Share your stories working retail Vol. Yes I do work here

I work in Customer Service at Whole Foods, and about a week ago I had a lady come up and ask to speak to a manager. I asked if there was any way I could help her, and she proceeded to tell me that she was deeply offended by the "Global" label that we had on some of our packaged food. I had no idea what she was talking about so I had her show me, and sure enough we had a burrito and a hummus platter with a "Global" label on it. She went on to say that Whole Foods shouldn't take a political stance like that, that globalism is wrong, and the new world order is trying to take over America. It's a terrible thing and we should be ashamed of ourselves for carrying global products. I explained to her that it's probably just a promotion of global cuisine, burritos and hummus platters not being of American origin.

She was one of those people that's very invasive of your personal space. Every time she talked to me she would step really close to me and get close to my face, and I was constantly taking steps back because I'm just not cool with it. Anyway, I had her write out a Customer Communication form and it was just more political nonsense.
Originally Posted by famenycity1

i work in a cell phone store.

Chick comes in and has tmobile flex pay $60 plan, we proceed to talk and she explains that she doesnt have the money to pay for it. So she says she will give me domes if i pay for her, i agree, it was a great day at work...., and i never put the money on her account.

My partner was working one day and a guy comes in asks us to put him on credit for a blackberry for his daughter, saying he will bring in the money tomorrow...he offers to leave his watch for insurance. A $3750 chanel watch, said he will be back tomorow to pay for the phone... comes back 4 days later to get the watch, we do the good old "What are you talking about? What watch?" He was bugging for a week came with friends making threats but never did anything, Sick watch!

Worked Valet on the side for a little, guy came on a yellow lambo gave me $100 told em to take care of it, so i took it on a spin on the highway for 30 miles, parked it and noticed this guy had a knot, and i mean a knot of hundreds in a bag in the passenger side. I took $700, in total the italian on the lambo gave me a $800 payday =], I slept so good that night.
Originally Posted by vanexellent

Worked at Sears in the kids clothing/"Funtronics" department back in the mid 90's
Such highlights as:
* some kid taking a dump and leaving their briefs in a change room
* girls from the Lingerie dept calling to tell me that a man was trying on Lingerie in their change rooms.
*One time I was helping this older man who was kinda small looking kids jeans. When I asked whats the size and the age the kid who he's buying the jeans for was... and he got mad and said it was for him.
* In the "funtronics" (video game) area they had demo units for the Nintendo 64, Sega Saturn and Playstation and whenever a mother would leave a kid there to play them while she shopped (like it was daycare) I would unplug the demo units to be a jerk.
* If a customer was rude and being an A-hole I would make sure to accidently put a security tag in their bag to set off the alarm.
* If a customer was demanding that I go look in the back storage room to look for something I would just go in the back room and sit for 5 minutes pretending to look when I really wasnt.
You're a !!$%%#*.
i used to work at Target sometime ago, and it was the worst job ive ever worked.
anywho heres a story,

summer was approaching and we were setting up for the swimming gear

Customer: Hi, i want to get this life jacket for my granddaughter but i think its too big
Me: Mam, she could try it on if you dont mind?
Customer: Yeah, this one fits fine
Me: Great, is there anything else i can help you with?
Custimer: It fits, but i dnt wanna get it because the age on the tag says 10-13 and shes only 7. Is there any jackets that are the same sz for her age??
Currently working at Sears. Theres usually a large asian population ( Including Indians). They always come in there asking for extra discount when the shoe is already marked half off.
Had a customer over the weekend bring me a clearance shoe marked 4.99, he tried to use a discount coupon that gives him off 10 percent, but dude didnt read the coupon and it said 10 percent off 50 or more. So i told him , dude said forget it.

Seriously people are so cheap, like 4.99?? And you worrying about 10 percent off?

Customers during the holidays are the worst. They would leave such a mess in the kids department, leaving shoes all around, empty boxes, straight savages. I straight up told them clean it up, im not your mother. Like how hard is it to put some shoes back!?

ANother customer would ask how much the price is when the tag is directly on the shoe, asking if its final price. Seriously
Originally Posted by NothingToL0se

Originally Posted by famenycity1

i work in a cell phone store.

Chick comes in and has tmobile flex pay $60 plan, we proceed to talk and she explains that she doesnt have the money to pay for it. So she says she will give me domes if i pay for her, i agree, it was a great day at work...., and i never put the money on her account.

