Ronnie Fieg Collabs - Tracking order link

@djosey it's not necessarily an actual time

Rather a frame of mind

Were u able to cook?
Yessir, straight flourishing this week 
if your size is there you still have a chance, plus pairs will pop back up from people who ask to get their doubles cancelled
I've been trying cove 12 and I'm losing hope lol. but the size is still up on mobile and computer.
I was able to score 2 pairs of luck on coves. I used 2 diff address and name. I'll have to trade for the coves
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Dont do both ! If one lets you checkout you will mess up because you'll have to remove the other pair.
yeah i only tried it once, been working the coves only. I guess this release wasn't for me. First time never getting through in the past year for RF releases. now i know how everyone else feels lol.
End of the checkout it said "street address and zip code don't match" 

Luckily my dude got through on the mints 
so I'm confused, did this stop the bots or no? I don't see how bots could get through when there's two shoes on the same collection page with only drop down option boxes lol
man this is my first pair of asics and i was able to manually cop the coves. i cant recall the last time i manually got a hype pair of kicks. i was going to resell but i may just wear them. unless these are gonna go for 500+
There's a 7,000 difference between two orders of mine. 2k of each color way as stated earlier seems unlikely. I'd guess 5k a piece. 
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