Recording People and Posting it On Social Media (Stolen)

Seems like you failed at getting that discount, and mostly likely RIP to you but then again idk how extreme your friends drug dealer is.
Point is, candid non-consensual snaps need to stop. There's Deangelo Russel's getting people caught up everyday, all for likes. So corny.
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I really don't understand what the big deal is. It's just a freaking picture.

Not sure if you're being funny with the story or not, but if it is a real story, how do you NOT understand where drug dealer dude is coming from?
I really don't understand what the big deal is. It's just a freaking picture.

Take this past weekend for instance. A couple of my close friends are smokers, so while everyone else is pregaming with liquor, they like to do it with marijuana. So before everyone came over, they decided to go meet up with their drug dealer to purchase some marijuana, and since I needed to pick up some drinks, I asked them to stop by on their way there.

So we get to the guy's house and he invites us inside. While he goes to get the stuff, I'm just sitting their checking my sm accounts and replying to some texts. When the guy comes back, I decide to take a selfie of the transaction in hopes of maybe getting my buddies a discount since I have a pretty decent following on IG.

You would have thought I had killed this guys dog or something. He starts going nuts, demanding that I take the picture down and asking what the f was wrong with me. I told him that I wasn't taking **** down and that he should actually be thanking me for all of the new business that I was about to bring him.

He wasn't hearing it. He threatened to kill me and all this other crap. I just sat there and laughed. All of this because of a freaking picture. Anyway, since it was getting late and I still needed to shower, I decided to take the picture down once he said we wouldn't sell my friends anything while the picture was still up.

Jokes on him though. I reposted the picture later that evening.

He should've stomped you out.
I really don't understand what the big deal is. It's just a freaking picture.

Take this past weekend for instance. A couple of my close friends are smokers, so while everyone else is pregaming with liquor, they like to do it with marijuana. So before everyone came over, they decided to go meet up with their drug dealer to purchase some marijuana, and since I needed to pick up some drinks, I asked them to stop by on their way there.

So we get to the guy's house and he invites us inside. While he goes to get the stuff, I'm just sitting their checking my sm accounts and replying to some texts. When the guy comes back, I decide to take a selfie of the transaction in hopes of maybe getting my buddies a discount since I have a pretty decent following on IG.

You would have thought I had killed this guys dog or something. He starts going nuts, demanding that I take the picture down and asking what the f was wrong with me. I told him that I wasn't taking **** down and that he should actually be thanking me for all of the new business that I was about to bring him.

He wasn't hearing it. He threatened to kill me and all this other crap. I just sat there and laughed. All of this because of a freaking picture. Anyway, since it was getting late and I still needed to shower, I decided to take the picture down once he said we wouldn't sell my friends anything while the picture was still up.

Jokes on him though. I reposted the picture later that evening.

Sounds like homie was soft, you lucky you didnt get pistol whipped.
I really don't understand what the big deal is. It's just a freaking picture.

Take this past weekend for instance. A couple of my close friends are smokers, so while everyone else is pregaming with liquor, they like to do it with marijuana. So before everyone came over, they decided to go meet up with their drug dealer to purchase some marijuana, and since I needed to pick up some drinks, I asked them to stop by on their way there.

So we get to the guy's house and he invites us inside. While he goes to get the stuff, I'm just sitting their checking my sm accounts and replying to some texts. When the guy comes back, I decide to take a selfie of the transaction in hopes of maybe getting my buddies a discount since I have a pretty decent following on IG.

You would have thought I had killed this guys dog or something. He starts going nuts, demanding that I take the picture down and asking what the f was wrong with me. I told him that I wasn't taking **** down and that he should actually be thanking me for all of the new business that I was about to bring him.

He wasn't hearing it. He threatened to kill me and all this other crap. I just sat there and laughed. All of this because of a freaking picture. Anyway, since it was getting late and I still needed to shower, I decided to take the picture down once he said we wouldn't sell my friends anything while the picture was still up.

Jokes on him though. I reposted the picture later that evening.

What's your IG bro? Gimme your password too.
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I cut off ties with a girl after she posted a video on Instagram of me buttoning my pants back up after smashing.

When I told her why I stopped talking to her she acted like I was the one in the wrong. 
I tried warning him. I even suggested that he ONLY deletes his snapchat, and he can keep everything else.

He didn't think they would check his SC because everything deletes after 24 hours.

Why wasn't his snapchat private?! I post wild stuff on snapchat but I only let about 30 people follow me and they call cool.
I can't stand these types of people. I was at a restaurant with a group and my phone buzzed. I check the alert to find that one of the guys has checked himself, and everybody at the table in at the the location on social media. I look at him and ask why he's taken the liberty to let the whole world know I'm away from home. He looked confused, but he understood where I was coming from and agreed to stop.

Another time a few guys were out. On the way home, a friend says, Yo remember when you said.... While we were laghing I heard myself say the same thing word for word. I tirn around and this guy is running the instand replay from hours ago on his phone. This dude videotaped the entire conversation. We made him delete it, and I had to explain why it was a problem to him too.

I don't understand why this is okay with some people.
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The social media driven world we live in now its disgusting sometimes

Going out to a club lounge or bar and everybody all in their phones :smh:

I don't know what it is, like everyone is just trying to display their whole life on the gram. Then they make you feel like an odd ball b/c you don't do it. Girls think you leading some kind of double life because you don't want your picture plastered all over their social media.

From the time they wake up, they give play by plays. just got out the shower. On my way to work. Lunch-my fav. Snack time-Yasss. Leaving work-Traffic, uhh! Just got home. Gym life- Be strong, no weakness. Dinner- Bae is the best cook :smile:. I'm so tired- GN.


Lack of privacy and respect

It is bad enough when you have to deal with your own people recording you. What about random strangers? I've seen so many vids of people recording others and carrying on about **** that isn't even important. They have a disagreement, or whatever then the phones come out. People being followed around stores and ****. That is crazy.

When dealing with females that like taking random selfies, I always say, "Stop. Put that away" BUt of course they make it seem like you are a jerk or don't want to have fun. But why would I want to be in your pictures? 

It always ends up being a, battle with that.


Not sure why it really matters. As long as they don't record you doing something private or that you don't want people to see.

People see you all day long in public any way what's the difference from that and social media? I've even had a face mask on facetiming my boy and he screenshot and post to his instagram. It was well received.

INB4, "it's the principal' etc... You guys are just a bunch of fun suckers.

The people on the street see you for a few minutes. Once you are online, you are there forever. Doesn't matter if you are not doing something bad, or embarrassing. Some people just don't want their face out there without consent.
This thread is refreshing...I personally don't do any type of FB/IG/Snapchat social media.

People look at me sideways when I tell them I don't have a Facebook or IG.

To me finding a woman who refrains from it all is a super plus!
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I tried warning him. I even suggested that he ONLY deletes his snapchat, and he can keep everything else.

He didn't think they would check his SC because everything deletes after 24 hours.

Why wasn't his snapchat private?! I post wild stuff on snapchat but I only let about 30 people follow me and they call cool.

He probably didn't know.

But I keep my **** private, I hate when I get stalkers, especially my ex and her friends.

Like how I get 6 random people following me. Then it says "added by username" :rolleyes

Usually it's "added by phone #" which means we've atleast communicated before. But by username?
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