Not shocking enough to be classified as a horror flick, more of a date movie. Ending was terrible.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by gregorio1

Slasher movies shouldn't be no PG-13 either.

Agreed. I almost always avoid horror movies that aren't rated R.
Yea same hear "the fog" was the last straw for me i said never again. Then again i did end up seein "when a stranger calls" whenthat came out. But it was v-day so that wasnt my fault. F-hip hop the horror genre is dead. Its in pretty bad shape right now

i was goin to see this off of gp cuz i seen the original but i dont think im goin to, that $$@+ looks bad
$%!# was so wack, i went wit my girl and she usually like anything and as soon as that $%!# was over she was like the movie sucked. Yo it was so unrealistic.

Not really a spoiler but a part of the movie that shows how ******ed it is.

I mean who has a vivid %%! dream bout wakin up, kissin ur man goin to the bathroom, takin pills, lookin out the window, then the killer there in ur bathroom.Then you wake up from the dream and basically do all that $%!# in order of how it went down in ur dream. My girl was like ida woke you up and made you walk meto the bathroom after that dream. there were other parts where you were just like are you !$%*%@ serious. I mean you only have 2 cops at a house where you knowthe killer gonna try to get to the girl. im sure they would have had more police officers. i dont know maybe a lil vent but that was possibly the worst movieive seen in a while, i cant remember one thats worse at the moment to tell you the truth.
Sorry, I wouldn't see this movie if someone gave me two hours of my life back. Just looking at the previews makes me:
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