so Harry Belafonte Condemns Jay-z and beyonce Vol. Bruce Springsteen is black to him

businesses responsibility is to their stakeholders. which includes communities they operate in. so in that context, yes i believe businesses have responsibility to promoting social good. but should that be their primary goal? there's been numerous debates on this topic in business. well thats up to them. idealistically, the answer is yes, but in reality no, businesses can strive to make money first and foremost, and give back secondly, and i'll applaud their efforts. i guess you could say a rapper owes it to his listeners to promote a positive message. ill agree with that but to what extent? jay-z's first goal was to grow listeners, to even get to a point where he can make an impact. that was HIS goal. thats why he got in the rap game. the rap game is what it is. once he gets to that top level of visibility, i expect him to change his message up. which i felt he did in his career and in his life. not enough for some? cool, i can respect that.
im didnt like harry's comment because 1 it overlooks the positives jay-z has done, and 2 whats the point of coming off like that? im sure his goal is to get people to do more. but attacking someone like that isn't the most effective way
i'll rock with that last statement. the world would be a much better place if many prominent people had that minset.

I agree with all of that.
Y'all gotta understand that Harry Belafonte came up in an era in which many of the most popular and successful Black entertainers were social activists. Many of these people were actual leaders (something sorely lacking in the hip-hop world and entertainment world in general today) who played a tremendous role in the social changes that were taking place in the 1960s and 1970s. This included musicians (James Brown, Aretha Franklin, Curtis Mayfield, Marvin Gaye, Funkadelic, Parliament, etc.), athletes (Muhammad Ali, Jim Brown, Jackie Robinson, Bill Russell, etc.), and actors (Belafonte, Ossie Davis, Sidney Poitier, etc.). These were entertainers BUT they were also social activists. Do y'all not feel that it's a regression that essentially no such Black figures exist in music, sports, or acting today??
For those saying that Jay-Z probably contributes to charity privately, y'all are missing the bigger point. Belafonte is not talking about he wishes Black entertainers would contribute more to charity privately. He's talking about people being public leaders in addressing social issues and using their power to help stimulate social change...
At least you get it, reading some of the replies in here is troubling.
^ exactly.
golden i hear you man. im not debating jay-z's intents as a rapper. i know he was in it to get rich. hes said so in his raps time and time again. all im saying in that regard is that even in his pursuit to get rich, hes still taken moments to speak on real issues or positive subjects. thats more than alot of rappers. but its really neither here nor there
my main question in all this is... why should i expect jayz to rap about positivity. why should i expect him to give more to time or effort to charity? why should i expect anything more from him than what he chooses to do? his goal in hustlin' was to get r$, his goal in rap was to get $, his goal in business is to get $...what from anything he's shown us to this point would cause you to create expectations for him as a social activist? you've said in your posts you're not going to expect much from him at all. that's my main point. we shouldnt. nor should we get mad when he doesn't rap about positivity or fully embrace being a social figure for change. he is who we thought he was.
So businesses should have no responsibility to the greater long as they are profitable everything is all good?

And if he is what we thought he was...why get mad at Harry for calling a spade a spade?

I'm a huge fan of Jay's work. I think he's a brilliant mind...I just wish his social conscience was even a fraction of his seemingly insatiable lust for wealth.
And this is what we're arguing about.

Ya'll don't even understand the what BUSINESSES DO in the first place. 

Son, its ALWAYS been like this.

We have people applauding Apple for giving their workers a 2 dollar raise... WHOOPEE! 

Ya'll don't even have the basics of the game down yet and ya'll are worried about what Jay-Z could be doing.
Firstly, no ones arguing.

Secondly, I have a BA in Economics and own an LLC, pretty sure I know what businesses do.

Lastly, Jay-Z =/= Apple.

You can seldom find a successful corporation that doesn't practice philanthropy in one form or another.