My partner was working one day and a guy comes in asks us to put him on credit for a blackberry for his daughter, saying he will bring in the money tomorrow...he offers to leave his watch for insurance. A $3750 chanel watch, said he will be back tomorow to pay for the phone... comes back 4 days later to get the watch, we do the good old "What are you talking about? What watch?" He was bugging for a week came with friends making threats but never did anything, Sick watch!

Worked Valet on the side for a little, guy came on a yellow lambo gave me $100 told em to take care of it, so i took it on a spin on the highway for 30 miles, parked it and noticed this guy had a knot, and i mean a knot of hundreds in a bag in the passenger side. I took $700, in total the italian on the lambo gave me a $800 payday =], I slept so good that night.
QFT. This guy is a forreal jerk.
alot of you guys get short with customers, as a person who has worked in retail in many capacities (sales person, manager and a business owner) your first duty is to remain polite to the customers at all times.....I would have let a few people in this thread kick rocks if they worked for me.....

aaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy way, my best story was what I managed Audio/Video at Best Buy, it was a busy day and I was running all over the place (pushing service plans and overpriced monster cables on people...smh@me) this couple wanted a 19" TV/DVD combo set, so I went to go get it and while I am picking it up off the bottom rack I see a pair of hiking boots and I hear a voice say "do you work here", I say "I am very busy sir, I will be with you in once second after I finish up with this couple" as I stand up with the box, I look at the person in the boots and its the most manly lesbian I have ever seen and then I pull
faces and walked away......

Other goods stories involve people coming in and asking to use my discount and saying they would pay me for it.......In 1 month I bought 14 dvd players and 4 portable TV' manager pulls me in and says "its has come to my attention you bought many of the same item over the past couple weeks"....I said I have a HUGE family and that they all wanted the same item.......
Originally Posted by AMafia

Originally Posted by NothingToL0se

Originally Posted by famenycity1

i work in a cell phone store.

Chick comes in and has tmobile flex pay $60 plan, we proceed to talk and she explains that she doesnt have the money to pay for it. So she says she will give me domes if i pay for her, i agree, it was a great day at work...., and i never put the money on her account.

My partner was working one day and a guy comes in asks us to put him on credit for a blackberry for his daughter, saying he will bring in the money tomorrow...he offers to leave his watch for insurance. A $3750 chanel watch, said he will be back tomorow to pay for the phone... comes back 4 days later to get the watch, we do the good old "What are you talking about? What watch?" He was bugging for a week came with friends making threats but never did anything, Sick watch!

Worked Valet on the side for a little, guy came on a yellow lambo gave me $100 told em to take care of it, so i took it on a spin on the highway for 30 miles, parked it and noticed this guy had a knot, and i mean a knot of hundreds in a bag in the passenger side. I took $700, in total the italian on the lambo gave me a $800 payday =], I slept so good that night.
QFT. This guy is a forreal jerk.

And i am a jerk why...??
Me: "Hi, how are you?"
Them: "Just looking thanks."

Me: "Do you have this in size 10?"
*goes and checks*
Me: "No, were sold out, last one is a 9."
Them: " dont have a 10?"
Me: " one is a size 9"
Them: "10.5?"

Them: "Do you have this in a size 10?"
Me: "No we dont."
Them: "Why not?"

"Come on i KNOW you can give me ___% off"
"I KNOW you have coupons"
"Come on cant you do buy one get one half off"

It goes on and on and on and on.........
Imagine this same damn cycle repeated over and over throughout 8 hours
Me. That will be 7.36
Her: It says 6.99


Her. Oh yeah tax 
Originally Posted by famenycity1

Originally Posted by AMafia

Originally Posted by NothingToL0se

Originally Posted by famenycity1

i work in a cell phone store.

Chick comes in and has tmobile flex pay $60 plan, we proceed to talk and she explains that she doesnt have the money to pay for it. So she says she will give me domes if i pay for her, i agree, it was a great day at work...., and i never put the money on her account.

My partner was working one day and a guy comes in asks us to put him on credit for a blackberry for his daughter, saying he will bring in the money tomorrow...he offers to leave his watch for insurance. A $3750 chanel watch, said he will be back tomorow to pay for the phone... comes back 4 days later to get the watch, we do the good old "What are you talking about? What watch?" He was bugging for a week came with friends making threats but never did anything, Sick watch!

Worked Valet on the side for a little, guy came on a yellow lambo gave me $100 told em to take care of it, so i took it on a spin on the highway for 30 miles, parked it and noticed this guy had a knot, and i mean a knot of hundreds in a bag in the passenger side. I took $700, in total the italian on the lambo gave me a $800 payday =], I slept so good that night.
QFT. This guy is a forreal jerk.

