Second Stimulus May Arrive by Christmas: Way to go Democrats!

It is what it is.

Didn't agree with the first package, but I sure spent that money up quick. Same goes for this one if it comes to fruition.

I will not say no to a random check that randomly appears in my mailbox.
I just want most americans to go bankrupt so they can learn and restructure our values systems. Good job joe six-pack!
man $**% it if they want to do it again go ahead
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I am a Democrat and I hate this idea. Barney Frank is a muhfuhing idiot. Americansdidn't use the first stimulus correctly and they DEFINITELY won't use this stimulus correctly. It's a bunch of +%%#$$*+. If they wanted to providea stimulus, they should've put it in the damn bailout bill. Yes I'm mad

Originally Posted by Sorkoram

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I am a Democrat and I hate this idea. Barney Frank is a muhfuhing idiot. Americans didn't use the first stimulus correctly and they DEFINITELY won't use this stimulus correctly. It's a bunch of +%%#$$*+. If they wanted to provide a stimulus, they should've put it in the damn bailout bill. Yes I'm mad

I don't understand how this is a Democrat issue? Sure the people who are pushing this are Democrats but the bill has to be passed by BOTHREPUBLICANS and DEMOCRATS. And even if it does pass, George Bush the President who will sign this bill is a REPUBLICAN!
Originally Posted by Kobe BACK

ill take it. times are tough

real talk.

if this does go through how much are we looking at here?

600 + 300 for each kid again?
i havent really followed this so correct me if im wrong but this isnt the same stimulus as last time where they gave people a check...or is it?

i mean i kinda expected another one for a holiday shopping boost but from what im reading it seems like its not aimed at the end user this time
Originally Posted by Kingtre

i havent really followed this so correct me if im wrong but this isnt the same stimulus as last time where they gave people a check...or is it?

i mean i kinda expected another one for a holiday shopping boost but from what im reading it seems like its not aimed at the end user this time

I was wondering the same thing. I thought I heard talks of them changing it so it was for certain things but I don't know if that is going to beimplemented or not.
Election Fever is over and President Elect Barack Obama has until January to formulate a realistic game plan to address the unprecedented financial morassthat he will shortly be inheriting. He will , no doubt, have to have the moral character to honestly inform his electorate of the true gravity of the situationthey now face. Gone is the time for platitudes, electioneering and vacuous speeches. The time of "Change we can believe in" is over; now it'stime for "Change we have to Go Through"

The most difficult aspect to Obama's mission will be to inform the American Public that the Party is actually over and it's time to pay the billthat has been steadily mounting out of control and is now a mathematically impossible amount for the country to actually ever pay back. The lifestyle enjoyedduring these last years has been possible using the rest of the world to pick up the IOU's. With the Wall St Nuclear Financial Strike delivered throughcredit default swaps, mortgage backed securities and derivative trading, the world is now reeling and stands over an abyss of enormous proportions. Despite theWall St Media Machine, Governments around the World have realised that they are already over the edge and falling headlong downwards with no sight of thebottom.

First on the list will be the $1 Trillion budget deficit. The Treasury has just announced that it has to borrow $550 Billion in the October - Decemberquarter. Goldman Sachs estimates that another $2 Trillion to finance the current deficit, to buy $500 Billion in bad assets and roll over $561 Billion inMaturing Treasuries securities. This is all before Obama spends a single penny on Healthcare, Alternative Energy research, infrastructure, Medicaid orunemployment insurance. This does not address the Trillions that have been borrowed from the Social Security Fund either. So where's the money coming from? The population is already taxed to the hilt and cannot afford to pay anymore. Unemployment is rising, poverty is rising, homelessness is rising. Obama hassaid to the banks that they can only qualify for Taxpayer money if they "Temporarily" suspend foreclosure proceedings on these same taxpayers. Whydoesn't he just give the money to the taxpayers right there, let them pay off their mortgage, keep their house and have some leeway to pay the extra taxesthat Obama is going to ask them for ? Treasury Notes ? The rest of the world has already started to back off 10 year T Bills as witnessed by the rising yieldand falling price of the latter. "There has been a real diminishing of demand from foreign investors over the last few months" said Tom Tucci, headTreasuries trader at RBC Capital Markets in New York. "We've seen them pulling back"

