Took my Sirens out hiking and atv riding in PR over the weekend. Now I have mud stuck in them even after a cycle in the wash

at least my feet didn't hurt afterwards.
I haven't been in this thread in months! Any chance the Total Crimson are still in stores somewhere? Just need a quick yes or no...
NDC is releasing them on 9/14 so i'd stay patient as I'm assuming more stores will carry them as well. Free shipping on NDC has been on purchases of $75 or more.

Which ones did you get?
I haven't been in here for a minute, thanks for letting me know these drop on the 14th.
If you wash it with just cold water with no detergent will this dirty dot spot come off?
Glad to see the thread is still moving, and civil. I was hestitant and discriminating against the marble pack when they first dropped but that obsidian pair looks so clean. But does anyone know what type of mesh they are? It looks as if its the same mesh as the over seas exclusive white swoosh pack and that mesh is terrible :smh:
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