Sons Of Anarchy Season 5 Thread -- Tuesday's @ 10pm on FX -- 12/05/2012 Episode 13 -- “J'ai Obtenu C

wait a second, isn't adem levine the singer from Maroon 5? I'm confused.

That'd be dope as hell though, letting Ope's brother patch over.
:lol: I understand that. I just don't understand why anyone would want an entire basketball teams tweets buzzing their phones.
:lol: I understand that. I just don't understand why anyone would want an entire basketball teams tweets buzzing their phones.

i love my bulls man :lol:

gf said the same thing...

but if i didnt id miss funny stuff like this from this morning

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Song that was played at the end of the Season 3 finale. Thought I would drop it here. Body is ready for season 6 :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:
man I CAN'T STAND gemma

and i thought SOA did a great job of turning Jax semi heel , but nothing beats Walter WHite's transformation

I'm going to miss the business kingpin talks of Pope and Jax
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