Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by Durden7

I think most gyms have a large amount of homosexuals. 

Yes, and typically can be without note....
... but dudes dropping sexual innuendoes to eachother in the locker room is
About to go do box squats and lunges today... first time on legs in awhile gonna go beastmode
I got a question??????

I sustained a neck injury from a car accident (bulging disc). I want to do squats but dont think i can maintain the holding of the weight bar on my neck. Whats the closest and most viable alternative. I mthinking hack squats
Fell off HARD the last two weeks

And i was progressing so well too, lost about 11 lbs in 5 weeks...probably gained it all back

How do you guys constantly stay motivated other than seeing the progress?
Originally Posted by AME416

Fell off HARD the last two weeks

And i was progressing so well too, lost about 11 lbs in 5 weeks...probably gained it all back

How do you guys constantly stay motivated other than seeing the progress?

Humans are a product of habit.
Do something consistently and it will become second nature.

I'm not "motivated" so to speak... but if I go three days without hitting the gym I am ITCHING. I can't not go to the gym. The only reason I don't go every day is because my body requires recovery. I probably over train but that's the cost of doing business.
Originally Posted by AME416

Fell off HARD the last two weeks

And i was progressing so well too, lost about 11 lbs in 5 weeks...probably gained it all back

How do you guys constantly stay motivated other than seeing the progress?

Same here, but when i dont go to the gym i still try to eat right. Although all these christmas cookies and cakes that everybody has been making hasnt helped
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by AME416

Fell off HARD the last two weeks

And i was progressing so well too, lost about 11 lbs in 5 weeks...probably gained it all back

How do you guys constantly stay motivated other than seeing the progress?

Humans are a product of habit.
Do something consistently and it will become second nature.

I'm not "motivated" so to speak... but if I go three days without hitting the gym I am ITCHING. I can't not go to the gym. The only reason I don't go every day is because my body requires recovery. I probably over train but that's the cost of doing business.
You sir are absolutley right. I love being @ the gym, and lose complete track of time somedays, others I have to drag myself there and it feels like work until I actually start working. NO MORE BREAKS FROM HERE ON OUT!
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by AME416

Fell off HARD the last two weeks

And i was progressing so well too, lost about 11 lbs in 5 weeks...probably gained it all back

How do you guys constantly stay motivated other than seeing the progress?

Humans are a product of habit.
Do something consistently and it will become second nature.
Habits are more powerful than motivation.

Any tips for gaining weight?

Eat. Eat. Eat. 

ok so im trying to get back in shape. The last few years ive been lazy and gained to much weight.. I trying to figure out where i should start.. Just start hitting the gym/diet.. Also not trying to get ripped just lose weight what exercises should i do..
Originally Posted by daproblem53

im trying to lose weight can anyone reccomned me some pills or powder or something to help me?

Ecstasy and cocaine... LOTS of it. Best appetite suppressant on the market. You'll be skin and bones by beach season FOR SURE 

Actually, salads instead of burgers should do the trick. Heightened heart rate few times a week, a little bit of weight lifting, and maybe some sex help.

FullTech wrote:
Any tips for gaining weight? 

Yeah.. eating is the #1 thing. No powder pill or potion is going to help you.
Lift heavy weights frequently. I've gained almost 30 pounds in 18 months 

Milk in high quantities helped me
Puuuuuuull ups, gotdamn.

I love them, weighted pull ups with a 45 between your legs while everyone stares with awe just asking themselves %%% is this guy doing and 'mirin at the same time. Sucks i can only do 2 or 3 reps but damn, it feels good.

Everyone should work their delts, and hit them hard, they really complement your arms alot. I never hit delts hard, but now i got a delt/shoulder day, and it was the best thing i did. I don't know if it's intrabolic or this bulk, but i'm at a steady 158 but i'm getting stronger.

That's all for now, keep lifting *****ots.
Anyone cutting right now?  Just wondering what are some good routine? I planned  on incorporating cardio for  cutting however I am not sure whether i should keep lifting heavy or go lighter with more reps.  
Originally Posted by NjCollector

Puuuuuuull ups, gotdamn.

I love them, weighted pull ups with a 45 between your legs while everyone stares with awe just asking themselves %%% is this guy doing and 'mirin at the same time. Sucks i can only do 2 or 3 reps but damn, it feels good.

Everyone should work their delts, and hit them hard, they really complement your arms alot. I never hit delts hard, but now i got a delt/shoulder day, and it was the best thing i did. I don't know if it's intrabolic or this bulk, but i'm at a steady 158 but i'm getting stronger.

That's all for now, keep lifting *****ots.

Originally Posted by Mrsouthernhospitality

Originally Posted by Wraith aka invincible

Originally Posted by Mrsouthernhospitality

How many calories should I eat a day 
Im trying to gain muscle and lose body fat at the same time
eat at maintenence
Meaning what 
between 1000-5000
give some body stats.... weight/height/bodyfat/level of activity on a given day/ numbner of day working out/ 
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by Mrsouthernhospitality

Originally Posted by Wraith aka invincible

Originally Posted by Mrsouthernhospitality

How many calories should I eat a day 
Im trying to gain muscle and lose body fat at the same time
eat at maintenence
Meaning what 
between 1000-5000
give some body stats.... weight/height/bodyfat/level of activity on a given day/ numbner of day working out/ 
I try to go in at least 4 days a week though is that a good start
3 weight training days 

and 1 straight cardio day 2 days if im up to it
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