Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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A bit off topic, but I am surprised so many people are unaware of the "detainment camps" the US set up to house Japanese, German and Italian Americans during WW2 (at least that I have come across here in TX).  

i'm not
its not taught, whereas the holocaust is
why? is a legitimate question though
Ww2 was about money just like every other war. The enemy was financed by the same bankers that financed every other war. The burning of the richestag is equivalent to the twin towers. The Holocaust didn't happen = there were no planes. It's all a distraction to keep you from looking into what really happened and who's responsible. People would rather read sensationalist conspiracy theories than follow the money.
I know why Pearl Harbor wasn't stopped, but what financial reasons did the other countries have for engaging in the war?
That Shemitah vid got me spooked my brothas 
Ww2 was about money just like every other war. The enemy was financed by the same bankers that financed every other war. The burning of the richestag is equivalent to the twin towers. The Holocaust didn't happen = there were no planes. It's all a distraction to keep you from looking into what really happened and who's responsible. People would rather read sensationalist conspiracy theories than follow the money.

It's ALWAYS about money. And there's no money to be made in times of peace.
Yea the Federal Reserve and currency swap when they made everyone turn in their Gold or else

That let me know how low they'd stoop, and still will.
I think at that time I watched the first Zeitgeist, it was 2012 and I enjoyed the hell out of YouTube videos of Bernie and Ron Paul taking on Bernanke 
I know why Pearl Harbor wasn't stopped, but what financial reasons did the other countries have for engaging in the war?

What financial reasons did the us have to go to war in irag and afghanistan. It's not necessarily the county as an entity that benefits(profits). The world wide bankruptcy/currency revaluation, bretton woods, the gold peg, the post-industrialization (credit) economy as we know it was birthed from ww2.

Probably the most massive GLOBAL wealth consolidation in history.
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Watched Martin Armstrong's doc The Forecaster.
Dude was brilliant.
Feds is grimey af :smh:

Yup, definitely recommend everyone to read about him and his predictions, especially the finance guys.

For the record the cliffs on his predictions is that the bond market, which is much larger than the stock market, is the next to crash. The european debt crisis will spread globaly but that ultimately the dollar and US assets will rise as big money will have no where else to park with interest rates and risk unfavorable everywhere else. And that that is the beginning of it all.
For the record the cliffs on his predictions is that the bond market, which is much larger than the stock market, is the next to crash. The european debt crisis will spread globaly but that ultimately the dollar and US assets will rise as big money will have no where else to park with interest rates and risk unfavorable everywhere else. And that that is the beginning of it all.

So the 401k's are about to get severely rattled? I wonder if that's why this guy I know is trying to push these annuity insurance plans so tough! [emoji]128527[/emoji]

It's a cold game, smh
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China rattled the stock market heavily when they started really selling US bonds and devaluating the Yuan two weeks ago.

I made one of my trading buddies watch that documentary (I haven't) and he's a levelheaded, openminded type like us, but he thought the predictions were hokum (I think it was more so the guy's model that predicted everything, rather than what happened since a lot of people could see the events unfolding without a model predicated on pi).
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