Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Starting Wendler's 5/3/1 as soon as I get back from Denmark in early January, can't wait.

My goal is to be benching 225 by summer.
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

I need to lose 70lbs as soon as possible. What is the best exercise and supplements? I want an exercise that is easy and doesn't make me sweat too much and short workout durations, preferably something I can do while I am laying in bed watching tv. Also, what's good foods that taste great and I can eat in great quantities and still lose all the weight possible. Thanks bros. I gotta get my sexy on in time for the summer

not sure if serious.......
i dnt know how this is possible but i was on vacation this past week went out drinking 5 of the 9 days and i gained 10lbs i dnt understand how thats possible my diet was exactly the same just add beer, (i know beer isnt good for ya i expected to gain some weight but i went from 197-207) i swear im going to stop drinking
if ur sodium intake increased then more water molecules will be held in so probably the water weight
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

I need to lose 70lbs as soon as possible. What is the best exercise and supplements? I want an exercise that is easy and doesn't make me sweat too much and short workout durations, preferably something I can do while I am laying in bed watching tv. Also, what's good foods that taste great and I can eat in great quantities and still lose all the weight possible. Thanks bros. I gotta get my sexy on in time for the summer

have you tried cocaine?
I need to get my deadlifts back up. I was only able to do 225x2 last workout... this time last year I was going for 300

Trying to deadlift 350 by the end of next year.
Have any of you guys tried tried the new Beyond Raw product called Re-Grow from GNC? I just received a 4lb jug of it
at my door as a product sample (I guess for being a loyal customer/consumer of Beyond Raw) but since it's a sample no
reviews have been posted on it. I was wondering if any of you have received this as well and have any reviews on the product
before I jump in to it?

Product description
+ Triggers 4 critical cell signaling mechanisms required for increased size, strength and stamina
+ mTOR activation stimulates muscle protein synthesis and supports lean muscle with 12g of rapid absorbing anabolic
leucine and 10g of glutamine
+ Potent anti-catabolic blend protects cells from damage by limiting 5 free radical species that cause catabolism
+increases total amino acid absorption by over 100% and more than doubles leucine absorption
Originally Posted by kobe4threebang

i dnt know how this is possible but i was on vacation this past week went out drinking 5 of the 9 days and i gained 10lbs i dnt understand how thats possible my diet was exactly the same just add beer, (i know beer isnt good for ya i expected to gain some weight but i went from 197-207) i swear im going to stop drinking


water weight AND fat bro

Plus lets be honest, your diet probably wasnt exaaactly the same.
Originally Posted by I3

Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by I3

Yeah i've found a combo of power cleans, shurgs (DB, BB smith) and deadlifts really hit the traps. I don't isolate them, but id like to grow them lol.

Tried to dealift 230 5x5 like last week, but could only muster like 2 sets of 3 fml.. back gets too sore - any help?

If you're feeling it in your back, more often than not your form is off.
I think I agree with you.  Will get a video up to critique. 

I need my problem lies on the descent or the way down.  I can get the weight off the ground, utilising the hip-thrust.  But when I come down, I think I activate my back as holding the weight rather than de-thrusting? the hips, bending the knees - do you understand me?
Yeah, a lot of the time people learning the movement don't load their hips properly on the eccentric portion.  If the load isn't in the hips, it's gotta go somewhere, i.e. your back. 

Originally Posted by af1 1982

^^Absolutely. Olympic Lifts ftw
FYI, though squats are used in training the O-lifts, the squat itself isn't an Olympic lift.
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by kobe4threebang

i dnt know how this is possible but i was on vacation this past week went out drinking 5 of the 9 days and i gained 10lbs i dnt understand how thats possible my diet was exactly the same just add beer, (i know beer isnt good for ya i expected to gain some weight but i went from 197-207) i swear im going to stop drinking


water weight AND fat bro

Plus lets be honest, your diet probably wasnt exaaactly the same.

Honestly it was I live by myself so it's not like I would eat anything differen the food in the house never chgs, I don't eat pizza or wings or any type of bar food so it wasn't like i was grubbing down, did have a hot dog at a hockey game but besides that nothing chgd 5 egg whites and 4 slices of ham in the morning a sandwich with cottage chesse and baked ruffles and then some baked/grilled chicken and rice for super then I would go out for drinks either way I'm down to 204 know 6 days after my last drink
Incline pressed the 70s yesterday and curled the 35s. Haven't done either in a while, felt good 
Originally Posted by needsomejays

Originally Posted by Scientific Method

I need to lose 70lbs as soon as possible. What is the best exercise and supplements? I want an exercise that is easy and doesn't make me sweat too much and short workout durations, preferably something I can do while I am laying in bed watching tv. Also, what's good foods that taste great and I can eat in great quantities and still lose all the weight possible. Thanks bros. I gotta get my sexy on in time for the summer
not sure if serious.......
Word, son requested a "lay in bed" work out
Never came in this thread much, but after deciding to do p90x I went back through some posts in an attempt to get my knowledge up.

I'll be starting p90 on Monday. I know I need the pull up bar, and I've decided which brand I'm getting, but any suggestions on the brand of resistance bands?

I don't have the space or the funds for the whole free weight set so I'm going with the bands.

I'm seeing a lot of "Black Mountain" in my search for the resistance bands. Are they a solid choice?
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

I need to lose 70lbs as soon as possible. What is the best exercise and supplements? I want an exercise that is easy and doesn't make me sweat too much and short workout durations, preferably something I can do while I am laying in bed watching tv. Also, what's good foods that taste great and I can eat in great quantities and still lose all the weight possible. Thanks bros. I gotta get my sexy on in time for the summer

I can't go a chest workout without my spotter, its a lot easier - especially with dumbells - when they hand them to you. I've gotten a lot of definition and the weight has gone up with my spotter.

Chewtoy - will get a video for you to analyse sometime next year.
I wanna know what do you think is better for breakfast, oatmeal using water or a egg white, turkey bacon on a whole wheat wrap.  I have these two choices at work and trying to cut weight for the summer.  
Originally Posted by DMiLeSkID21

I wanna know what do you think is better for breakfast, oatmeal using water or a egg white, turkey bacon on a whole wheat wrap.  I have these two choices at work and trying to cut weight for the summer. 

Look up the nutritional info... I don't understand what's so hard about this?

Dude doing that squat on the last page was impressive, but I thought he was gonna come crashing down with the bar when he racked it
somehow, over the holidays i lost 5 pounds, even though my gym was closed and i ate like @@%! and drank almost every day

gym finally reopened after their "renovations". every time they renovate the dumbbell selection gets worse. they used to go up to 110, now they only have 70s
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