Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

i like how this morning they even broke up the cnn camera crew interviewing protesters... for "grouping" together. So its against the law for news to interview a group of ppl... So the law is that you have to interview them individually and they have to be a certain distance away? Is answering a reporter against the law?

Is a camera crew a threat? What would justify arresting those interviewers AFTER they werent on camera?
Of course my opinions are 100% biased on this. I'm a black person who has seen police brutality first hand upon my own family members and friends. And I also know I will one day have black children who look like Mike and Trayvon and Oscar and Ezell...the list goes on. And I know that one day I will have to prepare them on how to handle the police, just like my father prepared me. So there's no way I'm about to come in this thread and be like "objectively speaking..." :lol: or "well here's where Brown went wrong..." :lol:

But if you've never lived this life, then I don't expect you to understand, and that's okay, you've been blessed
Of course my opinions are 100% biased on this. I'm a black person who has seen police brutality first hand upon my own family members and friends. And I also know I will one day have black children who look like Mike and Trayvon and Oscar and Ezell...the list goes on. And I know that one day I will have to prepare them on how to handle the police, just like my father prepared me. So there's no way I'm about to come in this thread and be like "objectively speaking..."
or "well here's where Brown went wrong..."

But if you've never lived this life, then I don't expect you to understand, and that's okay, you've been blessed
well according to judge scarry elder thats not true because its something all sex/races can relate to
Let's see...

All shots were fired from the front, which directly contradicts witnesses' claims that he was shot in the back. Also, 4 shots in the right arm is strong evidence that Brown did NOT have his arms raised in the position of surrender. Trained officers aim for center mass. Wilson would never have fired over Brown's head.

Firing above Brown's head at his raised arms would be dangerous, tactically unsound and illogical. Not to mention the stunning accuracy required to hit his right arm 4 times. Therefore, Brown's right arm was VERY likely not raised above his head -- it was down at torso level.
pfft what? lmaooooooooo the fact that u even laced this post with some common known facts to try to prove your point makes it funnier. seeing 4 shots hit his arm shows you ACCURACY? theyre trained to hit center mass right? how did 0 shots hit center mass then if this cop is so accurate? and i think we all can agree mike brown had a HUGE area to aim for to hit center mass. what being shot on the INNER arm says, is the inner arm was either exposed only possible by raising them, or the miniscule chance that the bullets were perfectly placed so as to graze the inside of his arm from the front.

past that... all those shots hitting his arm and NOT center mass says one thing to me. this cop needs more range time. he was pulling shots to the left. that comes from bad finger placement on the trigger or a misaligned sight on the top of a pistol. now... lets imagine he was pulling shots to the left and hitting mikes right arm (since thats the only place on mikes body that was hit) ....what could this cop have been aiming for if mikes arms were raised?

in other words: raise your arms like youre surrendering right now and tell me whats immediately to the left of your right arm.... now the headshots are explained.
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Let's see...

All shots were fired from the front, which directly contradicts witnesses' claims that he was shot in the back. Also, 4 shots in the right arm is strong evidence that Brown did NOT have his arms raised in the position of surrender. Trained officers aim for center mass. Wilson would never have fired over Brown's head.

Firing above Brown's head at his raised arms would be dangerous, tactically unsound and illogical. Not to mention the stunning accuracy required to hit his right arm 4 times. Therefore, Brown's right arm was VERY likely not raised above his head -- it was down at torso level.

So why was there more than one shot fired? Why was his intent to bring him down rather than subdue when he had was unarmed?? HOW DID HE GET SHOT IN THE EYE AS WELL AS THE TOP OF THE HEAD???

Please get the **** outta here, you're ignoring facts

People said the same thing about Zimmerman. Wilson will continue to cash his check while on admin leave, be acquitted if he's even indicted, and be transferred to a new police department. Mark my words.

I'm don't want justice to take action because the idea of justice in this country is a joke. I want somebody to off Darren Wilson. Let's see how long it takes for the person to get arrested....assuming he is a certain color
I'm aiming to be a cop in a year or two and I signed this. I'm all for stricter punishment on terrible cops if it means that the few good cops in this country don't have to drag the bad image of being a cop
but has been questing and said before... how are you a good cop if you support or walk along side someone who does wrong... Am i not a bad as a bank robber if i drove the get away car? Am i not as bad in a rape if i held a woman down while others raped her? 
This is what I picture happened...

Cop rolls up and tells them to get the f on the sidewalk
They say ok
He pulls off
They say some smart *** **** as he pulls away
Cop has short fuse and throws it in reverse
(Lies and says he came back because of robbery call, not because they pissed him off)
He swings door open and hits them
They push the door back (ricocheted my ***)
He reaches out and grabs mike since the door was shoved back
Mike starts snuffing him, half way in the car
Cop pulls gun and fires
They run
He gets out and keep firing
Mike turns around, but the cop didn't stop firing

According to how it ended, with mike a distance away and without a weapon, it obviously should have came out with a different outcome. The only excuses a cop can have to take someone's life is the criminal has a weapon and is going to use it or the criminal is trying to take his service weapon. Since mike didn't get shot while he was inside the car, so even if he did try to take his weapon while snuffing him, that excuse is out the window. He didn't get it and was now away from the officer and his weapon.

