Rock Bottom Lifestyle : Easier Said than Done!

Apr 11, 2006
im going to keep this short.

i was in love
spent 2 1/2 years in college didn't finish my bachelors
i owe loans and my school bill is in default so
im having a difficult time getting back into school
was thinking about joining the military. too dangerous?
was accused of being the anti christ - had no choice in attending programs for mental health
my mothers friend was so sure i called myself that... (menopause) i really believe that...
using a government phone with 250 minutes a month
my credit is through the roof
wrote my ex girlfriend she wrote back saying she's moved on and hope that i can make myself happy.
so that's finished.
am always depressed.
lost everything and am by myself like ive been most my life.

suffered a break-up with my girlfriend of 6 years, which
ended my relationship with my family and friends
ended up leaving upstate and moving downstate
found a job they fired me before the 30th day
didn't have a place to live have been juggling places to live since 2009
its now 2011 and i live with parolees in a rooming house
i can't find a job in an area i came back to live its been about a year
i had a part-time job the distance was too far
i started smoking cigarettes in 2009 off and on
still haven't found a job.
found out about ssi and the monthly pay is a tear jerker
im about to be 27 in december

im extrememly stuck trapped into a point of no return.

Optimism is your friend. As dark as your situation may be, just know that there isnt anything that you cant overcome. The events that you have endured so far, most wouldve given up by now. Consider the fact that your even able to speak on this situation a blessing as well as a gift because that means youve been strong enough to maintain and still remain standing. A few of the things your going through I too have gone through. Trust me when I say this, a turn around is possible at any given moment. What you need to do is to become your own bestfriend as well as your own motivation. You laid out each problem one by one in your post, let that become your check list. Instead of looking at the sheet of issues just tackle one at a time. At the end of the day small progress is still progress so aim for that. Your rewards Will Become greater with time. Just please dont give up. And please dont underestimate yourself. Hard times build character so learn to embrace them, because youre going to appreciate that feeling when your on your way back up so much because youre going to remember how you felt and what you had to do to get back on top. Have no worries. I got you in my prayers.
damn son, sorry to hear about the things thats been going on...first thing first, you gotta stop playin the victim card...accept that you're in a ##@+@# situation that you put yourself thing is you gotta focus on getting your life together one step at a time...first, try to mend any bridges you said you called your girl and she said she moved on??? good, that's closure, you dpo the same thing...get back in touch with your fam and friend, let them know you're sorry for whatever and you're doing, you gotta keep on the job hunt...if i was in your situation, i'd actually be looking into finding 2 jobs, at least for a while...then go from there in getting a place and starting to pay off bills and such

there's no quick fix to your problem, but if you want a chance at a normal life, you gotta work your %%$ off to get it...good luck
Just try to keep your head up.. I might not have experienced anything as bad as that but if I were you I would stay far away from negative thoughts. Just think that after all the bad things happen, good things follow. We all have to go through extremely tough times in our lives before we come full circle with ourselves. Imo thats the beauty of life. Its like a big test of willpower that will all be worth it in the end. Stay strong and I think you'll get through this. I really hope things work out for you..
alot of wat you've gone through, i have as well, so 1st off best of luck to u fam and try to stay a positive as u can

find a gig at a restaurant or under the table construction or somethin...mickie d's, up some capital
if u got some $$ stacked up in any way, take a chance and move to where the cost of living aint much...cop a one way bus ticket and never look back
if u need help from fam/friends, dont be to prideful to ask

it'll build character and strength when u hustle your way through this storm
hold ya head mane
I'm not trying to play the victim. I do realize where I am at is because of me and my habits in the past. The fact i was always thinking about rapping and the next song and so focused on music it took me away into another dimension and my girlfriend def seems like closure. my family is closure they don't even respond to me and the family that does i dont think they realize the damage is done they respond to me like everything is okay even after i explain to them my problems. my friends are gone. ive been thinking about military i dont want to make the worst decision of my life by getting into a deep dangerous situation. everyone im around now is younger than me or just came home from doing like 10 years in prison so im like stuck to myself thinking about what am i actually going to do. i was thinking about moving somewhere but the fear is enormous like where would i go besides ny
please keep this topic serious. i need as many opinions as possible. gather up your thoughts ladies and gentlemen and i'll be back in a day or two but i need more opinions this is all i think about the next move. wow, the craziest thing about life is seeing how good everything in your life was a few years back now im at the point of no return.
Stop saying you're at the point of no return. It may look hectic now but you will bounce back with effort and a positive mindset.
Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great

damn son, sorry to hear about the things thats been going on...first thing first, you gotta stop playin the victim card...accept that you're in a ##@+@# situation that you put yourself thing is you gotta focus on getting your life together one step at a time...first, try to mend any bridges you said you called your girl and she said she moved on??? good, that's closure, you dpo the same thing...get back in touch with your fam and friend, let them know you're sorry for whatever and you're doing, you gotta keep on the job hunt...if i was in your situation, i'd actually be looking into finding 2 jobs, at least for a while...then go from there in getting a place and starting to pay off bills and such

there's no quick fix to your problem, but if you want a chance at a normal life, you gotta work your %%$ off to get it...good luck

all of this! you just gotta grind kid. no way around it.
First, get back in touch with your family I'm pretty sure they are and will always be there for you. Stay positive and with
all the time you have on your hands utilize it by applying for grants and scholarships so you can return to school and better
yourself/position. Lastly, stay away from the women. It seems they are the root to all your problems thus far and you really
would be better off just focusing on bettering yourself. Stay strong my man we all have been there
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