R.I.P my favorite jeans....both pairs.

Jul 31, 2001

I took two pairs of jeans to the cleaners lady so she could repair the minor holes forming in the crotch area. Mind you one pair is 5 years no wash and the other pair is 4 years no wash. Today I go to get my jeans and they lady took it upon herself to press AND crease my jeans. Talking about pissed? I feel like someone scolded one of my kids right now. I could have probably accepted the pressing L but creases? I haven't creased a pair of jeans since elementary school. I have no desire to buy another pair of Nudies but I spent so much time cultivating these that they became a second set of skin. I just lost two good pairs of jeans, that's equivalent to a pimp losing his two best girls. RIP.

I took two pairs of jeans to the cleaners lady so she could repair the minor holes forming in the crotch area. Mind you one pair is 5 years no wash and the other pair is 4 years no wash. Today I go to get my jeans and they lady took it upon herself to press AND crease my jeans. Talking about pissed? I feel like someone scolded one of my kids right now. I could have probably accepted the pressing L but creases? I haven't creased a pair of jeans since elementary school. I have no desire to buy another pair of Nudies but I spent so much time cultivating these that they became a second set of skin. I just lost two good pairs of jeans, that's equivalent to a pimp losing his two best girls. RIP.
Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

i dont get it...u dont wash ur jeans for 5 years ?

Washer, not at all. You can clean jeans other ways by not putting them in the washer.
same thing happened to my suit (slacks)...well then again i'm not sure, don't they always put a crease in slacks? i always mention to them not to but I definitely forgot to say it at the time.

either way
at the jeans
Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

i dont get it...u dont wash ur jeans for 5 years ?

Washer, not at all. You can clean jeans other ways by not putting them in the washer.
same thing happened to my suit (slacks)...well then again i'm not sure, don't they always put a crease in slacks? i always mention to them not to but I definitely forgot to say it at the time.

either way
at the jeans
I would have been livid

I know you don't need money with your shop and all to get more and you can't really replace them
I would have been livid

I know you don't need money with your shop and all to get more and you can't really replace them
Just wear them around the house and iron them flat, the creases will come out shortly. But I feel you, who the hell would crease a pair of jeans. Not a good cleaners. 
Just wear them around the house and iron them flat, the creases will come out shortly. But I feel you, who the hell would crease a pair of jeans. Not a good cleaners. 
i wash my jeans like once a week. i guess i didnt spend enough to have jeans last 5 years
i wash my jeans like once a week. i guess i didnt spend enough to have jeans last 5 years
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