Some kids who don't take **** from anybody, had smart mouths and thought they could do whatever they wanted + a cop with a really short fuse and a bad temper is what it boils down to.

If the cop fires low and takes his knees out, uses his taser or beats him with a nightstick, mike brown is arrested and charged with assault on an officer and robbery. Since he killed him, the cop is racist and Sharpton see dollars. If he survived, this doesn't even make the news. (Yes, I know, they're trained to aim for center mass)

He shouldn't have been killed. Period. Once he ran, the cop was no longer in danger.

I'm aiming to be a cop in a year or two and I signed this. I'm all for stricter punishment on terrible cops if it means that the few good cops in this country don't have to drag the bad image of being a cop

Please expose any corruption or wrongdoing you see on the force if you want to do a real service to the public.
Let's see...

All shots were fired from the front, which directly contradicts witnesses' claims that he was shot in the back. Also, 4 shots in the right arm is strong evidence that Brown did NOT have his arms raised in the position of surrender. Trained officers aim for center mass. Wilson would never have fired over Brown's head.

Firing above Brown's head at his raised arms would be dangerous, tactically unsound and illogical. Not to mention the stunning accuracy required to hit his right arm 4 times. Therefore, Brown's right arm was VERY likely not raised above his head -- it was down at torso level.
What are you even talking about bro?  This makes literally zero sense, given the autopsy results.  
this josie...is this even a real person...and all the forensic evidence shows that this "josie" story is impossible to have happened... but this is the credible eye witness that no other person who was there has seen...
but has been questing and said before... how are you a good cop if you support or walk along side someone who does wrong... Am i not a bad as a bank robber if i drove the get away car? Am i not as bad in a rape if i held a woman down while others raped her? 

I never said I was siding with this clown? He ****** up and everyone knows. He should be punished to fullest extent of the law. There was no reason for him to shoot MB. The only thing i hate about this whole situation is the generalizing of all officers and the whole race aspect of it. This cornball officer should be arrested even if he shot a white/Latino/Asian/middle eastern kid. Everyone here is looking at the tree rather than the forest. The issue here is not the race aspect. The real issue here is the sorry police training some departments have and the sorry punishments the DOJ issue out. Point blank period.
this josie...is this even a real person...and all the forensic evidence shows that this "josie" story is impossible to have happened... but this is the credible eye witness that no other person who was there has seen...
Police chief says he knows nothing about robbery
. Josie says he does. I don't know if I can take one more week of this.
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where's this video??
it was on cnn live.... 
I never said I was siding with this clown? He ****** up and everyone knows. He should be punished to fullest extent of the law. There was no reason for him to shoot MB. The only thing i hate about this whole situation is the generalizing of all officers and the whole race aspect of it. This cornball officer should be arrested even if he shot a white/Latino/Asian/middle eastern kid. Everyone here is looking at the tree rather than the forest. The issue here is not the race aspect. The real issue here is the sorry police training some departments have and the sorry punishments the DOJ issue out. Point blank period.
i never said it was about race.... what i was saying is your comments about good/bad cops... how are you good if you work alongside with said officers or even precinct? 
Here yall go attacking people's interpretation like you were there and saw what happened :lol: :smh:

That's cause his personal interpretation is idiotic. He says that cops aim at center mass but the cop hit nothing at center mass. He might as well say that MB had a gun with his interpretation.
Here yall go attacking people's interpretation like you were there and saw what happened
but she wasnt there so kinda kills your point.... the point was why is a person second hand account told to her by the accuser getting more credit than ppl who was actually there, including the one girl who was there and video taped it....
Let's see...

All shots were fired from the front, which directly contradicts witnesses' claims that he was shot in the back. Also, 4 shots in the right arm is strong evidence that Brown did NOT have his arms raised in the position of surrender. Trained officers aim for center mass. Wilson would never have fired over Brown's head.
1. Witnesses say he got shot in the back because they saw his body REACT to what they assumed was a shot. Could have been him reacting to simply being shot at... or a close shot. 

2. Raising your arms doesn't literally mean hands straight up. He could have had his hands up in a defensive pose. Which would have his arms shielding his face -- like when people are being attacked. 
Here yall go attacking people's interpretation like you were there and saw what happened :lol: :smh:
but she wasnt there so kinda kills your point.... the point was why is a person second hand account told to her by the accuser getting more credit than ppl who was actually there, including the one girl who was there and video taped it....

Definitely was talking about people attacking @mondaynightraw for having a different opinion than the majority, calm down.
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