As the steadily worsening Real Economic data floods in to International view, foreign investors and Governments are beginning to realise that the US cannotspend it's way back to Economic stability. Something has to give. Reality has to have it's say eventually. The only, single way that the US can get outof it's current predicament is through the trust of these foreign investors and Governments, and that is fading away. Brazil, Russia, China and India haveformed BRIC, a group of nations that have decided to look out for their own interests where the Dollar as the Reserve Currency is not considered beneficial toanyone anymore. In Europe we have seen a turn towards the Euro as a posssible reserve currency. The Dollar has outlived it's usefullness and the rest ofthe World is paying the price for it's former fealty.

These are the facts that the new President should be talking about when he promises…"There are many who won't agree with every decision or policy Imake as president, and we know that government can't solve every problem. But I will always be honest with you about the challenges we face."

When you have spent upwards of 2 trillion dollars in three months whats another couple hundered billion on top of that?

At the IDIOTS who didnt think the bailout was just the beginning of a slippy slope to a worthless dollars and Nancy Pelosi's window to execute her agenda
But at least Obama won oh wait.
I love it... we are trillions of dollars in dept and we just keep giving money away to people who don't need it or are to lazy to work for it themselves!!!thats awesome.
Originally Posted by DetroitD

I love it... we are trillions of dollars in dept and we just keep giving money away to people who don't need it or are to lazy to work for it themselves!!! thats awesome.
this guy has no idea about anything... what is the intended purpose of a stimulus package? you don't know.
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by DetroitD

I love it... we are trillions of dollars in dept and we just keep giving money away to people who don't need it or are to lazy to work for it themselves!!! thats awesome.
this guy has no idea about anything... what is the intended purpose of a stimulus package? you don't know.
To throw water on a grease fire. Duh.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Tony Goalie

Making money appear from thin air FTW.


Woooo bro I know. Ah man I can't wait.

A look at this nice logo they done maid fo us?


That's so flame man woooooooooo. Its feels like Christmas!

Ah you know what they should do? Destroy physical money, ID's, SS cards and every other thing we carry around and put all of it onto some type of thing where you can just scan it. Money, debit cards, ID's, SS cards, medical cards and credit cards are so complicated and people can just steal those. Hmmm they need something more safer. Something all in one. Maybe something that goes in yo hand or something.
Like a microchip!
Great, because the first stimulus plan did SO much economic good...
dude this guy is part of team xbox. he isnt doing anything for this country.

go ahead and blame the black guy before he hits office.

blame the democrats when u know its all of gov and the poor budgeting of the american ppl.

this guy. instead of another stimulus package we should fund a suicide package so ppl like OP and other redneck racists can kill themselves. and dont worry noneed to pay for funeral services, we'll send the carcasses to alaska
I do not think that this stimulus is going to be for us like the last one. It will go to state governements.
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Tony Goalie

Making money appear from thin air FTW.


Woooo bro I know. Ah man I can't wait.

A look at this nice logo they done maid fo us?


That's so flame man woooooooooo. Its feels like Christmas!

Ah you know what they should do? Destroy physical money, ID's, SS cards and every other thing we carry around and put all of it onto some type of thing where you can just scan it. Money, debit cards, ID's, SS cards, medical cards and credit cards are so complicated and people can just steal those. Hmmm they need something more safer. Something all in one. Maybe something that goes in yo hand or something.
Like a microchip!

Ah snap! Ah snap! Yeah thats gon be that crack! Whooo its on now. I gotta get mine with a Jumpman on hit. Whoooooooooooooooo...
Originally Posted by knightlovesqueen

dude this guy is part of team xbox. he isnt doing anything for this country.

go ahead and blame the black guy before he hits office.

blame the democrats when u know its all of gov and the poor budgeting of the american ppl.

this guy. instead of another stimulus package we should fund a suicide package so ppl like OP and other redneck racists can kill themselves. and dont worry no need to pay for funeral services, we'll send the carcasses to alaska

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