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in b4 nike makes their own crossfit event :rofl:

reebok gonna go bankrupt

Competition will enter the market eventually. Reebok just didn't want a splash.

Reebok is owned by Adidas. Not going anywhere.

Rumor is Nike will heavily sponsor the NPGL



Yeah I don't like these Guys, Too much broscience and they are just not funny, There are much better fitness YouTube channels to watch, P.O.G helped me alot but I think that channel has kinda lost there way, They are too big now and the things that made the channel great they don't do anymore
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Klokov is getting big bucks from going around doing seminars and visiting gyms. I think he rocks whatever he likes cuz he wore Romaleos for a while, then reeboks, now he just picked up the white adipowers at nationals this past weekend.

Speaking of nationals did anybody watch or keep up with it? CJ Cummings can go down as the best American weightlifter in history, kid is a straight beast at 14. Plus so many records broken with big names who've dominated coming in 2nd or 3rd. This sport is really growing.
He has no plans to compete. He likes the sport just like a lot of Oly Lifters do, and they realize it's leading to the growth in weightlifting (both Oly and Powerlifting) in general. A lot of big names are behind CF, it's the no names that are butt hurt for some reason,

CF HQ isn't paying Klokov anything. Reebok and Again Faster are though, big bucks.
Im glad he's helping bring weightlifting to the forefront here in the US. Unfortunately for PL if it gets more exposure, your top competitors like Dan Green and others all look like freaks so people would automatically claim steroids. To the average American, Rich Froning has an achievable physique that most men can shoot for.

Ju I saw another young lightweight kid that set some American records, Derrick Johnson, he's gonna be a beast.
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Derrick Johnson. Close to my height build and weight, but he's so much stronger than me. First American in 16 years to hit a double body weight snatch lol I believe

Cj Cummings is ridiculously strong and the thing that's crazy is that his clean and jerk form goes against everything that is taught. He has a very early second pull.
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For those who Squat 2x+ per week, what do your routines look like with assistance work? Also, how many sets/reps are you doing on your squat days?

:rofl: I found the Klokov video. So out of breath after doing 5 muscle ups. Still impressive to see a massive weightlifter like him performing gymnastic moves though.

I want to meet Klokov. Him, Ilya Ilin and Derrick Johnson. I need to meet all these guys. They inspire me.

Ilin's latest video is inspiring. Missed a lift at 180 kg (I believe it's 180), screams in frustration, and then makes a 186 kg lift

If I miss a snatch, I wuss out and stop for the day. I will probably still wuss out. I don't trust in my reflexes to bail in time.

^ :rofl: I found the Klokov video. So out of breath after doing 5 muscle ups. Still impressive to see a massive weightlifter like him performing gymnastic moves though.

I want to meet Klokov. Him, Ilya Ilin and Derrick Johnson. I need to meet all these guys. They inspire me.

Ilin's latest video is inspiring. Missed a lift at 180 kg (I believe it's 180), screams in frustration, and then makes a 186 kg lift

If I miss a snatch, I wuss out and stop for the day. I will probably still wuss out. I don't trust in my reflexes to bail in time.

NT wouldn't let me put both videos in one post, sorry
What's up with dudes throwing/dropping dbs after a set
I sometimes drop mine when I'm using heavy ones and just struggled on my last rep.... I'll let em drop from slightly above the ground cuz its just easier... Nothing loud and obnoxious though
There were 2 coolguys in the gym yesterday slamming the bar while doing deads.

The whole 225lbs of it, heavy heavy.
Can anyone recommend lifting straps and/or wrist straps? Are the Gangsta Wrist straps my best option? There's also a ton of options for lifting straps.
Can anyone recommend lifting straps and/or wrist straps? Are the Gangsta Wrist straps my best option? There's also a ton of options for lifting straps.

If you want the gangsta wraps I can sell you mine. I don't use wrist wrap that much any more.
For those who Squat 2x+ per week, what do your routines look like with assistance work? Also, how many sets/reps are you doing on your squat days?
5x5 one day, 8x3 pauses the other. For assistance I really only do deficit and regular SLDL and some curls. I personally think you could just squat and be fine without any assistance stuff. Also front squats are a great assistance movement, I just haven't taken the time try them on a regular basis.

I do some of my training based on this: 
Can anyone recommend lifting straps and/or wrist straps? Are the Gangsta Wrist straps my best option? There's also a ton of options for lifting straps.
Just for general pressing movements? I would go with some Titans, they are really stiff at first but they work great. I have the Gangsta ones too but they're pretty long and I only use them for heavy bench. I wouldn't get a 36in pair for your first ones.
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For those who Squat 2x+ per week, what do your routines look like with assistance work? Also, how many sets/reps are you doing on your squat days?

Just a little sample, this was last week...



1) Clean & Jerk: 2rm – 1×1@95%, 1×1@90%

2) Jerk from blocks: 5 singles @ 100% of 2rm C&J + 5-10#


1) Jerk Grip OHS: 2rm – 1×2@95%, 1×2@90%


1) BTN Push Press Clean Grip: 2rm – 1×2@95%, 1×2@90%

2) Good Mornings: 5rm – 1×5@95%, 1×5@90%



1) Snatch: 2rm – 1×1@95%, 1×1@90%


1) Snatch Balance: 3rm – 1×3@95%, 1×3@90%

2) Snatch Hi-Pull (to chest): 3rm – 1X3@95%, 1X3@90%


1) Back Squat: 2rm, 1×2@95%, 1×2@90%



1) Clean from blocks (just above knee): 2rm – 2×2@90%

2) BTN Jerk from blocks (drop every rep): 2rm – 2×2 @90%


1) Power Clean: 2rm – 2×2@90%


1) Push Press: 2rm – 1×2@95%, 1×2@90%

2) Bench Press: 3rm, 1×3@95%, 1×3@90%


Active Rest Day


1) 5X2 Snatch up to 80-85% of PR (from floor)

2) Snatch from blocks (above knee): 2rm – 2×2@90%


1) Power Snatch: 2rm – 2×2@90%


1) Pendlay Row: 4X3 – heaviest possible

2) 5×2 Back Squat @ 90% of Tuesday’s 2rm



1) 1rm Snatch

2) 1rm Clean & Jerk


1) Bench Press: 5×3@90% of Wednesday’s 3rm



Note: Warm Up Reps are not part of the rep scheme, do as many as it takes to get to your percentages. Also, do a MetCon after strength work or later in the day.

Edit: The note is just for personal programming, not recommending anyone to do it if it's not something you're into. Felt like disclosing that, :lol:.
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For dude asking about wrist wraps/lifting straps, these cover both, copped these a while ago and have loved em since. Use them all the time, I know some people say thats bad because your grip relies on them, but I do stuff like farmer walks and plate holds to strengthen my grip. Only complaint is that the wrist part moves SLIGHTLY so I'll have to adjust every so often.

Amazon product ASIN B001JTDIEQ
This got the juices flowing, especially seeing Neil Maddox hit that clean after stalling for a bit (1:07 mark). If you ever cleaned heavy you know that feeling...

I'll link/embed later.
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