Social Media Challenges have reached new level of stupidity... The Fire Challenge

I need to start a " Send me $100 challenge"
Im willing to bet I would get hundreds thousands of dollars
Mane people are dumb :smh:

How does one find the logic in setting Himself on fire?
If I caught my kid setting himself on fire, I'dl accelerate the process to help illustrate the dangers of immolating people on the Internet.
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This one is called the passing out challenge.

Most of the videos are being pulled off of YOUTUBE.

The screaming in the second video sounds like the girl from Jurassic Park :lol: after her brother got electrocuted and flew off the fence :lol:
this is just ignant... my friend use to light the lint off his sock on fire but it wasnt this crazy... if anything the trick didnt work and that was the end of it
between prank vids and stupid challenges, a lot of people are gonna end up hurt or locked up.

Plus... Back when we were kids, things were done out of curiosity.

I've made aerosol flame throwers... I've burned things... I've lit things on fire...

But I did it because I was curious about the dynamics of fire...

These people are doing this solely for people to drag their mouse to a little thumbs up picture and click it.

THAT'S ALL... It's only for likes
to say it's all for likes is a lil short sided. What do "likes" represent? Approval or acceptance. These kids just like most people just want to feel accepted and the easiest way to be accepted to do stupid things for people to laugh at which people have been doing for a long time (shouts to Johnny Knoxville and the crew)

Curious about the dynamics of fire or not using an aerosol can to make a 'flame thrower' could have resulted in that can blowing your hand off just the same as these kids can suffer from burns and scars.

Kids will be kids and do stupid things but most of those stupid things are likely life threateningly stupid like anything including playing with fire
The younger generations are something else. 
:rofl: @ the last vid. Good for him. Beyond idiotic.

Can't wait for the genocide challenge so all of this can stop.

I thought the pass out joint was too much. Dues out here getting 3rd degree burns for fun :smh: I can see it now, 10-15 years from now on NT new members on some "You're not a real man if you never set yourself on fire." :stoneface:
i did stupid things as a kid but i never thought of lighting my body on fire damn i missed out
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