Psychic Claims That Steve Jobs Isn't Having A Nice Afterlife

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[h2]Motherboard TV: We Talked To Steve Jobs Through A Psychic Medium[/h2]
Posted by Sean_Yeaton  on Tuesday, Oct 16, 2012

It’s been exactly a year since California Governor Jerry Brown declared October 16 to be Steve Jobs Day. It apparently was a one year-only holiday, but it still stands as a testament to how big of a following Jobs had (and still has). It’s also been a year since Jobs passed, but because his visage looms as large as ever, I decided to try to get in touch.

Autumn begs the attention of folks like Reverend Betsy Cohen, a psychic medium and spiritual advisor, who I asked to help me get in touch with Jobs’ spirit. It seemed like a good idea because I, being fascinated by the sort of services Betsy has to offer, couldn’t resist an opportunity to enter the cloud in an attempt to get in touch with such a powerful figure. I had a lot of burning questions for Steve, so I’m happy he had time to hang out.

Reverend Cohen is credited as being one of New York’s top 10 psychics, which says a lot considering there are about as many psychics in this city as there aren’t  public restrooms. I won’t lie to you, the experience was actually pretty intense. But I’m a pisces so, much like Kurt Cobain and George Harrison before me, it’s likely that I’m just kind of a gullible wuss who loves a good story and is happy to spend an hour with a sharp-looking woman.

At any rate, the timing seemed right to try and pick Steve’s brain. A lot has changed at Apple in the last year. Tim Cook is chilling at the top, hardly filling Steve’s shoes (Steve’s words, not mine); the iPhone 5 and iOS6 have folks predictably pissed off and despite the fact that Siri continues to be a hybrid of HAL  9000, Powder and Rain Man, people still treat it like the foreign exchange student from Can’t Hardly Wait.

For the record, I don’t necessarily think Steve was an evil guy and I typically have my reservations about people who reduce him to little more than that considering how much of an influence he’s had on consumer technology. Heck, I happily pollute my life with Apple products. What I’m getting at is that, with all due respect to Steve and Apple, my curiosity got the best of me on this one. I don’t believe in Hell, but if there is one, I’d bet I’m headed there after this.

The day after the interview, I was feeling kind of strange, like I’d just been dumped or something, and a friend reminded me of one of the many anecdotes in Walter Isaacson’s Steve Jobs biography. The one about how, while he and his wife were considering a calligrapher for their wedding invitations, Steve abruptly left the room, never to return. Eventually his wife found him in his room pissed off; he was insanely offended by the artists’ work. He thought it was so ****** that he couldn’t even look at it. I guess I kind of felt how that calligrapher must have after the whole thing was over. Luckily, it’s nothing a little sage can’t fix.

Follow Sean on Twitter @Yeatons

Betsy Cohen's site:
Guys, guys,'s real...but she misinterpreted Steve Jobs' struggle in the afterlife.

See...he's struggling, not because he's been put in a man-made hell for him to review his, he's struggling because he's been tasked by an afterlife catch his pet monkey Bubbles.

In the afterlife, gravity is much stronger, so Jobs is having a hard go at catching this damn monkey. Be rest assured that once he succeeds, he'll be trained and become a stronger being.

Once that happens, all we need to do is get Baby's Dragonball head and unite it with the other 6 to wish Steve Jobs back so he can fix the maps.
I think its best to Just leave him alone. He's like a child who craves attention. Maybe the religious debates can die down this way.

Anyone who believes understands the leap of faith you take, beyond what can necessarily be explained "logically"

Stop letting him and others work you up

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. At the very least stupidly obsessive.
Every thread, the same nonsense, is the goal to convert folks, to enlighten them to their errors, because I'd love to see evidence of a single individuals faith broken but this troll.
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I think its best to Just leave him alone. He's like a child who craves attention. Maybe the religious debates can die down this way.

Anyone who believes understands the leap of faith you take, beyond what can necessarily be explained "logically"

Stop letting him and others work you up

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. At the very least stupidly obsessive.
Every thread, the same nonsense, is the goal to convert folks, to enlighten them to their errors, because I'd love to see evidence of a single individuals faith broken but this troll.
See this is funny to me.

You have to essentially abandon what you know doesn't make sense just to align yourself with something because you want it to be true.

