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Anyone else try RXBARs?

Not the consistency of a protein bar, obviously, but I really liked it. Little pricey at $3 a bar at Wegmans.




Tried it once. My gym sells that and perfect bars. I like the taste of the perfect bars better.
Hit DL 205 4x7 today. Most volume of DL since my surgery. Felt great, I might go for close to 1RM next week
that sugar :x

You consider 15g a lot? I guess for a "protein bar" it is. Dates are fairly low glycemic though. And I got the impression these were more of a "health" oriented bar. I'm not stacking boxes or anything I generally just try ones I've never seen that look interesting.
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 New research from McMaster University is challenging traditional workout wisdom, suggesting that lifting lighter weights many times is as efficient as lifting heavy weights for fewer repetitions.
"For the 'mere mortal' who wants to get stronger, we've shown that you can take a break from lifting heavy weights and not compromise any gains," says Phillips. "It's also a new choice which could appeal to the masses and get people to take up something they should be doing for their health."

Another key finding was that none of the strength or muscle growth were related to testosterone or growth hormone, which many believe are responsible for such gains.
Don't waste your money on sups. Either make the decision to buy gear or don't. Outside of creatine and protein you are wasting your money. You really want to see gains buy some test you really want to shed weight buy some Clen or an ec stack. Stop buying things you don't need. Atleast when I was that young you could buy the original superdrol and halodrol over the counter so getting huge or shredded was just a trip to the sup store.
Links for said evidence? :nerd:
It's almost time to re-up on them, if it's just placebo I'll pass.

I've read it multiple places. Supposedly with long term use for 6+ months it MAY help. Also read that studies are using CLA from animal sources whereas the supplements sold are derived from safflower. There are studies on NIH which support its effectiveness, but every study I read was done using overweight subjects. I'm just your average joe passing along the info I've read though. Do some reading and make that call for yourself.

Here's one on Marks daily apple, there's a men's health article if you even give that any credit :lol:, and a bunch on NIH. Take it fwiw.
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I've read it multiple places. Supposedly with long term use for 6+ months it MAY help. Also read that studies are using CLA from animal sources whereas the supplements sold are derived from safflower. There are studies on NIH which support its effectiveness, but every study I read was done using overweight subjects. I'm just your average joe passing along the info I've read though. Do some reading and make that call for yourself.

Here's one on Marks daily apple, there's a men's health article if you even give that any credit :lol:, and a bunch on NIH. Take it fwiw.
:wow: I had no idea. Take a rep for passing knowledge.

PS. Heard Fish Oil good for your joints should I take them along with my vitamins in the morning? 
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PS. Heard Fish Oil good for your joints should I take them along with my vitamins in the morning? 


I'm always taking a week off.. I just finished a program last week and I'm searching for a new one..
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