R.I.P. Alton Sterling..Shot by BRPD..Point Blank, While Restrained.

cops aren't secret agents with perfect aim. and this was a split second decision, what if they shot him in the leg or arm and he still pulled the gun out and shot the cop?

Now you're reaching for straws with these what ifs and beginning to sound like a cop sympathizer. If these cops fold under pressure and can't handle situations better, they don't need to be cops.
Look for some of y'all, just be honest with us. And yourselves, if you don't like black people just say it, don't hide behind the police who killed this man.

JPEG always speaks in defense of bigotry and usually with the help of a /pol/ meme
try harder not jus shoot to kill 

he shot before he even "saw" a gun 
by the time you see the gun it'd be too late, that'd mean it was in his hand out of his pocket ready to fire.

these are split second decisions man
besides typing, what can we do bout this?
riots are counter productive.
marching does nothing but get news coverage for a day or two
how can we unite and make impact?
That's the tough question. When I see incidents like these the most glaring causes I can think of are white supremacy/racism, an inherently corrupt police system with no accountability for miscoduct whatsoever and "the blue wall of silence" as it is known, and finally the justice system's perpetual failure to hold these officers accountable for their actions. 

There's a large problem in the way of virtually every step of incidents like this.
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by the time you see the gun it'd be too late, that'd mean it was in his hand out of his pocket ready to fire.

these are split second decisions man
So it's cool to murder if there's just the threat of a gun.

So now they don't need verification of the gun they can just murder off assumptions?
They teach them in training to always yell "he's got a gun" or "he's reaching for a gun" before opening fire. That way anyone who may be watching can say "I heard the cops yell he had a gun" before opening fire. This absolves them of any wrong doing.
This dude needs a damn sound bite to see if the shooting was justified despite having multiple video angles of the incident. :smh:
Now you're reaching for straws with these what ifs and beginning to sound like a cop sympathizer. If these cops fold under pressure and can't handle situations better, they don't need to be cops.
please tell me how that's reaching for straws. jesus dude it's a guy reaching for a gun, the cops were trying to stop him. what they were doing wasn't working, they saw a gun about to be pulled out, they shot so he couldn't shoot. this isn't some movie where you shoot once and the guy dies instantly. people can still move after being shot and are capable of pulling out a gun and firing

it's not about "why was he resisting" it's about "why was he reaching for a gun"
i've heard it all in this thread, from an anonymous call is more reputable than an eye witness, to dude was reaching when he had his wrist held by 12, then we need to hear audio. yall make these lame *** excuses for dude getting popped, yall need to stop trying to justify dude getting shot
i've heard it all in this thread, from an anonymous call is more reputable than an eye witness, to dude was reaching when he had his wrist held by 12, then we need to hear audio. yall make these lame *** excuses for dude getting popped, yall need to stop trying to justify dude getting shot

If you only saw what I see in my facebook feed, especially my friends who are now cops trying to find a way to justify it. :smh:
True, but I want them to release the audio.

:lol:  What could possibly be on the audio to justify this that's not on video?

I don't know that's what I want to find out. What were the verbal exchanges between the officers and Alton. What information did the dispatcher give the officers. What occurred once they arrived to the scene? What you saw on video was the end result. What led to the end result.
i've heard it all in this thread, from an anonymous call is more reputable than an eye witness, to dude was reaching when he had his wrist held by 12, then we need to hear audio. yall make these lame *** excuses for dude getting popped, yall need to stop trying to justify dude getting shot
If you only saw what I see in my facebook feed, especially my friends who are now cops trying to find a way to justify it.
yea man im boutta just deactivate facebook man, the stupidity is crazy
all these stupid comparisons on social media are beyond annoying. seems like cats are just talking in circles in this thread.
i've heard it all in this thread, from an anonymous call is more reputable than an eye witness, to dude was reaching when he had his wrist held by 12, then we need to hear audio. yall make these lame *** excuses for dude getting popped, yall need to stop trying to justify dude getting shot
dude have you not watched the video. watch the video. right before he was shot his wrist was not being help up, it was reaching down for his pocket where the gun was found

please watch the video
Did all the other dudes coincidentally log off at the same time as the MN incident?

Fam I sure hope you not referring to me because I have never stepped forward defending this type of behavior from cops....from the jump I've said this is all disgusting and cops are failing hard at their job....that Minnesota killing is even more heartbreaking.
watch the video. after the picture you posted his arm is back down at his side. watch the video
Where else would you put someones arm to secure it? Wouldn't it be more secure against the pavement?

Never mind. I know you're trolling and I'm letting it get to me. 
Where else would you put someones arm to secure it? Wouldn't it be more secure against the pavement?

Never mind. I know you're trolling and I'm letting it get to me. 
well to secure his arm you would definitely not want to put it down at his side so his hand is right next to what he was reaching for. that's pretty obvious

I promise you dude I'm not trolling
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