So NT my parents surprised me and got me a Range Rover

Jun 8, 2009
my parents came home with an 07 Range rover sport, and it's cool and all but for a 17 yr old and for a first car i think it's too big..

i was wondering if there is any way i can trade it in or "return" it?

my mother was looking into an 08 bmw 335i coupe with 10k miles
and a brand new 09 g37 coupe fully loaded ...

what do you think i should do? keep the car or go for one of the two listed above?
get a diff car, i was in a similar situation except with a non-sport range and i hate it it's such a boring car
Cmon man you just got a range rover! A range rover!!!!

I think you should log off Nt and go hug both your parents.

Then tell them you'd prefer the G37
man you got a REAL problem on your hands. sucks that your rents are so cheap and are getting you a used car. that sucks. i feel bad for you.
keep it.
you're too inexperienced to drive those other smaller and faster cars... that's just begging for an accident
dude thought he was going to get
and daps. backfire, might as well change the title or ask for a delete
Yo! My first car (also current car) is a '97 Honda Civic.
Stick shift, Baby Babeeeeey.
Perfect first car. I'll trade you
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