So Your Girl Michele Beadle..................

Just another black man trying to pull a race card .... Get over it the world doesn't revolve around you guys ... other races get made fun of all the time some in good fun some literal jabs but they never ever take it as bad as black people do .. Why is that ?

institutionalized racism, b.

my people sometimes are overly sensitive hypocrites but there's a reason for it.
Just another black man trying to pull a race card .... Get over it the world doesn't revolve around you guys ... other races get made fun of all the time some in good fun some literal jabs but they never ever take it as bad as black people do .. Why is that ?
Are you serious? I get it's a reach, a hilarious one at that, but if you don't see why some things get taken that bad, I don't know.
Just another black man trying to pull a race card .... Get over it the world doesn't revolve around you guys ... other races get made fun of all the time some in good fun some literal jabs but they never ever take it as bad as black people do .. Why is that ?

Chill... Dont fuel the fire to turn this into a real race thread.
Just another black man trying to pull a race card .... Get over it the world doesn't revolve around you guys ... other races get made fun of all the time some in good fun some literal jabs but they never ever take it as bad as black people do .. Why is that ?
institutionalized racism, b.

my people sometimes are overly sensitive hypocrites but there's a reason for it.
So few understand what this means fully. I think it's insensitive to tell someone to "get over it". While not every individual shortcoming can be attributed to racism, it certainly exists. But going that route on NT is beyond beating a dead horse.
Just another black man trying to pull a race card .... Get over it the world doesn't revolve around you guys ... other races get made fun of all the time some in good fun some literal jabs but they never ever take it as bad as black people do .. Why is that ?
Do you realize the irony in in calling black people racially sensitive while being racist at the same time?
I was gonna recommend some literature and try to build a productive conversation but your mind is clearly made up.

Somewhere in the district, DC is birdman hand rubbing at what this is about to turn into.
institutionalized racism, b.

my people sometimes are overly sensitive hypocrites but there's a reason for it.

Insitutionalized racism ?
I just don't get how almost every black man thinks there past is the worst in history & get to complain about it till this day .. The Jewish didn't get it as twice as bad ? The Asians when they moved to America ? Native Americans ? those 3 clearly had it way worst yet you guys riot over the most little jab and yet y'all call each other by your slave names which is the N word and proud of it..

And that's why you don't argue with trolls :lol:
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