Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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Y'all'stop 3 unsolved mysteries, which are they?

1 D.B Cooper
2 Jack The Ripper
3 People disappearing in National Parks
Fam this book is $230 and that's the cheapest I can find. But I like where you're going with this and I'm interested in more literature. PM if necessary or post them in here.

I'm damn close to just buying a copy though because apparently this book really is on another level.

I just download the pdf from that site and saved it to iBooks. I was not paying $230 for it either but my OG swore by it. The more I'm reading it, it's tripped out how much of the star wars saga was just a cinematic reinterpretation of history. 

@Frank Matthews  Those screen shots are from that book, meant to mention it in my post earlier. 
For the most part science is a religion as well. White supremacy is a war being fought on all fronts, science is no different. It is in my opinion that big foot is a product of these ancient nuclear wars as well.. When you study the effects of radiation and what it would do to the endocrine glands a lot of things start to fall in place. Irregular limb growth, hair growing in places it wouldn't usually to try and shield the radioactive debris. Even Islam speaks to the past. When you see the women covered from head to toe, it wasn't because of modesty it was because of the environment at the time. When you understand the true nature of a women's anatomy you'll see how fragile it is and needs to be so it can be in tune with nature. The big craze now is for everyone to be fit, women included. Unbeknownst to them they're destroying the temple of God and moving towards a state of androgyny.

Time out. Are you implying that women being fit or in shape is a desecration and is making them become androgynous???? Also that their bodies should be covered up? Can you delve a little deeper into that please?
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That book right there solidified my perspective and gave a lot of the biological evidence necessary I needed to connect the dots in my mind.

I never bought into evolution in the first place. Even being young I remember how they tried to explain that the caveman found fire and that propelled him into homosapien. If you study the effects of people who are exposed to fire on a consistent basis there's no way it would've yielded a situation that would have promoted sophisticated growth. Then you take into account the anatomical make up of the Neanderthal and again no chance he would have survived amongst the predators at that time. One huge flaw with the the evolution theory, key word theory, there is a huge gap they are still unable to explain from the Neanderthal and modern human. When most people talk about how the Caucasian came to be, they state that a select group of Africans got trapped in Europe during the ice age. To that statement, I would say this: you mean to tell me that some of the most sophisticated and advanced civilizations this planet has ever seen were not advanced enough to get out of the cold? Not buying it. So when you take a look at the pieces of the puzzle on the table and they don't fit you gotta look elsewhere. I say you start with the ancients and see what they have to say. I'll use the Egyptians since everyone respects them for their technological and spiritual contributions. They say the same thing as the Yakub theory. Instead of Caucasians being called the white devil, they're called the tamahu which means the white created ones. Their texts explain it more in depth and detail how initiates in the mystical system started creating entities out of their lower 3 chakras. Most of the general population considered these beings abominations and sent them to the hill sides of Europe or "your-rope" when they left the hill sides and became to civilization they were called the Hyksos. The bible gives a very mutilated version of the story when they talk about pharaoh and the Hebrews.

Again I'm not saying this as hate or trying to slander whites or anything. My mother is white.
When I started this path all I cared about was finding out the true nature of things. This is where it took me.

Fam this book is $230 and that's the cheapest I can find. But I like where you're going with this and I'm interested in more literature. PM if necessary or post them in here.

I'm damn close to just buying a copy though because apparently this book really is on another level.

read Mars and the lost planet Man via kindle or amazon

itll blow your mind

you've seemed to have somewhat covered whites & blacks
so what about asians? where do they fit into all that?

and people of mixed race?
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you've seemed to have somewhat covered whites & blacks
so what about asians? where do they fit into all that?

and people of mixed race?

hey dude i remember we talked for a bit a while ago, if you have a chance check out the book i posted above your post its worth it
you've seemed to have somewhat covered whites & blacks
so what about asians? where do they fit into all that?

