im from nyc and never been to LA. i wouldn't live there cuz of all that smog and people getting breathing problems from it, but as i understand it, you bout to enter up in a city with madd fine women.

congrats btw.
LA is cheaper than NYC believe that spent double a day out there then i did here and that was with no whip

if you come to LA i can suggest places for you to live/look at depending on your budget and stuff

and You will need a car to get around cant rely on public transportation here i recommend you buy a cheap used car off CL or something

hit me with a PM if you got any more ?'s
do it mann... you can always move back if it wasnt meant to be.

congrats and goodluck.
If its once in a lifetime do it and dont think twice

Also insurance for cars has nothing to do with your credit score or student loans so don't worry about that.

- Thanks ... Honestly had no idea since I never needed my own car

Just to chime in, this is not true.  Credit score does play a factor in car insurance, but having student loans won't deny insurance.

On to the matter, go for it.  Career wise and a life changing experience, I would love that!

I seem to frequently have this conversation... Everyone I know lives on the east coast.  Have some fam and friends here and there throughout North America, but the majority are located in NY.  Given the opportunity I def think I would move to another big city for a job, and just something new to experience... at least while I'm still young.. will that opportunity arise?  I have no clue, but hope I would have some kind of choice than always being stuck in NYC. I love nyc, but would love to try something different.
Im from ny and been to LA a handful of times. Its different...If you love the city, then dont do it. If you can live without NYC then DO IT.

I'll hit you tomorrow.

Sounds crazy bro...I've never been to LA (been to Fresno) so i had no idea it's cheaper than NY....But with your work ethic, i think you can definitely carve out a nice niche for yourself and excel at doing what you love...besides you know how the industry is, so you can just take your know how and connections...besides the job might be less "restrictive" than where you are now in terms of creativity, per se and you could work more with artists. I'm happy for you...dont even know how I would act i f i was given that opportunity.Moving cross country seems like a huge step, but it sounds like you know where your heart is headed.

Good luck bro.
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514


I'll hit you tomorrow.

Sounds crazy bro...I've never been to LA (been to Fresno) so i had no idea it's cheaper than NY....But with your work ethic, i think you can definitely carve out a nice niche for yourself and excel at doing what you love...besides you know how the industry is, so you can just take your know how and connections...besides the job might be less "restrictive" than where you are now in terms of creativity, per se and you could work more with artists. I'm happy for you...dont even know how I would act i f i was given that opportunity.Moving cross country seems like a huge step, but it sounds like you know where your heart is headed.

Good luck bro.
My brother ... Appreciate it ... We'll talk soon
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