Real Talk...HIV Testing

Jul 2, 2006
Sorry for the long read...

so i met this girl in March 06'...i slept wit her in april for the 1st time and a few more times after foward to 07'...april comes around,i get tested n it comes out negative...we stop talkin, i move, the block i move to is the one she happens to chill on...i start seeing her again for the monthsof september, october and november...i got tested in december again, did blood work, couldnt wait the two weeks for my results so the same day i did the swabtest, that came out negative...this past tuesday got tested again via the swab, came out negative...for some reason i still felt/feel paranoid so i went andgot the blood work from december, negative...I been odee stressed, all i think about is the possibility of having HIV, and I hate this online allday and all i do is check up my symptoms (my family thinks im giving myself symptoms), always reading about HIV, my mind is never at ease. my questions are, doyou guys think im in the clear, am i just being paranoid? have any of you guys ever been in this position or are in this position?...i dont mean to burden youguys, i know you have your own problems to deal with, any advice, words of encouragement, flames (i need to laugh), whatever just respond. once again, sorryfor the long read
stop putting yourself in that sex or better yet no sex since you seem to not be mature enough to be safe.
btw its about time i get checked.
Fam...the test came back negative. CHILL OUT

Wrap it up so you don't have to go through this.
The test was negative, chill homie.

Trust your resaults, if they say negative, your negative.

STOP going online and looking at symptoms.
Symtpoms for HIV are so vague, you can NEVER pin point any symptoms to HIV without being tested for HIV

STOP having unprotected sex. period, 100% you will agree, that what your going through right now, is not worth it for 20 mins of unprotected sex
Man I got bloodwork done to get tested and my whole arm was bruised for like a week so that had me shook because I thought it was a sign. So I called and theyjust said she hit a wrong spot but it came back negative
Just stop having sex all together, most NTers do even though its not by choice.
i have anxiety problems...i also have a really guilty conscience...i made a crap load of d-head mistakes, i wanna be able 2 learn from them without having tolose my life, or some1 else losing theirs...every1 tells me the same thing, "it came out negative, relax" hardly ever a positive person, ialways think the worse...i do appreciate the comments
Dude, this is YOUR life. You are doing the right thing by getting tested, but damn. It's not that hard to protect yourself. You came back negative, sodon't ruin that by having unprotected sex w/ girls you aren't sure of, or aren't monogamous with. For now, you're in the clear.

P.S. Stop stressing yourself over nothing. Stress subtracts years from your life.
I hope your getting your anxiety promblem treated, the smallest worry can really mess you up.
Originally Posted by VaGixxer

Fam...the test came back negative. CHILL OUT

Wrap it up so you don't have to go through this.
yeah dude your paranoid... but props for getting checked that many times @least your smart enough do that much
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