Rihanna & Chris Brown Back at IT!??

ri ri
  chris wins
Originally Posted by Hizzle

I heard they were dropping the restraining order because it was making difficult at award shows and such.

How does the most reasonable explanation go by the wayside?
Originally Posted by Hizzle

I heard they were dropping the restraining order because it was making difficult at award shows and such.

How does the most reasonable explanation go by the wayside?
Frankly, I've always been of the opinion that, eventually, the restraining order would be dropped or "loosened".

And mark my words--those two will get back together. Think of them as our generation's "Ike and Tina". Mark my words.

Frankly, I've always been of the opinion that, eventually, the restraining order would be dropped or "loosened".

And mark my words--those two will get back together. Think of them as our generation's "Ike and Tina". Mark my words.

Originally Posted by UnkleTomCruze

Frankly, I've always been of the opinion that, eventually, the restraining order would be dropped or "loosened".

And mark my words--those two will get back together. Think of them as our generation's "Ike and Tina". Mark my words.

Originally Posted by UnkleTomCruze

Frankly, I've always been of the opinion that, eventually, the restraining order would be dropped or "loosened".

And mark my words--those two will get back together. Think of them as our generation's "Ike and Tina". Mark my words.

I made this shirt a few years ago, sold out instantly...

maybe it's time for a reprint 
I made this shirt a few years ago, sold out instantly...

maybe it's time for a reprint 
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