And i am a jerk why...??

You stole a $3,750 watch $700 out of a dude car, got a girl to dome you up and not give her her sied of the deal AND you slept good about those things.
Originally Posted by DublBagn

your first duty is to remain polite to the customers at all times.....I would have let a few people in this thread kick rocks if they worked for me.....

i agree to an extent.  

i have a treat people the way you treat me mindset.  if i greet you and make a legit attempt to try and be friendly and you wanna ignore me then im gonna ignore you right back when you ask me for help because your not above me that you can't even acknowledge me when i ask how your doing.

it is what it is though, i'm so glad i realized retail isn't for me and got back in school full time. the thought of getting crappy wages for a company that makes more in a week then you make in a year doesn't sit well with me.

the day they gave me a
when i told them i needed to change my hours because i was going back to school was the day i realized that for most of these managers that job is the best thing they'll ever have so they hate when their peers try and further improve themselves and want to hold them back.
Originally Posted by AMafia

Originally Posted by famenycity1

Originally Posted by AMafia

Originally Posted by NothingToL0se

Originally Posted by famenycity1

i work in a cell phone store.

Chick comes in and has tmobile flex pay $60 plan, we proceed to talk and she explains that she doesnt have the money to pay for it. So she says she will give me domes if i pay for her, i agree, it was a great day at work...., and i never put the money on her account.

My partner was working one day and a guy comes in asks us to put him on credit for a blackberry for his daughter, saying he will bring in the money tomorrow...he offers to leave his watch for insurance. A $3750 chanel watch, said he will be back tomorow to pay for the phone... comes back 4 days later to get the watch, we do the good old "What are you talking about? What watch?" He was bugging for a week came with friends making threats but never did anything, Sick watch!

Worked Valet on the side for a little, guy came on a yellow lambo gave me $100 told em to take care of it, so i took it on a spin on the highway for 30 miles, parked it and noticed this guy had a knot, and i mean a knot of hundreds in a bag in the passenger side. I took $700, in total the italian on the lambo gave me a $800 payday =], I slept so good that night.
QFT. This guy is a forreal jerk.

And i am a jerk why...??

You stole a $3,750 watch $700 out of a dude car, got a girl to dome you up and not give her her sied of the deal AND you slept good about those things.

My boy stole the watch.... and technically it wasnt stealing he said he would be back in one day and came back in 4....although when he sold the watch i got my cut for backing him up... all the other stuff was messed up I wont disagree. my philosophy is, i have never had anything stolen from me, and if you are dumb enough to have things laying out for people to steal or put yourself to low standards like that chick... then you deserve it. Thats why i sleep good... plus more cash in my pocket.
I used to work the front desk at a hotel. Then this man (late 40's) came up to me with a german accent and says.......

customer : " what time does the pool open ? "
         me : " 6pm sir "
customer : ( then he shouts) " BUT IT'S 5:30 ALREADY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "
         me : 
Originally Posted by piczon1983

I used to work the front desk at a hotel. Then this man (late 40's) came up to me with a german accent and says.......

customer : " what time does the pool open ? "
         me : " 6pm sir "
customer : ( then he shouts) " BUT IT'S 5:30 ALREADY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "
         me : 
Originally Posted by Alex23

Me: "Hi, how are you?"
Them: "Just looking thanks."

Me: "Do you have this in size 10?"
*goes and checks*
Me: "No, were sold out, last one is a 9."
Them: " dont have a 10?"
Me: " one is a size 9"
Them: "10.5?"

Them: "Do you have this in a size 10?"
Me: "No we dont."
Them: "Why not?"

"Come on i KNOW you can give me ___% off"
"I KNOW you have coupons"
"Come on cant you do buy one get one half off"

It goes on and on and on and on.........
I worked at Finishline. Heard all this.... No racist but when Mexicans that barely spoke english came in were the worst.

Them: Do you habe dis in size siss?
Me. This is the men's section. The smallest size we have in this shoe is a 9.
Them: Can i try?
Me: You just asked for a six... why would you want a 9
Them: Yes can i try?
*goes to get the 9*
*he tries it on*
Them: Yes iss fine. I take this.
... ok.*sells shoe strings and water proofer*
One thing that really irked me working at Footlocker and Finishline was people trying on the same shoe, same size, just a different colorway.
Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

Originally Posted by Alex23

Me: "Hi, how are you?"
Them: "Just looking thanks."