*waits for a forced argument about an unrelated topic...*
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Reading the comments in here has just confirmed the ill reality that exists in this society and culture. Belafonte hits the nail right on the head, but what he said is nothing new or astonishing. The mere fact that you give a pass to someone that can attribute nothing less than 100% of his success to the black community yet can speak out on no real social injustices that are/have been plaguing our community is borderline insane. Of course Jay-Z has an obligation to give back, yet it us that has lifted that obligation from him by continuous support which has pushed him into the lifestyle he is now able to enjoy. It's like homeless person A giving their last dollar to homeless person B to buy a lottery ticket that happens to be the winning ticket, and homeless person B shares the money with the store owner who sold the lottery ticket as opposed to their community of homeless peers including homeless person A. How does that make sense? Tupac used to talk heavily about that, but of course his message got lost. In his own words, "We have to start holding artists/entertainers more accountable. We have to start pulling cards." It's irresponsible to glorify slanging crack in the first place, but it becomes immoral to not mention the very real consequences of it. But it all stems down to cowardice. Entertainers of today as with a lot of people are simply cowards. Jay-Z doesn't have a mind of his own at this point, he's a puppet. So in the grand scheme of things he's just soft, exploits the same communities he was dying to get out of while turning his back on those who helped lift him out. And for those talking about contributions to charity, use your brain. It's not about that, and you missed the point Belafonte was trying to make. When you have the stage on that type of platform that Jay has, it's about the message. It's about changing a mentality of a lost people. It's about getting people to live different. It's about making people become aware who may have been ignorant to the enemies that stand before them. Does Jay-Z have that type of "power" to stimulate positive change at a fairly rapid rate? Hell yea. That can be made evident with how quick people turned in their jerseys for button-ups because Jay-Z said so. Simply throwing money at something doesn't address the problem, it addresses the symptoms...
Firstly, no ones arguing.

Secondly, I have a BA in Economics and own an LLC, pretty sure I know what businesses do.

Lastly, Jay-Z =/= Apple.

You can seldom find a successful corporation that doesn't practice philanthropy in one form or another.

*waits for a forced argument about an unrelated topic...*
So you're mad that someone CHOOSES not to give back.

You know charity isn't mandatory, right? 

ACT like you have the degree(s) you do and speak on it then. 

Again, like I said. Forget those who aren't helping. Celebrate those who ARE. 
Reading the comments in here has just confirmed the ill reality that exists in this society and culture. Belafonte hits the nail right on the head, but what he said is nothing new or astonishing. The mere fact that you give a pass to someone that can attribute nothing less than 100% of his success to the black community yet can speak out on no real social injustices that are/have been plaguing our community is borderline insane. Of course Jay-Z has an obligation to give back, yet it us that has lifted that obligation from him by continuous support which has pushed him into the lifestyle he is now able to enjoy. It's like homeless person A giving their last dollar to homeless person B to buy a lottery ticket that happens to be the winning ticket, and homeless person B shares the money with the store owner who sold the lottery ticket as opposed to their community of homeless peers including homeless person A. How does that make sense? Tupac used to talk heavily about that, but of course his message got lost. In his own words, "We have to start holding artists/entertainers more accountable. We have to start pulling cards." It's irresponsible to glorify slanging crack in the first place, but it becomes immoral to not mention the very real consequences of it. But it all stems down to cowardice. Entertainers of today as with a lot of people are simply cowards. Jay-Z doesn't have a mind of his own at this point, he's a puppet. So in the grand scheme of things he's just soft, exploits the same communities he was dying to get out of while turning his back on those who helped lift him out. And for those talking about contributions to charity, use your brain. It's not about that, and you missed the point Belafonte was trying to make. When you have the stage on that type of platform that Jay has, it's about the message. It's about changing a mentality of a lost people. It's about getting people to live different. It's about making people become aware who may have been ignorant to the enemies that stand before them. Does Jay-Z have that type of "power" to stimulate positive change at a fairly rapid rate? Hell yea. That can be made evident with how quick people turned in their jerseys for button-ups because Jay-Z said so. Simply throwing money at something doesn't address the problem, it addresses the symptoms...
Once again another diluted argument about somebody rich and famous owing a community something, I laugh at dumb ****** like you, stop looking for social and political influences from rich people, no matter what color and stop assuming he is not doing something for blacks or other minorities, you don't know what his staff consist of, you don't know what charities this man contributes too. I love how ****** stick up for old *** ****** that ain't doing **** for us now, all black people do is talk and complain, shut the **** up about what another man should do/ owes us, get up off tor lazy *** and volunteer like I do as a big brother. This is basically what America has become" what are you going to do for me" we as black people like I have said earlier need to stop looking to entertainers to guide us, get in your own communities and do something.
Once again another diluted argument about somebody rich and famous owing a community something, I laugh at dumb ****** like you, stop looking for social and political influences from rich people, no matter what color and stop assuming he is not doing something for blacks or other minorities, you don't know what his staff consist of, you don't know what charities this man contributes too. I love how ****** stick up for old *** ****** that ain't doing **** for us now, all black people do is talk and complain, shut the **** up about what another man should do/ owes us, get up off tor lazy *** and volunteer like I do as a big brother. This is basically what America has become" what are you going to do for me" we as black people like I have said earlier need to stop looking to entertainers to guide us, get in your own communities and do something.

