Post Your Puppy vol Team Barky Bob!!!

Aug 27, 2006
Heres Barky Bob..My new teacup Pomeranian..Team Barky Bob ftw..
Not a puppy, but this is my beagle.
Nice dog..Had a beagle for my 1st dog when I was 3..They definately dont get enough credit for how smart they are..
lazyj....nice dogs

im thinking of getting a dog real soon. depends on when i can find a job where i don't travel as much tho.
how much did that pomeranian cost you... they're pretty expensive, from 1-2 g's from what ive seen
This ain't even my puppy, it's my BFFF's lil brother's puppy.. but he's like family and he's named after MY Block

With no further adieu.. Chase..


My lil dude gets %+#$++# too.. human AND canine..
Deadset - yeah, my wife is starting a biz from home, so I don't feel nearly as bad about having a dog now...though I travel 1/10th of a percent that you do, I'm betting.

The breed - she's a hound/pit mix.  She was a rescue.  We named her Lucca.
My Pomeranian cost $100..But we got him from my wife's aunt and she breeds them so we got the family discount..Only had to reimburse her for hsi 1st 2 vet visits and shots..
We just got this lil' guy last night! He's a black Lab, and his name is Ziggy. 9 weeks old.



Any tips on house breaking a puppy? I took homie out like 4 times today and he just pee's when he gets back in....

I heard its best to keep him away from where he pee'd in the house, and yell at him while he's doing it in the house.

Any other suggestions?
Originally Posted by Sighfur

Any tips on house breaking a puppy? I took homie out like 4 times today and he just pee's when he gets back in....

I heard its best to keep him away from where he pee'd in the house, and yell at him while he's doing it in the house.

Any other suggestions?

he's a puppy so he's gonnna go when he has to, just use the puppy pads for now in the house, but your doing right by taking him out all the time, he will know that when he goes out and smells all the urine and feces, this is the spot to go, just be consistent  
Originally Posted by Sighfur

Any tips on house breaking a puppy? I took homie out like 4 times today and he just pee's when he gets back in....

I heard its best to keep him away from where he pee'd in the house, and yell at him while he's doing it in the house.

Any other suggestions?
If we catch her the process, we definitely tell her NO and then crate her afterward.
There's going to be accidents, especially with Pups.  What I don't stand for is when they know what they're doing is wrong and continue to do it.
You need to get him to the point where he'll whine that he needs to go out but generally speaking, Pups need to go out every 1.5 hour because their bladders are small.  They can hold their !#@ way longer than pee.
KatieJade - the white one a Spitz or a Samoyed?  My Grandma has always had one or the other, they're great dogs.  I had one a few years back too.
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