Should the NBA retire the number 23 for Micheal Jordan like the NHL did for Wayne Gretzky?

Originally Posted by codex57

Mario didn't have all those wind down years. Stuff beyond age cut his career off short. If he had those wind down years, it's possible he loses the couple of stats he has that are better than Gretzky's.

Again, this is just another example of how great Gretzky was. He was producing HOF numbers from the start, and kept it up for such a long time. We praise Favre and Ripken for a reason. It's damn hard to have a really long career in pro sports. Especially in a physical one like hockey. One critical skill that's overlooked is how you keep up production as your body ages, has injuries, etc. Somehow, Gretzky kept it up for such a long time to blow everyone away.
pretty much.

too convenient to assume mario's numbers stay consistent from his prime to the later stages.
chillainvillain wrote:
That shouldn't even happen. I mean, Gretzky was HANDS DOWN the best hockey player ever. It wasn't even debatable.

In Jordan's case, it is EXTREMELY debatable about him being the greatest of all time. Some people say Kobe, Lebron, Wilt, Magic, Kareem, Bird, etc.

So no, in my opinion, I don't think that they should retire his number for the whole league.
Anyone who says that is a moron and clearly doesn't know what the hell they're talking about. Though Jordan is arguably the greatest ever,there is a few names that float around his. Gretzky was far better at his sport than any other player in the history of sports.
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