Thats all you're really saying here. 

Its a leap of faith because thats the ONLY way it makes ANY sense. 

Let me know how your trust in Athena is coming along. 
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Guys, guys,'s real...but she misinterpreted Steve Jobs' struggle in the afterlife.

See...he's struggling, not because he's been put in a man-made hell for him to review his, he's struggling because he's been tasked by an afterlife catch his pet monkey Bubbles.

In the afterlife, gravity is much stronger, so Jobs is having a hard go at catching this damn monkey. Be rest assured that once he succeeds, he'll be trained and become a stronger being.

Once that happens, all we need to do is get Baby's Dragonball head and unite it with the other 6 to wish Steve Jobs back so he can fix the maps.
I don't know why people don't believe you man. Its like they don't have real faith. 
Psychics are terrible people who prey upon the hopeful thoughts of grieving people.

They're carnies and nothing more.
Psychics are terrible people who prey upon the hopeful thoughts of grieving people.
They're carnies and nothing more.

Yea let's single out the psychics for doing this. I think this was FutureMDs original point before he caught a backlash, people started calling her a fraud and saying some reverend, God, bible nonsense like their make believe is better than someone else's make believe. Maybe the psychic did see Steve Jobs drinking iced coffee in hell.
Yea let's single out the psychics for doing this. I think this was FutureMDs original point before he caught a backlash, people started calling her a fraud and saying some reverend, God, bible nonsense like their make believe is better than someone else's make believe. Maybe the psychic did see Steve Jobs drinking iced coffee in hell.

Yes let's single out psychics SINCE THIS IS A THREAD ABOUT PSYCHICS

Stop trying to be FutureMD-lite...he doesn't need a cheerleader.
Yea let's single out the psychics for doing this. I think this was FutureMDs original point before he caught a backlash, people started calling her a fraud and saying some reverend, God, bible nonsense like their make believe is better than someone else's make believe. Maybe the psychic did see Steve Jobs drinking iced coffee in hell.
Yes let's single out psychics SINCE THIS IS A THREAD ABOUT PSYCHICS

Stop trying to be FutureMD-lite...he doesn't need a cheerleader.
Post those James Randi vids. 
See this is funny to me.

You have to essentially abandon what you know doesn't make sense just to align yourself with something because you want it to be true.

Thats all you're really saying here. :rofl:

Its a leap of faith because thats the ONLY way it makes ANY sense. 

Let me know how your trust in Athena is coming along. 

Life doesn't make sense. But I don't see any rolling emoticons to answering which came first the chicken or the egg.
God hated mediums in the bible... took away sauls kingdom for it...
very true... it speaks on it in leviticus and says that ppl who follow or entertain the notions of mediums/necromancers god will turm his back on them and cut them off his righteous ppl and a abundant/infinite life in heaven...

not to ride futuremd etc... but to the ppl who bashed him etc and are in this thread who are entertaining speaking on this matter are infact sinning and are not righteous in accordance to god...

So i mean you guys really came to a thread and potentially sacrificed an afterlife in damnation just to comment/speak against a guy on a sneaker forum that you dont know and probably never will...? Im just saying if i believed as you guys so whole-heartly do..(no problem with it from my end) I seriously doubt i would choose turning my back and opposing my god, and being outcasted from heaven just to post a comment against a guy/girl on the internet on a shoe forum...

So while agan im not riding the guy can u see why some ppl find ur faith belief system ideals rediculous? You would displease ur god, turn ur back on ur faith, ur sole reason of existence to show disagreement with a person online in a shoe forum does kinda seem silly at best.
See this is funny to me.

You have to essentially abandon what you know doesn't make sense just to align yourself with something because you want it to be true.

Thats all you're really saying here. 

Its a leap of faith because thats the ONLY way it makes ANY sense. 

Let me know how your trust in Athena is coming along. 
Life doesn't make sense. But I don't see any rolling emoticons to answering which came first the chicken or the egg.
Your answer is a pretty lame reason to adopt something.

"I don't know something therefore god"

Is "god" the answer to who will win the Superbowl next year?
Lol so much irony in that comment.....

He obviously doesn't get it, judging by his response to what I said. :rofl: Or maybe he doesn't know the definition of irony, not everyone is high school educated like I am. *shrugs*
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