hahah the best roshes are iguanas, sport reds, cybers, team red, stadium green. 

edit. cybers...not cubers.
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Wow looks like this thread blew up fast last time I checked lol.  Would anybody kindly share any information regarding the release of the Flyknit Roshes and (if possible) where to acquire them ? Hoping to be able to get my cousin a pair in time.  Any help would be much appreciated! 
So far no Stateside release date yet...

It's releasing in Taiwan this weekend though! 
The only flyknit rosche I like is the all black pair.

There's a lot of flexibility the roshe can still do and the flyknits so far haven't done anything to me to feel like 'yup definitely worth 20-40 more then a gr colorway'.
The only flyknit rosche I like is the all black pair.

There's a lot of flexibility the roshe can still do and the flyknits so far haven't done anything to me to feel like 'yup definitely worth 20-40 more then a gr colorway'.
2 years now and people still can't spell the name right
2 years now and people still can't spell the name right
You mean to tell me it's not spelled roaches? 
The most headturning is the gold trophy. Try wearing them at the mall.

I would say up close, its hard to disagree with this statement/opinion, but from afar they are pretty clean/simple- the detail can't be appreciated. materials are sick. I love them, but almost don't want to wear them and put a beatdown on them like I have some others including cybers, calypsos, dyn flywires, etc... Probably shoulda gotten two pair. The cheetahs still elude me. I can't fathom paying over 120 for em.....
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