Sociopaths and Psychopaths

Apr 7, 2008
So I ended up reading some wiki pages on sociopaths and psychopaths last night and came to the conclusion that I have dealt closely with a real sociopath, and SO much makes sense about her now that I know what her "condition" actually is... Sorta...

I met this girl at the beginning of 2011... A very normal, sweet, innocent girl, but just a little ditsy, but I can look past that easy. We talked for a little while over the phone, and really kinda hit it off. She's gorgeous (seriously a 10), find out were a match sexually through conversation, and she's cooperative. But as we get to talking, her closet door cracks open, and I see bodies inside... To make sort of a long story short, this girl lied to me about almost every important detail I knew about her. And she would do it SO easily. Easy to the point where you can look her in her face and begin to believe that she believes her own lies. She lied to me about her name, her age, her interests, what she does on a daily basis... Like I said, almost all the important details that I knew about her were lies, which I found out through social engineering... It had almost become a game that I got sucked into by chasing her lies and uncovering them. In the process, I found out her mother actually told her to lie to guys about her name because "guys are crazy and you never know what they might be trying to do, so don't tell them until you really get to know them." Also, she saw her mother abused physically and mentally by her biological father and he mentally messes with her (the girl) to this day. She began opening up to me about her life growing up, and she told me how he would say he wishes he never had her, but then he'll turn around and come visit her, apologise, and take her shopping, in a grand scheme to get back at her mother. Some REAL deep psychological stuff going on...

So in the process of me messing with her, we would fight, leave each other alone, and do it again... Over and over again... And the fights (insult exchanges) got progressively worse and deeper as she let me into her world, but I think she liked it. The healing and damaging process was like an addiction to her, and I had to finally get myself out of that situation because it was seriously getting worse and worse every time exponentially. It was fascinating to me, but I knew I had to cut that off because it was getting mad risky to keep "exploring".

So with that said, I found out last night that I was dealing with the definition of a sociopath, and possibly a psychopath. Towards the end of our dealings, she would tell me about her going to a psychologist, but she didn't get around to telling me the details yet. I think I would have handled things a lot different with her, had I known what this was. By the time I decided to stop messing with her, I made up my mind that there is no fixing whatever is wrong with her. The damage was done on a "social genetic" level that was far beyond the point of repair, and as I read last night, that's the general consensus of a sociopath or psychopath's condition. They aren't "fixable"... Clinically and to this date, at least. It was kinda chilling when I started to read about it, to be honest. I probably wouldn't have dealt with her past the point where I began to realize, but I'm glad I did. Not to sound insensitive or vane by any means, but it was a great learning experience, and I'm ashamed to say that it was kind of entertaining as well. Not in a negative sense, but like I said earlier, I was fascinated with her logic. It was entertaining more in a observing a fish tank ecosystem kind of way.

I'm interested in hearing other peoples dealings with people like this. The more details, the... Better?

Other characteristics about her:

- She didnt like music I played in the car or anywhere unles she chose it. It was almost painful for her to listen to.
- Very spontaneous. She would do almost anything and everything that came to thought
- I found out she eats her period blood
- She is actually semi-talented. She has a voice that, if tuned well, could make her famous.
- She has/has had sugar daddies and basically was a prostitute, or "sugar baby" as she liked to call it
- Very sexual. I could do almost anything I wanted to her, and I do mean anything.
- I found out she was into dark stuff at one point in her life. She may have "sold her soul to the devil", she's attempted "spells", among other things
- Her mother knows some (probably very few) details about her other side
- She seems like a very normal, functional girl from the surface. You would only know about all this if she let you scratch the surface...

I dont know if it's cool to even profile someone like this pubically, but I didn't drop any names or personal information, although I'm sure her identity can be traced if you know where to look, but I'm doing this more for an expansion of my mind and to hear other peoples experiences with similar people. I feel like it's rare, but maybe it's not? Seeing how she can make it almost undetectable, I may interact with these type of people on a daily basis.

Now I have this strange urge to call her tomorrow and continue the mystery right where we left off, as I know it would happen...

But I wont... And I'm serious.
From Wikipedia:

Psychopathy (/sˈkɒpəθi/[sup][1][/sup][sup][2][/sup] from the Ancient Greek ψυχή "psyche", -soul, mind and πάθος, "pathos" -suffering, disease, condition[sup][3][/sup][sup][4][/sup]) is a personality disorder that has been variously described as characterized by shallow emotions (in particular reduced fear), stress tolerance, lacking empathy, coldheartedness, lacking guilt, egocentricity, superficial charm, manipulativeness, irresponsibility, nonplanfulness, impulsivity, and antisocial behaviors such as parasitic lifestyle and criminality. There is no consensus about the symptom criteria and there are ongoing debates regarding issues such as essential features, causes, and the possibility of treatment.[sup][5][/sup]

While no psychiatric or psychological organization has sanctioned a diagnosis of "psychopathy" itself, assessments of psychopathy are widely used in criminal justice settings in some nations and may have important consequences for individuals. The term is also used by the general public, in popular press, and there are many fictional portrayals. This popular usage does not necessarily conform to the clinical concept. According to the Scientific American, although psychopathy is associated with and in some cases is defined by conduct problems, criminality or violence, many psychopaths are not violent, and psychopaths are, despite the similar names, rarely psychotic.[sup][5][/sup][sup][6][/sup]

Although there are behavioral similarities, psychopathy and antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) according to criteria in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders are not synonymous. A diagnosis of ASPD is based on behavioral patterns, whereas psychopathy measurements also include more indirect personality characteristics. The diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder covers two to three times as many prisoners as are rated as psychopaths. Most offenders scoring high on the PCL-R also pass the ASPD criteria but most of those with ASPD do not score high on the PCL-R.
This girls name doesn't happen to begin with an A, does it?

