STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Is it true running too much is bad for you? I run 4 - 5 a week, avg. about 3 - 4 miles per run.
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eyeseesoles - my advice to anyone starting out is DO NOT start with the bro split that is filled with isolation exercises and heavy with volume. try something like starting strength. learn your compound movements and focus on form. exercising is only part of the equation - learn about nutrition - that will be the key to your progress.

hey man did you buy some footscapes from me?
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eyeseesoles - my advice to anyone starting out is DO NOT start with the bro split that is filled with isolation exercises and heavy with volume. try something like starting strength. learn your compound movements and focus on form. exercising is only part of the equation - learn about nutrition - that will be the key to your progress.

hey man did you buy some footscapes from me?

This. Any extreme noob can get by on deads, squats, bench press, overhead press and chinups for a while imo, and then after that they can start adding other things. Starting Strength is great.
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eyeseesoles - my advice to anyone starting out is DO NOT start with the bro split that is filled with isolation exercises and heavy with volume. try something like starting strength. learn your compound movements and focus on form. exercising is only part of the equation - learn about nutrition - that will be the key to your progress.

hey man did you buy some footscapes from me?

Yea the cigarette wovens. Lol Naw man I'm just messing with you it was the Mexico ones. Still have a light stench of cigarette smoke.

Thanks for the advice. Honestly will probably stick to the machines my first week and so on.
I just do the elliptical on my off days maybe add one after my session if i still got the energy. Easier on the knees.
I just play ball. Hate cardio in general. Im sure my bf would be crazy low tho if i did cardio daily
I think (hope) 4848 was joking :lol: :lol:

Anyhow, just got the late night workout in...feels good. :pimp:

Good way to get in remaining fats and protein.

Looks good right?

Nasty as ****.
Got my body fat done with the weird pincher things yesterday.  6 foot 180lbs 12% body fat....not sure if good or average.  I want to get to 10%
Bad for your knees, ofcourse.
Yeah if its all on pavement. My dad runs marathons and when he's peaking he averages somewhere between 50-100 miles per week. 

From the article, "Our study didn't find any differences that could explain these longevity differences,"     

So Im calling bs on that, I mean anything can be bad for you when it comes to exercise if you have a poor diet and don't get enough rest. I highly doubt any of realize how much running we would have to do to actually hurt ourselves.
Glad to see the thread moving. :pimp:

I don't sleep much here in the hospital room, vitals checked every two hours, nurses do their job asking how I'm doing, if I need anything

Did PT on Monday and hoping for more today.. I don't move much, if at all here save for a few walks throughout the day. They've got me on a corticosteroid , I did some reading and its the anti roids that would sound appealing :lol:

The neuros officially diagnosed it as MS on Monday after they looked at the spinal fluid pull from Friday, now I'm just here riding it out.

Theyveseen my walk/stumble, theyve seen I can't walk tip toed, or one foot in front of the other without falling. I have a wide gait in my step, mainly due to me being aware of my imbalance and potential for a fall, so I use my wide stance as a means to push off one foot and transfer weight to the other, and repeat the process back.

I've shaken the shock from Friday, by Monday I was aware officially that it is what I have, and I'm ready to move onward and forward with this..

We're all gonna make it bros :smokin
I don't even know what to say, CSD, other than you have an awesome attitude. You're in my thoughts, bro!



Copped this the other day off of Amazon. I LOVE green smoothies, but I was looking to add more variety to what I'm doing. I'm going to try the juicing route and see how I feel. After going through the book, I have so many good ideas. Right before I sold my house, I wore the motor down on my kitchen-aid blender b/c I used it so much....once I get settled after this move, Vitamix, here I come :lol:
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I want a Vitamix too but damn theyre expensive. Going to at least wait until my Ninja goes out or I come up on one cheap somehow.
Thanks bros, its all going to work itself out, and I know it won't be easy, but there's no other way to look at my outcome as anything but positive, in the end ofi all.

All of the bloodwork shows it as being "clean, if not a bit too clean" pointing out my fats can stand to come up a bit. No beetus, no cholesterol , thyroid and triglycerides along with the rest of results clean as a whistle

New day, gonna get my day started in a bit

Have a good one FitFam
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