Me: "Do you have this in size 10?"
*goes and checks*
Me: "No, were sold out, last one is a 9."
Them: " dont have a 10?"
Me: " one is a size 9"
Them: "10.5?"

Them: "Do you have this in a size 10?"
Me: "No we dont."
Them: "Why not?"

"Come on i KNOW you can give me ___% off"
"I KNOW you have coupons"
"Come on cant you do buy one get one half off"

It goes on and on and on and on.........
I worked at Finishline. Heard all this.... No racist but when Mexicans that barely spoke english came in were the worst.

Them: Do you habe dis in size siss?
Me. This is the men's section. The smallest size we have in this shoe is a 9.
Them: Can i try?
Me: You just asked for a six... why would you want a 9
Them: Yes can i try?
*goes to get the 9*
*he tries it on*
Them: Yes iss fine. I take this.
... ok.*sells shoe strings and water proofer*

Reminds me of Consuelo from Family Guy.  Noooo Mr. Peter.  I clean.
I used to work at Home Depot in TN when I was in college. Customers down there were on their racist $%*%. Customers coming in:

Me: how you doing today, what can I help you with?

Customer walks right on by me to another associate that's maybe 6ft behind me

Customer to other worker: yeah I don't want no Nigr helping me, can you help me design a playset

Associate: I don't know how to do that, but he does (points at me)

Me: Been walked away cause I already knew what was up.

This would happen at least once a day. Those people wouldn't want my help because I was black and on top of that they would call me a nigr to my friends at work thinking they would be cool wit it, and they'd get cussed out or told go tell him what you just told me and they'd walk out the store. It was
at the same time because those people were so ignorant.

It would be times when a white dude would be wit his girl or wife and they would not take my advice at all until the women got on them about it. Used to suck being a black guy working at that store
I worked at Abercrombie  & Fitch this one lady needed to use the bathroom real bad i guess and ending taking a crap on the floor
in front of everyone.
She then tried to leave her baggage, until one of my co-workers stopped her. ( i was headed to the back)
The guy that cleans incidents refused to clean that and the lady ended up cleaning it up

how would someone just poop like that and get up not cleaning themselves is beyond me.
Originally Posted by reener

I worked at Abercrombie  & Fitch this one lady needed to use the bathroom real bad i guess and ending taking a crap on the floor
in front of everyone.
She then tried to leave her baggage, until one of my co-workers stopped her. ( i was headed to the back)
The guy that cleans incidents refused to clean that and the lady ended up cleaning it up

how would someone just poop like that and get up not cleaning themselves is beyond me.
Same here, which one do you work?
Originally Posted by piczon1983

I used to work the front desk at a hotel. Then this man (late 40's) came up to me with a german accent and says.......

customer : " what time does the pool open ? "
         me : " 6pm sir "
customer : ( then he shouts) " BUT IT'S 5:30 ALREADY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "
         me : 

alot of you guys get short with customers, as a person who has worked in retail in many capacities (sales person, manager and a business owner) your first duty is to remain polite to the customers at all times.....I would have let a few people in this thread kick rocks if they worked for me.....

i'm polite until they start getting rude and *****y... my boss even told me not to take %+*$ from guests if they act like that. there have been times where i've kept my cool because i'm not in the mood to argue so i walk away, but then there are times were people just irritate me and you need to put them in their place.
Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

Originally Posted by Alex23

Me: "Hi, how are you?"
Them: "Just looking thanks."

Me: "Do you have this in size 10?"
*goes and checks*
Me: "No, were sold out, last one is a 9."
Them: " dont have a 10?"
Me: " one is a size 9"
Them: "10.5?"

Them: "Do you have this in a size 10?"
Me: "No we dont."
Them: "Why not?"

"Come on i KNOW you can give me ___% off"
"I KNOW you have coupons"
"Come on cant you do buy one get one half off"

It goes on and on and on and on.........
I worked at Finishline. Heard all this.... No racist but when Mexicans that barely spoke english came in were the worst.

Them: Do you habe dis in size siss?
Me. This is the men's section. The smallest size we have in this shoe is a 9.
Them: Can i try?
Me: You just asked for a six... why would you want a 9
Them: Yes can i try?
*goes to get the 9*
*he tries it on*
Them: Yes iss fine. I take this.
... ok.*sells shoe strings and water proofer*


I worked at Hibbett Sports for 2-3 years in my high school days, and I swear I had this same scenario once a week.

It was either that, or they'd always cop soccer shoes to wear casually 
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