Recommend sleeping pills that work?

Jul 11, 2011
Been using NyQuil..this is night three and it doesn't work anymore. Need help sleeping. No I'm not gonna fap and I'm not going to
Has anyone tried sleeping pills?
Thanks I'll look into ambien. Can I get it off the shelf at the store or do I need a prescription?
Sleeping pills can get addictive. I suggest you speak to your doctor before you decided to use Ambien. BTW, it's not an OTC drug.
So it is on the shelves? No time to talk to the docs..just wanna sleep. Appreciate the info though.
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Sleeping pills can get addictive. I suggest you speak to your doctor before you decided to use Ambien. BTW, it's not an OTC drug.

Man THIS. About two years ago I started taking Unisom and I just got addicted and started depending on them to go to sleep. Be careful.
Ambien are addictive and put you in a hypnotic state before you pass out. They'll have you yolo'ing out for about 15min prior to going to sleep and when you wake up the next morning have little memory of how you were acting. Be careful with those.
goto your local cvs/walgreens talk to the pharmacy dude and ask him your post. lol

i use benedryl and that melatonin stuff works good too.
Originally Posted by Retro23J

Ambien are addictive and put you in a hypnotic state before you pass out. They'll have you yolo'ing out for about 15min prior to going to sleep and when you wake up the next morning have little memory of how you were acting. Be careful with those.
This is true, but you are speaking like a mother

take the ambien, YOLO and fight the drowsy effects for as long as you can, have a blast before you go to bed!
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