this is the kinda post that doesnt make any sense. you have no idea what this entire thread is about. Read through all of the posts and you'll pretty much find a reply to everything youve said
I read threw most of this thread, but for the people that agree with Belafonte what EXACTLY and SPECIFICALLY would you like for Jay Z to do?? Give me exact details as to what you are looking for him to do within the black community.
Agreed with those saying Jay never was a true role model in the first place..

dude started rapping cause he didn't want to sell drugs anymore. how are we suprised that he's not a "leader" in the black community.
I don't understand the point of this statement.
A lot of what he says doesn't make any sense. He thinks because someone has the option of not giving back that it's okay not to. He also compared Jay-Z (a human being) to a Apple(a corporation). 
 My main point is this; Why do YOU think it's okay for Jay-Z to glorify all the negative aspects of your culture and exploit it to make millions and then turn his back and not give anything back? 

I don't understand the point of this statement.
A lot of what he says doesn't make any sense. He thinks because someone has the option of not giving back that it's okay not to. He also compared Jay-Z (a human being) to a Apple(a corporation). 
 My main point is this; Why do YOU think it's okay for Jay-Z to glorify all the negative aspects of your culture and exploit it to make millions and then turn his back and not give anything back? 

And why do you think its OK for you to command Jay-Z do something with his money, talent, fame, (etc.) that he won't do already? 

He obviously made money by exploiting that culture so what do you expect him to do? Close that lane? 

Thats like Eminem appearing in GLAAD magazine after just getting off stage back in 2002. 

Stop obsessing over who is not helping you and cherish those who DO. 

And yes, do I think its messed up? Somewhat, but then again, none of you all have a problem listening to his music in the first place, now do you? 

Stop riding the fence. 

Artists don't have an obligation to do any damn thing for any damn one. Period. 
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I don't understand the point of this statement.

A lot of what he says doesn't make any sense. He thinks because someone has the option of not giving back that it's okay not to. He also compared Jay-Z (a human being) to a Apple(a corporation). :x  My main point is this; Why do YOU think it's okay for Jay-Z to glorify all the negative aspects of your culture and exploit it to make millions and then turn his back and not give anything back? 
And why do you think its OK for you to command Jay-Z do something with his money, talent, fame, (etc.) that he won't do already? 

He obviously made money by exploiting that culture so what do you expect him to do? Close that lane? 

Thats like Eminem appearing in GLAAD magazine after just getting off stage back in 2002. 

Stop obsessing over who is not helping you and cherish those who DO. 

And yes, do I think its messed up? Somewhat, but then again, none of you all have a problem listening to his music in the first place, now do you? 

Stop riding the fence. 

Artists don't have an obligation to do any damn thing for any damn one. Period. 

Black people we have enough problems to worry about other than wondering or asking Jay Z to do more within the black community. As a whole we are the only group that looks for entertainers to guide us instead of taking the necessary action within ourselves to make ourselves and those around us better. Stop worrying about what Jay Z does or doesn't do and start making an attempt to correct yourself first. As far as Harry Belafonte is concerned I'm guessing he just made onto the Blueprint 3 album for all the wrong reasons, and that will be his mistake to own.
And why do you think its OK for you to command Jay-Z do something with his money, talent, fame, (etc.) that he won't do already? 

He obviously made money by exploiting that culture so what do you expect him to do? Close that lane? 

Thats like Eminem appearing in GLAAD magazine after just getting off stage back in 2002. 

Stop obsessing over who is not helping you and cherish those who DO. 

And yes, do I think its messed up? Somewhat, but then again, none of you all have a problem listening to his music in the first place, now do you? 

