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Butt wink happens when your hips rise before you shoulders. I like to practice pause squats for a 3 sec count and make myself rise up shoulders first.

You guys want to see a beast? Im sure a lot of you are around his weight too.

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Okay. I'm torn between these two brands. Price's aren't too bad.. but the "dowel" on the Schiek wrap seems interesting for added support... what you guys think?
The length of the straps hardly bother me, just a little during workouts where I don't NEED them, and I have thought that they could be a bit shorter. But recently I've just been folding them back and strapping them under the part that goes around my wrist, takes seconds literally. I don't think you could go wrong with either, good luck!!
Maybe I just terrible mobility or cause of my gut, but I cant do ATG squats at all. My body leans forward and my ankles hurt if I try to even do air ATG squats.

Guess im gonna have to just stick to parallel squats forever bros.

In other news, down to 196 from 203. 
 Started at 208 in June, basically lost the weight I gained when I broke my foot, now its about not being satisfied and progressing.
Had an off day and literally sat on the couch just looking at YouTube videos about fitness & technique. Felt good to waste time while not really wasting it.

Gonna try incorporating Jefferson squats tomorrow to really help with my glutes and general mobility.

Ironman, I did realize my cleaning issues were from not getting myself under the bar and elbows up quick enough. I just hate working on the lift at 24 because of no bumper plates. I'll probably buy this Groupon for a month at a Crossfit gym to invest the time.
Maybe I just terrible mobility or cause of my gut, but I cant do ATG squats at all. My body leans forward and my ankles hurt if I try to even do air ATG squats.

Guess im gonna have to just stick to parallel squats forever bros.

When you do air squats where are your hands/arms?

Put your arms in front of you. As you drop your hips into the squat position keep your arms up. You should be looking up at your hands. It'll help you keep your chest up allowing you to drop your hips lower, therefore causing you to go ATG.

Another way to work on keeping your chest up is air squatting while facing a wall. Get as close to the wall as possible and squat. Closer the better. Also helps people that have issues keeping their knees out.

377 pound Overhead Squat, life isn't fair. :lol:
anybody have any good cottage cheese recipe? want a new snack before bed

officially put on 20 pounds since the end of 2013. from 155 to 175 :pimp: cutting now, lean bulking once fall/winter hits. want to be 190-195 start of spring of 2015.
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anybody have any good cottage cheese recipe? want a new snack before bed

officially put on 20 pounds since the end of 2013. from 155 to 175
cutting now, lean bulking once fall/winter hits. want to be 190-195 start of spring of 2015.
What kind of macros are you looking for?

Can't you just down a serving of cottage cheese and call it a day?
anybody have any good cottage cheese recipe? want a new snack before bed

officially put on 20 pounds since the end of 2013. from 155 to 175 :pimp: cutting now, lean bulking once fall/winter hits. want to be 190-195 start of spring of 2015.

A cup of cottage cheese and 1 oz. of nuts

For fats and protein.

Cottage cheese reminds me of old milk that lumps up when it expires
officially put on 20 pounds since the end of 2013. from 155 to 175
cutting now, lean bulking once fall/winter hits. want to be 190-195 start of spring of 2015.
You're being extemely optimistic. 40 lbs of lean muscle in less than 2 years is unheard of, if not impossible, naturally imo.
that haack dude is a straight beast. insane. i'm wondering what he walks around at. he must normally be around 200#
Yeah a lot of his vids he says he weighs in the low 190s. He stays so upright when squatting its crazy. Hips of peace.

Most guys stay about 10-15 pounds over their weight class Id say, but then you have some guys like Candito who actually stay 2 pounds under year round.
officially put on 20 pounds since the end of 2013. from 155 to 175
cutting now, lean bulking once fall/winter hits. want to be 190-195 start of spring of 2015.
You're being extemely optimistic. 40 lbs of lean muscle in less than 2 years is unheard of, if not impossible, naturally imo.
I think he knows not every pound gained will be pure muscle, right Rook?
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I see. Any good recommendation on brands? I used Mens One a Day gummy before, they were cool. Pretty much Multivits are the only thing besides healthy eating I'm even considering. Used to use whey to build weight etc. but I'm 25 and dd nothing but play flag football and basketball, I no longer need to gain any weight lol.

Day III, short day, but got a 1.2 in today. Legs feeling better, still sore but better.
I think he knows not every pound gained will be pure muscle, right Rook?
He may. If he started at 155 I doubt his BF was very high. Since he said a lean bulk I doubt hes looking to be a soft 190, so we're talking about at least 30 lbs + of lean muscle to get him there from his starting weight. I'm sure he could dirty bulk to 190, I dont doubt that, I was just pointing out that much lean muscle in less than 2 years is difficult.
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