Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

This thread isn't about a race issue. That's were you wrong

Few months ago here I posted a lot of white cop killed white guy unarmed shootings. And black cop kill white guy. Cops were never charged except for 1 who got off

Its not a race issues that's a cop out and excuse...

It's easier to say race issue then to deal with the problem in whole
you don't think so? When you look at the surface you see the larger issue but it doesn't discount that this community in which this crime was committed has a huge racist background. So yes there is a bigger picture but this issue and this thread is about race because the city has a history. It is easier to say race issue because when you look at the fruit this city bore it's seeded in racial issues.
How is it not a race issue?
This dude lives in a great big delusion of grandeur

ferguson is 70% black?

but out of 12 jurors, 9 are white and 3 black? :nerd:

I'm probably explaining this poorly, but the case is in county court which is why the jury is mostly white. The county Ferguson sits in is around 70% white I believe. That's why the jury doesn't represent the demographics in Ferguson.

But I get what you're saying tho.
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What exactly was wrong with what Guliani said? 93% of black murders are done by other blacks. 75% of the crime in NYC is done in black neighborhoods. These are just facts. Why is he wrong for stating them?
What exactly was wrong with what Guliani said? 93% of black murders are done by other blacks. 75% of the crime in NYC is done in black neighborhoods. These are just facts. Why is he wrong for stating them?

How much white crime is perpetrated against whites? I'll give you a hint it's at about the same percentage. The black on black crime fallacy. :smh: As if the other races aren't committing crimes against their own, it's just we are way disproportionately represented in the justice system for those same acts.

Rudy has been a clown for a while. Those may be the numbers but yet again has NOTHING to do with this case. And a white cop killing an unarmed black man in what was the first murder of the year in that town.
And why do you think that is? Couldn't have anything to do with the numerous cases of them killing blacks over the last 4 years and almost no reprocussions for any of those acts.

Most not even being brought to trial or just the history of police in America actions towards blacks dating back to the civil rights movement which was only 40 years ago, or the disproportionate statistics of blacks being harrassed and taken to jail for the same crimes as their white counterparts? Nah

Nah they're just making it up.
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Why would they tho lol seems much more logical to call us animals and violent and give stats showing just that. Why make us seem more human by relating us to them. We aren't worth that much
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