and people of mixed race?
 To keep it short, I think the original man was black. Through wars and events that happen with the fall of man he degraded himself into the nenderthal. The original man who hadn't became the neanderthal and kept the sacred sciences in tact started genetic engineering and tried to graph the neanderthal back into the original man. All the iterations of homo-______ are failed attempts. I think there were 2 priesthoods who had differing ideas on what to do. One faction wanted to set things straight while another saw the opportunity to make a slave race. What we could call races are just stages of genetic engineering until a complete product was reached. I'm looking for the statistics to back it up, but if i recall correctly indians (from the country of india) have the most birth defects and ******ations. They were the first product of engineering and with anything it was a trial and error type deal. Out of all the non-blacks on the planet they have the darkest skin without the african phenotypes. The engineering continued until melanin was grafted out completely. What we would call the caucasian is the perfected product of genetic engineering. During the engineering process certain animals were selected to integrate with the DNA to bring about certain characteristics. It's hypothesized that a certain group of people were engineered to operate strictly from  the reptilian portion of their brain. In turn they would only be focused on the raw essentials of life. They would have no spiritual capabilities, just the ability to reason and use his intellect. 

That's a quick run down. Sumerian mythology gives a pretty good recap of it with Enki and Enlil. There's a lot of other factors to be taken into account as well. I still believe that everyone on this planet on is part of the human family. I know love is the answer, but people have to have a paradigm shift in their thinking process. 99.9% of the world is under a spell they couldn't fathom that is a by-product of european psychology. That doesn't mean all white people are bad, and are all black people are good. It means the lens you look at life through has to change. If you wanna get back to how life was looked at before the fall then you have to start with how the asiatic black man looked at the world. Just because of the connotations associated with the word "black" most aren't ready to carry that cross. 

It means the lens you look at life through has to change. If you wanna get back to how life was looked at before the fall then you have to start with how the asiatic black man looked at the world. Just because of the connotations associated with the word "black" most aren't ready to carry that cross. 

I feel this is what you have been trying to get across for the past few days. This is the "aha moment" for me at least lol. I felt a slight racist undertone through some of the stuff you had been posting on this topic because I didn't understand where you were going with it. That being said, I agree in today's culture that black is seen as negative or evil or dark, eg. black magic vs white magic. This is the root of the race issues in society today that needs to be addressed across all fronts starting with ourself
I feel this is what you have been trying to get across for the past few days. This is the "aha moment" for me at least lol. I felt a slight racist undertone through some of the stuff you had been posting on this topic because I didn't understand where you were going with it. That being said, I agree in today's culture that black is seen as negative or evil or dark, eg. black magic vs white magic. This is the root of the race issues in society today that needs to be addressed across all fronts starting with ourself
I am glad someone gets it. This white supremacy thing is bigger then what is being presented. You have what's called 2nd order light entiites that feed of the things that come with white supremacy. Hate fear aggression are all things that cause ethereal bleeding and can be fed off of. When you talk about the universe, the thing that precedes it is the mind. As the mind descends into matter it does so through frequencies and waves. All the religions talk about light. If the mind descends into the material world as light then we can use the electromagnetic spectrum to identify certain thought patterns. We all aspire to use our mind to the best of it's ability and totality. If you combine all the colors in the electromagnetic spectrum you get black, hence the asiatic black man is god. And man is inter-changeable with mind. Old teste-mind (physical) yields the New teste-mind, which is the spiritual man/mind. Any body on the planet has the choice of stepping into that light, but look at this thread and how certain people were turned off when i said certain things about being white or black when all i did was share to my knowledge the true nature of things. That shows you how deep the programming is. There are certain words and spells that when said your mind reacts before you even get a chance to digest the information. A lot of it has to do with keeping your mind trapped in the cube at the bottom of saturn. Until you unfold that cube and make it a cross to become the christ, you're still trapped in 3rd dimensional thinking. If you want to elevate to that which is above planetary influence, you have to mentally resonate with that that proceeded creation and that's the primordial blackness called nu or which ever suits your fancy. 
Time out. Are you implying that women being fit or in shape is a desecration and is making them become androgynous???? Also that their bodies should be covered up? Can you delve a little deeper into that please?
I don't have a pdf for that one, and because the author has mentored some of my close friends i ask anyone that is interested buy and support it. It's worth the money and any women i have shared it with has thanked me immensely. 

