Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

That Crossfit vid is crazy. Kind of OD, actually IMO since I live a different lifstyle. But hey, those guys look like they live, eat, and sleep training.

JSJ, by poor form, what do you mean exactly? I don't know too much about cleans and all that, so I'm not sure about correct form on that.
man school is taking me away from this thread and NT in general
Originally Posted by throwback1718

I honestly cant read through all 800+ pages of this... but for gaining weight, what typical meals do you guys eat? I've been doing research and I see that 6 meals a day is typical. but when the hell do you guys have time to eat 6 meals throughout the day?

a small snack obviously doesn't count. how and when do you guys find time for these meals? and what do you eat? I'm trying to gain 15 muscle pounds by next june. And I want to start now. I have a naturally great build. but I just want to expand on it. so help me!
I wouldn't say six meals a day is typical. Maybe for the intermediate/avid lifter it is but for the average person I'd say it's closer to the standard three. You really should read through the pages because many people have posted how they go about the nutritional aspect of lifting, there is no one typical way to carry it out. You should give more info like what your daily schedule is like to get a more tailored response but I'd still encourage to read through the read. Theres been some pretty valuable info already point in not reading it.

Personally, when I'm in my serious gym mode, I stick to the standard three with decent sized snacks in between. This snack can be a shake (preferably homemade), trail mix/nuts, PB&J sandwich, etc. anything that helps you hit your macros. Theres a ton of possibilities. Hitting your macros is what matters in most (not all) cases, meal spacing and amount isn't as important as many make it out to be IMO
Originally Posted by TroyMcClure

Yo, okay i've been going pretty hard since Feb. Put on near 15 pounds of muscle.
Past two days I was supposed to be in the gym but I took them to sleep and be lazy and have had my first incomplete, unsatisfied week in awhile.

I feel like complete %@*$

That's interesting. I was actually thinking about something similar to give ALL muscles an opportunity to recover, me feeling like %$$!, and consequently being re-energized and re-motivated.

I'm almost done with my 12-week workout program (1 month remaining) and I may do something like this.

anyone have any recommendations for good sweat proof in ear headphones?

also, anyone have any experience taking caffiene pills/powder pre workout? looking for an no xplode type energy for cheap

Originally Posted by Bballkingsrule

What are the best protein bars? I got some, just use after workouts right?

ive been using supreme protein carb conscious bars, they taste
and look healthier than most other protein bars. probably just gonna order a good powder soon though
^ don't jump right into a cycle with a month off. Regain your muscle memory back. Then once you are where u used to be, hop on.
appreciate the advice man. i am doing just that, getting back into the gym this week, waiting 3 weeks minimum then hopping back on

I've been partying way too much, i need to get some solid time in the gym

test prop only tren and threw it away, im not ready for that yet
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

lol this summer has been all drinking and partying, no gym

....second cycle starting in a couple weeks

time to get huge
Same here. I'm so skinny I can't even look in the mirror right now. Back at school now tho so time for aesthetics to make a comeback
how long do you guys do your workouts for before you switch up routines? I've been on the same routine for the past 5 weeks and feel like im plateauing. I've upped my weights and feel like i am getting a hard work out but I am not getting that sore feeling the following day? Should I be? or is that a sign that its time for a new routine?
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Bicycle riding to make up for lack of effort/dedication? SMH!
Not sure what this was directed at, but it reminded me of one of the things I hate most at the gym - people who ride the stationary bikes and put in like zero effort, especially on the bikes that have you damn near laying down.

cbass, soreness means nothing.. if youre weights are going up dont worry about it
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Bicycle riding to make up for lack of effort/dedication? SMH!
Not sure what this was directed at, but it reminded me of one of the things I hate most at the gym - people who ride the stationary bikes and put in like zero effort, especially on the bikes that have you damn near laying down.

cbass, soreness means nothing.. if youre weights are going up dont worry about it

Bicycle Riding is also known as "cycling". A "cycle" in body building terms would pertain to steroid usage.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Bicycle riding to make up for lack of effort/dedication? SMH!

nah I've always been 100% dedicated
but sometimes life is unexpected and you're in a situation where you can't make it to the gym regularly for a while

muscle memory is kicking in i'll be where i used to be before i even start the cycle
Anybody know how to treat an injured wrist? lol

I kinda went OD on the arm curls and now my right wrist hurts everytime I bench press (I stopped because it hurts, I can barely bench the bar itself now
), but perfectly fine with dumbbells press.

I can't do dumbbells arm curls, but I can curl the curved bar and it won't hurt for some reason. lol
I am looking to start taking a nitric oxide, but there are so many conflicting reviews on all the brands. Can anyone recommend a nitric oxide? I'm debating either getting Neurocore or York3d
So my gym just closed until the end of the month, and now I only have access to a gym to lift on the weekends.

What are some things I can do to keep working out until my gym reopens?
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