebody that is relaying the officer's story as a source now, huh?  And what's scary is that they're taking this story and running with it, while in the meantime the stories of PEOPLE THAT WERE ACTUALLY THERE AT THE SCENE OF THE CRIME aren't really being discussed.  

This whole situation is all bad.  Absolutely disgusting what is happening in the media right now.  May as well just not even watch the news anymore.  
Just tweeted that screenshot to CNN. It's been a pattern with their coverage so far spew whatever they can get out first and then retract it or say things were still developing. All the whole continuing to defame MB in the court of public opinion. Same thing they did with Trayvon.
100proof 100proof so a person basically found that fake story and trolled the media? The media is so worthless haha! Cnn is still talking about this fake post. Dudes always want to be first to the story.
Don't trip on that radio station bs. That would never  be used as evidence or anything credible. An anonymous person calling in? Come on, that could be anybody saying anything for the sake of it.
It's going to be interesting to see what becomes the accepted truth regarding whether or not Wilson knew about the "robbery" prior to shooting.  

The police chief, a.k.a. the guy who is privy to the information in the police/incident report and Wilson's statements, originally said that Wilson didn't know about the "robbery".

Now this new source claims that he did.  I'm betting that the media will conveniently forget what the chief initially said and just run with the story that he knew before confronting Brown.  
As we get more and more clues, what are some of you guys thinking happened?

see below.


People really think someone is going to assault a cop + charge at him when his gun is out over some cigars. Unless PCP was in his system, no one is that crazy.

that's what I'm saying. nobody especially someone with clean record, graduate and collge bound ain't trying to kill no police

Does this mean his hand were up when he was shot? Kinda looks like it...

exactly what it look liked and according to the witnesses.

It's looking that way. None of the bullets entered Michael Brown's back, they were all on the front and I don't know how you're shooting anyone in the inner arm unless your hands are raised.............................

Cop got butt hurt cause he got faded and was about to get manhandled by a teen. He pulled the gun, kid ran he fired off some shots to let Mike Brown no he will shoot and when Mike Brown turned around he let him have it. That's what I'm piecing together in my mind

bro that's the same thing I'm thinking. cop got snuffed and got his ego hurt

Only reason Mike snuffed him was the cop grabbed him through his car window

matter of fact, didnt multiple 'witnesses' say that he was shot in the back?

the autopsy proved that wrong

so that makes 3 witness claims turned out to be out right lies or exaggerations

once again, i dont believe the witnesses OR that cop

further, since Dr Baden said no bullets exited from the rear of the body he was either charging or laying down

if that cat was laying down on his stomach with his hands up and got shot? jesus man.

stop it. nobody said he got shot in the back. they said the cop was shooting at him as he ran which make sense because there was some bullets recovered from people walls in their homes
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