Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

Yall arguing about wound details?

straight EMOTIONAL

this is the doctor hired by the family....but he's too emotional to hear it
Yall arguing about wound details?


the wound details gives us an idea of what position he was really in when he was shot

no one was really arguing, they were going off of 2nd and 3rd party accounts of the autopsy instead watching the doctor than done the autopsy explain it himself
You ever plan on letting people interpret things differently from you without saying asinine things like above?
says the dude who keeps trying to interpret things differently from what the officials and interviews have been saying.

Nothing you say will ever justify a child being shot 6 times while unarmed. Nothing.

People like you and seasoned vet are part of the problem...nothing will ever change with your deflecting attitudes.

Quote me saying anything of the sort before you accuse me of the foolishness, direct your anger somewhere else
call me crazy... but to make a straight line from eyebrow, to cheek, to jaw, to collarbone is impossible unless dude had a dwyane wade jaw.... that bullet wouldve had to be weaving on some "Wanted" status.... and it still doesnt explain the shot at the top of the head. he had to have been shot twice in the head.

It makes perfect sense if his head is slumped down. It would also allow for the officer to get a clear shot at the top of his skull.
anyway though 

before I left work today we had it on the press conference with Obama 

so did I hear correctly that he is coming down to Ferguson 

i was I mistaken 
You ever plan on letting people interpret things differently from you without saying asinine things like above?

You want to keep ignoring facts? Let me put this out in layman's terms for you, without the little nuances and details: An unarmed kid was shot 6 times and killed by a police officer. I want you to find a way to justify on the cops behalf what I just gave you. Please, I'm begging you. Enlighten me...

Who is trying to justify a murder? Who is ignoring facts? Please enlighten me. Just because someone says he got shot in the head and the eye and the other says he got shot in the head and it went through his eye .. all of a sudden that means someone is justifying murder? :rolleyes

Angry at the world and want to take it out on anybody who doesn't agree with your way of thinking, real immature.
It makes perfect sense if his head is slumped down. It would also allow for the officer to get a clear shot at the top of his skull.
ur saying this without really thinking. make a straight line from your eyebrow...thru your cheek... through your jaw, to your collarbone. just cant happen. your eyebrow would have to be the furthest poking spot on your head then your cheek, then your jaw would have to be a block.

the alternative would be if you had your chin tucked (head all the way down) then the shot becomes easier to believe. but still, those points wouldnt line up correctly without great effort
so emotional that you'd argue with evidence that works in your favor?

how smart is that?
and only in there favor

the Dr could have said that one bullet made all those wounds on his body

but if he followed it with 

the officer sitting on mike brown chest spitting on him the shooting him they would have not disputed it one bit 
They don't understand and they never will until it's their brother or friend or son
ive been saying this to people irl and they dont get it. an embarrassingly large amount of white people believe that racism really is gone and is a figment of our imaginations now. they dont understand we're not just playing the victim. they think its exaggerations when we tell them stories. i remember that vine of the black kid in the gas station showing the lady following him everywhere and white people were astonished when alot of us said it happens ALL THE TIME. they really dont know. theyre not stupid, theyre ignorant of it.
people are emotional because this could have easily been them :smh:

so emotional that you'd argue with evidence that works in your favor?

how smart is that?

at this point I don't even think they're reading anything, just angry mob

everything is nothing justifies getting shot 6 times, when no one is trying to justify that :lol: we've already established that part, are we allowed to give a opinion on anything else?

we can't even discuss a autopsy and share possible positions MB was standing without getting accused of protecting a killer or trying to justify a murder

damn :smh:
Dr. Baden said the bullet that entered the top of MB head stayed in. The bullet that went in around the eye, exited the collarbone.
now this makes sense. all im saying is he HAD to have been shot in the head twice. some people in here are arguing it was one shot that had entry and reentry and exit wounds like that. theres no way possible.
ur a marksman right? tell me this autopsy dont look like dude is pulling shots to the left while aiming for the head (if mikes hands were up)
tbh it doesnt.... but i cant speak on a certainty. because i wasnt there but he clearly was not properly trained or just didnt care if he was suppose to be shooting at center mass which i believe by definition is slightly different then military standards.. One we well suppose to account for every shot and give a report as for each shot. The penetrating point, and why was it a need.

Also there is this zone to which i forget exactly how close of the torso and the collar section we are suppose to shoot. but it is a i believe a 30 inch radius... i dont believe this applies to officers of the law.

Also we arent authorize to draw weapons unless the persons has a weapon and the range of motion aka aim is in out direction (many ppl well in the sands land aka afganistan are allowed to carry ak-47's) 

But gsr is a bit tricky, the residue depending on a various amount of factors can vary such as trajectory of shot, wind velocity, weather conditions, the type of clothing/garments the individual is wearing, inertia of force of the individual who is shooting and/or the person shot movement.

its all tricky and often times we have to beheld accountable and liable for said factors or face the U.S.M.J.

those same standards should apply to officers. Hey as a person who tried to uphold the perils of right and wrong from a judicial and moral implication i understand and have empathy for police officers. i just dont like a "hey you past with a 75% rate in a 20 hr course in shooting to which most is at a range that makes you qualified" aspect that most state jurisdictions accept as qualified to be a officer. 
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