Originally Posted by onewearz

as a father it breaks my heart to read this.

you and your girl have my condolences, best of luck with your future and god bless fam ...........
same, i would give my life for my son and im sorry you couldnt experience the joys of parenthood, its hard, its gonna be hard for along time, and i just hope that you guys can be strong and continue life.

Its hard on you, but also rember its gonna be hard on her, she may blame herself, may experiences ppd and so forth. so just try and be there for her.

sorry once again.
I'm really sorry to hear that, my prayers extend out to you and your family, that's really sad
My condolescences to you and your family. As a father of 2, it breaks my heart to hear something like this.
Keep your head up young blood, the 1 thing I know for sure is that things in time will get better.

I have 2 boys and I can't imagine life without those dudes, so I can't even begin to feel what you feel.

You and yours are in our prayers...

RIP Nasir

My condolences to your and your family. Stay strong my dude. Something similar happened to my uncle a few years back. I'm sorry you had to go through it.
I feel EXACTLY the way you feel. I dont wanna have a kid till im ready but just the thought of having a little me running around just sounds amazing then you find out it's a boy.

I dont even wanna imagine what you were going threw when they showed him to you.

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