R.I.P Trayvon

The poster above nailed it.

Today's trayvon martin, yesterday was wallstreet, and tomorrow who knows.

Its just ironic. Black on black crime rises at steady pace, no one bats an eye, as if the social norm. One white man acts in self defense and you all go nuts.

When you strip the colors, what is the real issue?

You can clearly see a class distinction from those of african descent and caucasians in the protest, do you think when monday comes thing will change?

Of course not, it'll be the 'thing you had to be at' while youre at your lunch break and discussing it with your friends. Some people don't even remember wallstreet protest.

People cling to anything that makes them feel like yhier part of something or better about themselves.

Truth is this is just today's wallstreet protest. Unless you go for the root of the problem, which is a blatant class separation, leaving poor minorities in the ghetto, breeding in the ghetto and living in the ghetto, then this won't change.

I just hope one day some of you will wake up.
Why is this situation racist? Zimmerman is hispanic which equals minority same as a black person. To the white race he is just as black as us and yaw acting like a white man shot a black person.

Damn I never knew only white people can be racist, I also didn't know one minority can not show racism towards another. Learn something new everyday, props bruh.

The rally is from 2012. This dude has a channel and it's out of control lulz.

 Makes sense
Zimmerman is Latino and white. And watching these protests I see some whites sprinkled in for the cause.
And we're still with the no one bats an eye at black on black crime crap. Unbelievable.
And we're still with the no one bats an eye at black on black crime crap. Unbelievable.

This isn't because it was a crime, its because it was a crime where they knew who the killer was but did not arrest him.

All those black on black crimes are unsolved with very little leads
And we're still with the no one bats an eye at black on black crime crap. Unbelievable.

This isn't because it was a crime, its because it was a crime where they knew who the killer was but did not arrest him.

All those black on black crimes are unsolved with very little leads

Most black on black murders are gang related. Oftentimes, the community knows important info but doesn't divulge it to police for fear of retaliation. Can't say this isn't rational but the media nor the agitators give a damn either.  
she's utterly clueless
There you go again.
Quoting me

I dont care or know if he is on GZ side.
He has been throwing shots at me this entire thread, I would like him to go ask them that question while wearing a zimmy shirt.

I've brought your sn up two times in this thread.

The first was a couple weeks back:
A lot of you guys are too emotionally attached to this trial. Especially shoefreakbaby. I hope none of you do anything stupid if GZ walks.
The second was last night:
Shoefreakbaby, hit me up baby girl. I'm here for you.
I have no idea how you took that as me throwing shots at you for the entire thread.
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And we're still with the no one bats an eye at black on black crime crap. Unbelievable.
No one does.

There ain't  no money/careers to be made  in it; for the media or for the agitators. 

This is America. It's just business. 
Just cause the media doesn't pay attention that doesn't mean people in our own communities don't. There are plenty of people who speak out against black on black crime. It just doesn't make the news. How much white on white crime is there??? Who cares what color the person is IMO crime is crime no matter what the color.
I dont see color. I see people.

so stupid that others have such wrong mindsets.

really is just sad no other wayb to describe it

You sound like stephen colbert. " I don't see color. People tell me I'm white and I believe them because I own lots of Jimmy Buffet albums."
And we're still with the no one bats an eye at black on black crime crap. Unbelievable.

This isn't because it was a crime, its because it was a crime where they knew who the killer was but did not arrest him.

All those black on black crimes are unsolved with very little leads

Most black on black murders are gang related. Oftentimes, the community knows important info but doesn't divulge it to police for fear of retaliation. Can't say this isn't rational but the media nor the agitators give a damn either.  
Who cares about color there's a much of Hispanic on Hispanic crime color shouldn't matter why does this even have to be an issue. Killing is wrong regardless of race.
I haven't kept up with this thread or anything on the news since after the verdict. Did riots happen or anything substantial??? Any news on zimmermans whereabouts???
This isn't because it was a crime, its because it was a crime where they knew who the killer was but did not arrest him.

All those black on black crimes are unsolved with very little leads

This can't be serious...?

When a group of people are 1/10 of the total American population yet occupy 40% of the prisons across the nation... I don't know where to be glad or not be glad that those cases of black on black crime go unsolved.

Lets be honest now...
Just cause the media doesn't pay attention that doesn't mean people in our own communities don't. There are plenty of people who speak out against black on black crime. It just doesn't make the news. How much white on white crime is there??? Who cares what color the person is IMO crime is crime no matter what the color.

This is true. We actually had an event out here today.

View media item 495512
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damn i was watching some of the protests in oakland and SF and people were burning USA flags. crazy to see.
I didn't see race in this. But why would you shoot a kid who was only carrying a can of tea and Skittles even if he was tryna attack? You're physically bigger than him! I swear some people these days pull guns out for the most trivial reasons -__-
Mark O'Mara talking about how he's an advocate in changing how black folks are unfairly treated in our criminal justice system.

but said if Zimmerman was black he would have never been charged in the first place....


Zimmerman is black tho. His heritage is Afro Peruvian. If Ninjahood and Obama are black, then so is Zimmerman.
I wanna argue this but can't :lol:
And technically everyone has Afro/black ancestry in them so.............
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