Saw SHUTTER ISLAND tonight- vol. yes, it's better than The Departed **Spoilers within**

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

btw when leo laid his dead daughter on the grass anyone see her legs move, like ALOT
Haha yeah. I was like wth? Did everyone involved with the movie miss this?
and when he carried his son out of the lake, the one one his back, he's arm wasnt dangling, it was clenched on his shoulder I was loling
I just saw it. I was confused at first, but it makes sense now when you think about it.
Never saw it coming though. I actually thought he was right the whole time, especially when he talked with the real "Rachel".
GREAT movie!

just one thing though, yes spoiler if youre in here expect it.

if he was there for 2 years already wouldnt he be one of the 66 patients already? if so then who is the 67th patient? is it us as the audience?

again though great movie, might go see it again
My Interpretation …………………SPOILIERS

I really think the movie is about perception of reality, specifically who we are in our minds vs. who we really are. The quote at the end exemplifies this because while Leo thought he was being the "hero" throughout the whole movie, he really was the monster. The same can be said about everyone else on the island, especially the doctors and the wardens.

In his mind teddy Daniels is this violent guy, in reality he is Andrew Laeddis a good man. Cawley reveals that he never killed anyone in the city where he supposedly executed those men.
It's kind of like that quote "I think therefore I am". All Teddy's flashbacks are violent, but when he has the breakthrough his flashbacks is this kindhearted man and that’s when Andrew Laeddis personality surfaces.

At the end i think he was not crazy and just pretended to be so he can finally "escape the island" and also to rid himself of the pain.

In a way i felt we the audience was the 67th patient, because like someone said earlier if he was there for two years wouldn't that make him the part of the original 66. Maybe the whole movie was questioning our sanity because our perception for what was real in the beginning is that there really is a man named Teddy Daniels with his partner Chuck Aule investigating the disappearance of a patient. At that time our knowledge of these two people is that they are federal marshals doing their job, yet in reality one is a doctor and the other is patient. Psychosis itself is defined as a loss of contact with reality, usually including false ideas about what is taking place. This means that the audience for a moment had to be psychotic because we were detached from the "real world" up until the plot twist. In fact it parallels what they did to Andrew Laeddis. For us to truly be sane would we even call it a plot twist? Lehane kind of gives us a good interpretation of what it may be like to be insane. Their lives do not contain a "plot twist" though. Then again Rachel Solando is the obvious "67th" patient because Leo wrote the note found in her room.
Originally Posted by HalfwayCROOK

I was pretty disappointed.

Not sure what I expected, but left me kind thinking it was dumb.

Not enough happened for me.


I think if they changed the endin coulda been better
but now that you guys spoilers(first time i read this thread) got me thinking

at first i didnt think he was crazy
but now i think he was a little.and the whole movie it seems like hes looking for himself(67th)...which he will never find
seeing that they had 66...and then there was just him investigating


Originally Posted by chris82790

Originally Posted by jrp44

One little thing....did anyone else think they played the music for too long when they got off the ferry walking towards the gate? I swear it felt like the music was playing for 3 hours during those 2 minutes

yeah i felt the same way a little over doing it on that scene
Me and my friend was
at the music in the beginning.. Kept thinking something was gonna happen. And did anyone think the view was too fake when the marshals were on the ferry in the beginning? Like the graphics were horribly done.

Also, excuse my ignorance or if I missed it but what is the law of 4?
cris77stan wrote:
GREAT movie!

just one thing though, yes spoiler if youre in here expect it.

if he was there for 2 years already wouldnt he be one of the 66 patients already? if so then who is the 67th patient? is it us as the audience?

again though great movie, might go see it again

Na I think they planted that note in the room for leo to find it. I think it was part of their role playing technique. He was the 67th patient not us lol.

And I also think he was crazy during the movie then he was cured hint the "monster hero" quote.

But NT always hypes things to the 10th power. Great movie but Departed has more replay value to me then this movie.
Originally Posted by illfrozn

Maybe it's just me, but some of you guys are dissecting this movie way too much. I think that's what the creators want, but in the end, I think what you saw was correct; it's not deeper than the explanation given ...
On point.

And the woman who wrote RUN in his notebook was told to do so. It was scripted.

He really was crazy.
I read the book when it first came out and saw the movie last night.

