they are ugly they look like some payless shoes i would never get them if they are samples
well looks like we know what the low version will look like.

btw 102 replies in under 30 minutes
How are you guys hating on these? If they didn't change anything, I'd get 3 double pairs......the ONLY Jordan's I've done that with are the XI's and the XVII's.

These are banging, people...... :wow:
again at 'em.....

P.S. Man, if what said is true (and he's one of the most accurate NT'ers ever), then....could someone be fired over this leak? Or just really chewed out? Suspended? Docked in pay/ fined?

P.P.S. That number coincides with a specific sales rep.?! :wow:

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Holla when ya hear me. Respect me or fear me. Love me or hate me, but ya gotta just hear me. Lord knows I tried. Been a witness to homicide, drive-bys takin lives, little kids die. Wonder Why? as I walk by. Broken hearted as I glance at the chalk line. I got bad nerves; paranoia destroys me. I love the Lord, but the church cant cure me. You just dont know what the streets have done to me- whats become of me. Will I survive till the morning to see the sun? Please Lord, forgive me for my sins- cuz here I come. (various artists)
JB please get rid of that ugly ankle strap and just make it mid cut. other than that make the laser black and add some red air pods( if similiar to air-sole units). they're ok for samples but i know they can do better than that.

just get rid of the ankle strap please. i thought shrouds were irritating but that strap is pointless.
"either love me or leave me alone" JAY-Z
yah thats them but the lasering will be black on them and someone is gonna be in trouble because each rep is assigned a XX with a sample number that only will be linked to them
they said no shroud, but the strap is so big it's like one n e ways. they still clean to me tho
since these were at some shoe, im assuming they were meant to be seen by alot of ppl. as for having pictures taken of them and being posted, thats another question. as for the look, wow, what can i say, its a sad day for Jb
speak softly and carry a big stick -Roosevelt
Those are indeed the XX's...I feel bad for dude who leaked em. There were 50 individually lazered samples spread around the Nike Campus...and this dude obviously will have a stern meeting with some JB heads. JB was tryin to keep these under wraps as long as possible.

The lazer is off to me in that the 1's are HUGE and some other shoes are much smaller...also...I'm really intrigued by the pod tech. and these don't have em...so that will also change the appearance of the entire shoe.

Finally...we all know how much everyone hated the XIX when they first saw pics but how 3 days before the RD everyone was all over em (happened with AZG's, 2K4's, XVIII's...happens all the time). I expect nothing differently. I'd say 85% of the people who reply dislike them...those numbers will change dramatically before the RD.

I'm intrigued by a black/red colorway...but honestly Nike is droppin so many hot shoes this year like the LBJ2's and a horde or sick retros there is no way I will ever pay $175 for these... >D

One thing I don't get is (especially in the first snap) it looks like their's no tongue, like the patent leather strap would tear the crud out of your ankle if you didn't have socks that were high enough.
Now located in or around your city
Those J's are ugly, and they'd better either be another shoe or a REALLY early prototype, cause I don't like 'em at all. And just saying: Jordan Brand's gotta kill it for the 23's for obvious reasons.
NBA Jam Session Dunk Champ - - - - -​
I can get with these. I thought somebody was saying the air pods weren't visible from the profile view in another post... Personally, I think it would add some flavor if they were. Clean...I expected at least one more radical element from Tinker.
Damn. Somebody just lost their job. |I

Can anybody read what it says in the black area running down the heel??
Man....those are utterly disappointing. I could never drop $175 for those. |I

"My mother was a queen. She gave birth to your majesty."
---Husalah of the Mob Figaz
Couldn't they just cover the sample No. when taking pics???
Copped. I Love em. They're lookin REAL clean from that back angle. :wow:

ering and Photoshop Board![/url]​
Well, here we go again concerning the types of mixed reaction, though mostly negative, concerning opinions of early photos of the next shoe in the Air Jordan line ever since the days of the AJ XVI. Interesting to note that people are passionate enough about the shoe to state their opinion.
I for one think l those are smokin, except for the ankle strap- I need to see a picture of the inside view of the shoe, it looks like its covered in black material if you look at the first pic

CEO tell us more I can't even think of what to ask

Somebody doctor the pics to remove the sample number to save whoevere is making it possible for us to see these
well at least if you buy these you will never be bored in school...

you can play "i spy" on the strap!!!

you know...i just got an idea...

what if on NIKEID, they allowed you to laser in your name and number, instead of sewed in.
There is only four pairs of Jordans that I hate and these are probably one of the ugliest shoes(including non-Jordans) that I have ever seen. Other three Js I don't like are the 10s, 12s, and 18s black/blue.
maybe they should rename it, jumpman collage or jumpman mix. those are not an Air Jordan shoe...
I've been here for 2 years and counting.
"Smoke the purple haze, my rhythmical lines leave you in a daze."
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