Because - the drinking of her own menstrual fluids, this appears to be my ex girlfriend.

I'm curious as to how that bit of information got out, too,
that was an interesting read. firstly, a large group of people exhibit sociopathic tendencies. its not a real diagnosis but it ties into other things.

sounds like she has BPD (borderline personality disorder). my kids mom has it and yes, craziest person I have ever met. girl youre talking about matches up perfectly except the period thing.

constant lies, history of sexual abuse, hypersexuality, self harm, black and white thinking, manipulative, VERY talented musician, artist, and writer.. you'd never expect crazy... Then you start seeing the "signs"
Originally Posted by Hyper

This girls name doesn't happen to begin with an A, does it?

Because - the drinking of her own menstrual fluids, this appears to be my ex girlfriend.

I'm curious as to how that bit of information got out, too,

I'm not even going to say. I feel like I put too many details out there to be honest, and as many times as we have fought in the past, I wouldnt do that to her.

So what about your ex?  She had social issues?

Originally Posted by Sleaze Jar Omens

that was an interesting read. firstly, a large group of people exhibit sociopathic tendencies. its not a real diagnosis but it ties into other things.

sounds like she has BPD (borderline personality disorder). my kids mom has it and yes, craziest person I have ever met. girl youre talking about matches up perfectly except the period thing.

constant lies, history of sexual abuse, hypersexuality, self harm, black and white thinking, manipulative, VERY talented musician, artist, and writer.. you'd never expect crazy... Then you start seeing the "signs"

How do you deal with her being the mother of your child and knowing she has that type of influence over him/her?

And I agree with everyone having tendencies, but I think most, or a lot of people have the ability to draw a line, or be conscious about it. Some dont. I dont think she does. I'm almost certain.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by Hyper

This girls name doesn't happen to begin with an A, does it?

Because - the drinking of her own menstrual fluids, this appears to be my ex girlfriend.

I'm curious as to how that bit of information got out, too,

I'm not even going to say. I feel like I put too many details out there to be honest, and as many times as we have fought in the past, I wouldnt do that to her.

So what about your ex?  She had social issues?

Fair enough,

She was bi-polar, but there was also something that was just weird about her.

She would constantly lie about literally everything, and if you didn't really know her, you would probably believe every word that came out of her mouth.

Still to this day she lies about everything.

She was telling people on facebook that she got accepted into Yale, when in reality she was failing everything including gym at a community college.

Also, she was very sexual.

I heard some crazy stories about her after I had broken up with her.

Apparently my girl made Sasha Grey look like Mother Teresa.

Shame on me.
that's way more borderline and histrionic than antisocial. true sociopaths are actually very rare.
Yeah, that's crazy man.. I found myself doing psychoanalysis on her after we would chill and really getting into her world, and it made me a little paranoid that things would take a turn for the worse, but nothing really major happened.

Oh, another detail I left out was that she was loyal to me. Anything I told her stayed between me and her, and anything we did stayed between me and her and I'm sure of it because things could have changed drastically between mutual correspondents.
she's told me multiple times she hopes our daughter doesn't end up like her 
she's with me more than she's with her mother so I do everything possible to keep her mind right.

my kid's mom is aware of her actions and knowingly does the things she does. I find it hard to feel remorse for other people but she literally cannot fathom empathy for anyone other than our kid and sometimes myself. she's told me many times she knows nobody else in the world really cares about her but our child and her other child (that dude dipped out when he realized she was crazy too). I feel HORRIBLE for him cuz I tried to warn dude but he moved her to a diff county where she bled all his money out and %%#$$+ up his credit. talking to her now is much different because the girlfriend/boyfriend factor is gone and I no longer need to spare her feelings
I just say whatever and she does too. it's made our parental relationship much better.

I don't know man. experience has shown me that every female has at least a little crazy in them. you just never know when it'll come out.
so you're telling me these are the perfect skeet and retreat types?

i sort of dealt with a similar chick, although i couldnt get past the compulsive lying and the immaturity to go further.

...period blood though?
Originally Posted by Sleaze Jar Omens

that was an interesting read. firstly, a large group of people exhibit sociopathic tendencies. its not a real diagnosis but it ties into other things.

sounds like she has BPD (borderline personality disorder). my kids mom has it and yes, craziest person I have ever met. girl youre talking about matches up perfectly except the period thing.

constant lies, history of sexual abuse, hypersexuality, self harm, black and white thinking, manipulative, VERY talented musician, artist, and writer.. you'd never expect crazy... Then you start seeing the "signs"
Agreed. I have BPD and honestly the signs are there for her. OP look it up. DO NOT tell her she has it or even that you suspect she does. This is very important. I am pretty normal on the outside and consider myself of above average intelligence, but I am bat $@%@ crazy.

TLDR stay away from her probably
I am not a big fan of labeling people with "disorders" or any sort of social "disease".

A lot of the characteristics listed for both of these disorders are very common in people in general.  Your girl definitely had some underlying problems with family growing up and was definitely a crazy.  But I just like to stick with good old fashion "You're Crazy" vs I think you have a social disorder.
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