Overall I think it did the book justice since most of Lehanes books translate well into movies.

They did change the ending so that Leo's character wanted everyone to think he was crazy. The line " To live as a monster or die as a good man" pretty much confirms it. He knew what he was doing when he started talking about getting off the island to "Chuck." You could see how he reacted when Chuck said Teddy, and Leo just kept walking, knowing exactly what he was doing. He'd rather "die/lobotomized" as Teddy than living as Andrew; knowing he killed his wife and in a sense his children.
Originally Posted by truestt

I read the book when it first came out and saw the movie last night.

Overall I think it did the book justice since most of Lehanes books translate well into movies.

They did change the ending so that Leo's character wanted everyone to think he was crazy. The line " To live as a monster or die as a good man" pretty much confirms it. He knew what he was doing when he started talking about getting off the island to "Chuck." You could see how he reacted when Chuck said Teddy, and Leo just kept walking, knowing exactly what he was doing. He'd rather "die/lobotomized" as Teddy than living as Andrew; knowing he killed his wife and in a sense his children.

Exactly, Nice disection
I totally agree with some of you saying it reminded you of "The Shining"


I think that Leo was insane at the end of the movie, finally realized and accepted he was, then pretended to still be insane in order to be taken to the lighthouse and killed. After seeing the movie, a lot of things ran through my mind that were hints he was insane and not the hero.

Overall, I thought this was a GREAT movie. 5 out of 5 Stars from me.
Spoiler [+]
After looking at both sides, I'd have to say he was not crazy. I think from the begining, when Leo was missing his cigarettes, it was so he could get drugged. Then the same later on, when they were "wet". I think he was being drugged for awhile...

Then the drugs he's taking throughout the whole movie...

I think the convo he had the the Rachel in the cave & the guy in the cell was true too.

Then "RUN" when his "partner" only left...

To many clues to name.

Then the ending, I think the quote meant that he could live a monster (believing & accepting what they are telling him) or die a hero (accepting his death & staying true to what he believes in).

Honestly, I see both sides to the story (if he's insane or sane). That's what irks me
But I think the fact he's sane outweighs that he's insane.
Spoiler [+]
How is it that in the last two pages, people don't know how to use the Spoiler feature? Deliberate, maybe?
^its 11 pages should just go see the movie
people come in here knowin damn well there will be spoilers then get mad when they read it...on their own will lol
Originally Posted by notoriusWES

^its 11 pages should just go see the movie
people come in here knowin damn well there will be spoilers then get mad when they read it...on their own will lol
I saw the movie opening night, just funny how there is a spoiler feature and it's not being used.
Haaaaaated It

F leo's fake boston accent, I dont know if i was spoiled on the ending but the trailer left little to decipher. 
Spoiler [+]
I honestly dont see how people could argue he wasn't crazy. It's painfully obvious throughout the movie he is/was.
Originally Posted by sn00pee

Spoiler [+]
I honestly dont see how people could argue he wasn't crazy. It's painfully obvious throughout the movie he is/was.

Spoiler [+]
Just what I was coming in here to say.

The whole damn movie is some crazy dude chasing himself/nothing... if that's not crazy, I dunno what is

Honestly, I didn't like it as much because I thought it would be a little scarier, but it's still a very, very good movie.

what i wanna know is what is the overall plot? in the beginning, he "came" onto the island to find the missing person rachel solando. but what was the purpose of her returning? what were the doctors and wardens attempting to do? once she came back to her cell, what was driving and his curiosity? was it the note about the 67th patient? was it him trying to find if andrew was in ward c? what was the whole point of him being on the island?
Saw it last night, im ready to go see it again today. Awesome, awesome movie...just the type i like...psychological thrillers. Shutter Island is the truth.
I honestly thought the movie was pretty stupid. I don't understand why people are raving about it and even comparing it to the Departed which was a great movie. It felt like the movie dragged on forever too.

The whole ending was dumb. When the marshalls first talked on the boat, Ted asked why he had never seen or heard of him before... yet at the end of the movie after the whole explanation when he is talking to him on the steps he is talking to him as his partner. Regardless of everything that happened in the movie I am supposed to beleive that Ted left the island, came back, and thought he'd never seen anyone before? I know the dude was delusional but he really had no idea that he just took a ferry off the island and then back to the island or that he'd ever seen Chuck before?
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