Samsungs about to takeover the game VOL Apple's already hearing them footsteps


Mar 13, 2013
Cliffs: Samsung Galaxy S4 is about to drop and Apple Marketing chief sounds real salty about it

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Apple Inc marketing chief Phil Schiller attacked Google Inc's "fragmented" Android software and its biggest adopter, Samsung Electronics, a day before the Korean firm takes the wraps off its latest flagship smartphone in the United States.

Schiller, in an interview on the eve of the Galaxy S4's launch in New York, said that Google's own research showed the vast majority of Android users were stuck on older versions of the software, and that Samsung's new phone itself may debut with a year-old operating system that will need updating.

"With their own data, only 16 percent of Android users are on year-old version of the operating system," he said. "Over 50 percent are still on software that is two years old. A really big difference."

Thursday's launch is deemed critical to propelling the Korean firm deeper into Apple's U.S. home turf.

Apple remains the most valuable technology company today, with a $137.1 billion cash pile, or the equivalent of just under the gross domestic product of Hungary.

But Samsung knocked Apple off its perch atop the global smartphone arena in 2012, and continues to chip away at its market share with a combination of aggressive marketing, rapid technology adoption and boundary-pushing designs.

That onslaught, coupled with growing uncertainty about whether the U.S. giant can sustain growth in coming years, has contributed to a 30 percent decline in Apple's stock since its September peak.

Samsung will take the wraps off its Galaxy S4, after a broad marketing campaign that has helped drive pre-launch speculation and hype to Apple-like proportions.

Samsung's rapid ascendancy was made possible partly by Android, the software Google Inc launched just a few years ago but is now the world's most-used smartphone platform. IDC expects shipments of Android tablets to exceed those of the iPad in 2013.

Schiller said the fragmentation, or the number of versions of the Android operating system out in the marketplace, is a problem.

"And that extends to the news we are hearing this week that the Samsung Galaxy S 4 is being rumored to ship with an OS that is nearly a year old," he said. "Customers will have to wait to get an update."

(Reporting by Edwin Chan; Editing by Leslie Gevirtz)
Come on man, this is perfect for the Android post...

And how is Schiller salty when he's stating a fact that a new phone ships with old software? He's not jelly over anything.
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Copping it no matter what unless Apple comes up with something amazing. Been playing this Apple game for too long and I'm sick of having no innovation from them. Jumping ship to a galaxy nexus was one of the best decisions I evermade
I thought android already took over, they got the market share.

So what exactly is this competition you speak of? Apple is apple and they cater to their niche market very well I might add.

I don't understand the infatuation with beating apple.
Fragmentation is NOT a big problem to 90% of users that dont care as long as most top android apps still work on their phone. (or it at least can still make phone calls). If this is the case, how can Apple justify someone buying their phone every year if the software on the phone they currently have is going to be the SAME as it was on the last phone. (OH, thats right, so apple can pull a SIRI and NOT add that feature to the previous phones, which shouldnt be that hard to do if there isnt any fragmentation between the devices)

and they have an option to upgrade at LEAST every two years, so if they are on an inferior version, its THEIR fault, not the company.

I dont get how that keeps being a point of conversation but apple pretty much brings out the same exact phone for two years with minor tweaks. (which they probably left out JUST so they can put an S on the end of it and call it new)
He has some nerve calling Android software outdated when it has twice as many features as ios.

(iphone user btw.)
Cool, but this Apple vs. Android nonsense has to stop around here. Pick a phone, be happy. What? Phone are gonna start battling each other on the streets now? :lol:

Battle been happening in da streets b

He has some nerve calling Android software outdated when it has twice as many features as ios.

(iphone user btw.)

How many of those extra features are actually practical and useful though? I wish I had the picture when Samsung tried to be funny and talk about all their features and someone dissected how dumb it was.
I have an Galaxy 2, my girl broke hers and bought an iPhone 5. She's been trying to sell it for a week now and to another Galaxy. She hates iPhone and said everything about it sucks compared to Android.

I don't get the hype myself.
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I have an Galaxy 2, my girl broke hers and bought an iPhone 5. She's been trying to sell it for a week now and to another Galaxy. She hates iPhone and said everything about it sucks compared to Android.

I don't get the hype myself.

What exactly does she hate? I always am very intrigued when people say that they hate ios devices and want to know why. There's so many times where people have hated something because they didn't even understand certain aspects of the OS.
I have a feeling that this S4 will not live up to the major hype that was created for it. I'm thinking it's going to be a minor upgrade to the S3 like Apple does when they release their S iphones.
Hope I'm wrong though. Either way I'm sticking with my Note 2 until the end of the year :pimp:
It has to do with the interface. It is a gift and a curse. Very simple but can become bland and boring after a while. That's why I have never kept an iPhone for an entire 2year contract. And I have had 3 so far
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