So Now Every Black Teenager Has A "Sleeve" and A Face Tattoo

Nov 15, 2007

So the very same people that laughed and cracked on Mike Tyson for his face tattoo are the main ones now getting dumb sh-- on their face. Its okay for other tribal cultures to have face tattoos because atleast its somewhat accepted in their societies but doing that silly stuff in America your just asking to be prejudged. Sleeves although I think are a bit excessive can at-least be covered up when wearing a long sleeve shirt in a business setting but the face tats.. why are so much of our people becoming slaves to pop culture. The same people complaining about lack of opportunity in their communities short their own selves by engaging in this type of buffoonery because Lil Wayne did it


 Help me to understand the significance of a facial tattoo
It's always the softest dudes with facial tattoos anyway.

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Facial Tattoos are ridiculous, but to each his own. I get your point in terms of "opportunity" but I don't think there's a real reason WHY they do it. In my opinion, the most I'd get is a half-sleeve (already have tattoos), I would NEVER tattoo my face. They don't realize that the people tattooing their faces don't have to worry about 9-5 jobs and that its part of their "persona". No amount of education or enlightenment will stray these kids from the propaganda they are subjected to on a daily basis. All we can do is pray for the future.

IMO, if you can have full sleeves, tats on your face, and GET a good paying job, then kudos to you. I personally own my own business and wouldn't do it just because of the prejudice it would be met with (bad for business)...
this is true...ive been starting my sleeve since I was  17-18....and now it seems like everyone has one within a 3 block radius..
..sad because their just doing it for the exact reason you stated..Wayne..and will end up spending thousands for tattoo removal when they decide that their over the "fad"..which it never will be
Im not getting a face tat though
^I guess I'm the only one that watched The Boondocks then.

Shoulda figured DipsetGeneral was going to instigate as always.
one of the dudes I went to grade-HS with... jut speaks to the *%+% that ppl call "cool" nowadays..


I mean he was "cool" and all that before the tats. The tats are just what he does and who he is, I guess.. but I'm cool.
Everyone is getting sleeves not only black teenagers, and it's not because of Wayne, it's because that's what every artist/athlete is doing. I've yet to see anyone with a face tat though other than the usual bangers who are all past their teens, and one fool who I saw a few weeks ago with his initials or something on there that looked like a toddler drew.
Originally Posted by MrWavez


if i was rich and didnt have to work another day in my life id do it too
BUT sadly those aren't the people that are getting facial tats... its the misguided cats whole want acceptance not looking at the future. Just like the ball player who blows money fast and retires at age 40 not realizing that he could potentially live 30 more years and didn't think to save or invest his money... short-sightedness is such a problem in our community
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