To answer your ? though, yea. The union of man and women is essentially the union of god and there are those who seek to oppose it. When a woman works out she produces testerone which has a positive energy signature. Man are testerone based therefore the two energies repel one another. On the other side you have a high % of women on birth control which increases estrogen production. Estrogen isn't filtered out of the water supply so now you have men with abnormally high amounts of estrogen intake. This is part of the reason divorce is at an all time high. A women's body is not designed to break down testerone consistently and it takes a toll on her. The womb is such a delicate environment that anything can throw it off. Every time you work out you're breaking down muscles. Imagine what that does to a woman's womb every time she is doing crunches and stuff like that. In America white people are perceived as the most fit, yet their death rate has exceeded their birth rate. That's because they've taken their women out of her natural state and put her in an environment that's not conducive to her biology. Therefore her womb is not able to produce at the natural rate it would. Unfortunately the rest of the world is blindly following suit. 

In regards to the women being covered up, i was saying that that came about as a response to the radioactive environment. If you go back far enough the egyptian women used to wear lead wigs to offset the radiation. Now that tradition is used as a system of opression (islam full cover). For modern times from what I've researched women are damaging their vaginas with skin tight pants etc. The constant stimulation causes desensitization. In turn the ****oris has to be stimulated more intensley which causes damage to all the surrounding parts. Now we have problems ovarian cancer, cysts and fibroids at an all time high.
How do souls and/or reincarnation, past life karma, factor in to the created or genetically engineered beings as compared to the souls of original man? Can these ancients create mind on their own and manifest it in to a being?
Or if something is genetically engineered(not modified but engineered or cloned) does it have the capacity to even carry a soul?

I guess that's kind of what you are asking too, right Frank?
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How do souls and/or reincarnation, past life karma, factor in to the created or genetically engineered beings as compared to the souls of original man? Can these ancients create mind on their own and manifest it in to a being?
Honestly can't say that I have the answer for that. Some say the reason the engineering started in the first place was to see if they could produce beings with out souls. Some would say our souls aren't even here and we're casting down our light from a higher dimension to control our avatars. If you have control of your light who is to say you couldn't refract it and have it in multiple places at once? That's essentially the core concept of the holographic universe. I know i look around and some of the things i see people do certainly make me question if they have souls. In the ancient texts they do talk about soulless ones, entities that have a spirit and consciousness but lack the divine spark.  But i also think the concept of the soul is beyond human comprehension for me or anyone to say who has what and who doesn't, which is why i always resort to knowledge of self.  If you're interested in that path this is probably one of the better books i've come across:
This is some crazy **** b I've heard of this before tho I saw a Instagram page And this guy would talk about all of this. Hell if i remember correctly doesn't Nas talk about this?

Right on. Started on that first book. Ill check the others out when im done. Thanks.

Anyone check out RFGs take on the alton sterling incident? This kid is wild. Someone in the comments said hes casting spells in these videos. The way he repeats the same thing over and over is kinda odd, plus he seems to be drowning in negativity. Idk about this kid, although he did make a couple good points.
These theories like evolution got so many holes in em.
So much info in here points to superior ancient knowledge.
Control the past, you can control the future.

As a species, I feel like we forgot more than we know today.
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A few weeks ago we were discussing the relevance of numerology/gematria. I am of the belief that if you can see the correspondence in an energy you can manipulate the energy to your will as you would with one that you are familiar with. The bible was wrote with gematria but preceding that there is a science that coincided with it. For those interested :


I would say that is in the same realm of of your post. Pi is a top movie for me but then again many wouldn't understand why I would choose it. Math dude tries to figure out how he can predict stock markets changes using math. All while fully believing math is everywhere, nature, life space everything. If math is everywhere in nature why couldn't it be used for man made entities? We create something we can't control.
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