Stop riding the fence. 

Artists don't have an obligation to do any damn thing for any damn one. Period. 
He hangs out with Oprah to seem like a good guy. Because he likes to take pictures with Bill Gate and Warren Buffet to increase his status and image but the problem is he's NOTHING like them. Bill and Warren gave over 50 BILLION dollars to charity. 

Be a responsible human being. 

Eminem thing has nothing to do with this discussion.  

I'm not obsessing over anything. I didn't make this topic and you have more posts in here than me.

You think it's somewhat okay? You're the one riding the fence. It's clear where I stand on the issue: you're a bad person if you don't give back to those who helped you get to where you are. I stopped listening to Jay-Z when I realized how bad his music actually is. He's the complete opposite of what a music artist is.

No one has a obligation to do anything in this life. Fans don't have a obligation to buy records. You should always strive to be a better person and EXPECT people to do GOOD. Whether you believe that or not, artists DO have an obligation to be role models because the influence they have on the youth. I'm only singling out Jay because that's what this topic is about. I feel the same about every music act, actor, rich person who doesn't give back.

I guess it all comes down to on what you believe is right or wrong. 
And why do you think its OK for you to command Jay-Z do something with his money, talent, fame, (etc.) that he won't do already? 

He obviously made money by exploiting that culture so what do you expect him to do? Close that lane? 

Thats like Eminem appearing in GLAAD magazine after just getting off stage back in 2002. 

Stop obsessing over who is not helping you and cherish those who DO. 

And yes, do I think its messed up? Somewhat, but then again, none of you all have a problem listening to his music in the first place, now do you? 

Stop riding the fence. 

Artists don't have an obligation to do any damn thing for any damn one. Period. 
He hangs out with Oprah to seem like a good guy. Because he likes to take pictures with Bill Gate and Warren Buffet to increase his status and image but the problem is he's NOTHING like them. Bill and Warren gave over 50 BILLION dollars to charity. 

Be a responsible human being. 

Eminem thing has nothing to do with this discussion.  

I'm not obsessing over anything. I didn't make this topic and you have more posts in here than me.

You think it's somewhat okay? You're the one riding the fence. It's clear where I stand on the issue: you're a bad person if you don't give back to those who helped you get to where you are. I stopped listening to Jay-Z when I realized how bad his music actually is. He's the complete opposite of what a music artist is.

No one has a obligation to do anything in this life. Fans don't have a obligation to buy records. You should always strive to be a better person and EXPECT people to do GOOD. Whether you believe that or not, artists DO have an obligation to be role models because the influence they have on the youth. I'm only singling out Jay because that's what this topic is about. I feel the same about every music act, actor, rich person who doesn't give back.

I guess it all comes down to on what you believe is right or wrong. 
I'm done here. 

You all have "giving back" confused. Because giving back would imply that he hands out recording deals to all of his fans. Thats an equal exchange. 

Ya'll really don't understand what "charity" means. Its not a mandatory thing, nor is it objectively measured. Its whatever, anyone decides to do or give.

You think Gucci or Jeezy buying xmas presents for like 50 kids in the hood really is doing something? Yeah, thanks for helping 50 kids one time out of the year, but are you going to say they're not doing enough either?

You'll never be satisfied and thats the issue.

You'll always move the goal posts instead of taking whatever someone does as merely the extent of what they ARE doing. 

Obama visited one black church...does that mean he hates the rest of all the other black churches? You're just as justified in making those sorts of vague assertions when you're not going to define what you want in the first place. 

You don't even know WHAT you want, you just want to be upset at something or someone for not doing "something."

Belafonte needs to realize he can no longer depend on Jay-Z because he's challenged Jay-Z so no matter what he does, those two will forever regret the chance they had to come together. He would have been better off praising those artists who he found inspiration in and promoted THOSE achievements instead of chastising who didn't throw in dough in the collection plate.

You don't win people over by alienating people...especially people who are immensely popular. You'll always lose that battle. You win by winning them over, not guilting them. 

There is a time to be brash and bold and this isn't one of them. Charity is not an objective or factual entity so as such, anyone's take on it is in essence equally justified. Its not math or a science. Its a subjective view on altruism. You'll lose when you try to demote the efforts of others entirely. 
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