STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

OBLITERATED my shoulders yesterday, word to my dude Big Boss. :lol: :nthat:

Today is a rest day. Does that mean im not doing anything? Hell no!
Rest day for the weights.

But i'm about to go to the local park and hoop it up with the locals. Should get in a nice hour or two of HIIT cardio, while i drain a couple 3's doing so...word to Steph Curry. :nthat:

Its going to be a beautiful, 75 degree sunny day here in Santa Barbara. I'm not wasting it indoors. Gotta love that California winter. :smokin

Everyone...get out there and be active! Hike, Bike, Play some beach V-ball... just get out of the house and burn some calories. Have a great day team fit! :nthat:
Despite the overuse of the hat smilie, I like this post. I'm a huge proponent of getting out there and doing something fitness related that's fun - play sports, hike, go skiing etc.. I know a lot of people in this thread lift predominantly for aesthetics, but it's always nice to apply one's fitness gains to varied situations.

apparently saturday mornings are newb times at my gym is all it was was 60+ year old guys in some short shorts lifting way to much weight and 100 lb dudes chilling by the ab machines and today there was a ill say between a 9-11 year old kid in there messing everything up and getting in the way taking weights off th equipment and just sitting where ever he pleases i wanted to tell a worker but i decided not to (in efforts to not lk like a little b****) but i was furious, for starters u have to be at least 18 to get in

and i dont how u IF dudes workout on empty stomachs i was sick for the last day and a half so it was abt 20 hrs since my last meal and i had no energy what so ever
Yeah. I need some solid pre work out carbs or I feel flat during my lift.

For a calisthenic (spelling?) workout, you should try some of the workouts in the Insanity Workout program.
So hard it's almost torture, definitely a challenge.
My rugby coach once upon a time made us do some of this. It's a good workout and generally has you do sort of awkward movements you're not used to. I'd prefer to run sprints though.

Superficial question but, I'm going to a Swedish house concert tomorrow and will be wearing a tank. What's the best way to see optimal results at night for the concert? Time in the day should i work out? Cardio? Water i take? Serious question btw.

I used to try and optimize my pump in college, but then I realized that for the vast majority of events that I was optimizing for, I was drinking beers which just made me bloated, so I just stopped worrying bout it.

you going to see Swedish house mafia in san fran?

do you guys know any good exercises that will get rid of a bench plateau? i have been stuck at 225 for about a month and a half.

Fell off my bike on a patch of ice this morning - took a nice direct impact to the hip. Still managed to get a day in shredding NH semi-powder. I'm hoping I'll be able to manage my workout tomorrow, but I'm probably gonna be kind of limited, which is frustrating. I'm supposed to do some box jumps, clean, and deadlift tomorrow, but we'll have to see.

Not directly fitness related, but I've found that the adrenaline pump that you get from taking a hard fall biking, snowboarding, etc or taking a hard hit in a contact sport is a pretty unmatched feeling.
Ksteezy, I went to a crossfit gym for the first time for a free training session.

Worth it, I must say...

And the yambs in there....OMGoodness..

I will begin my classes in 2 weeks.
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Ksteezy, I went to a crossfit gym for the first time for a free training session.

Worth it, I must say...

And the yambs in there....OMGoodness..

I will be beginning my classes in 2 weeks.
This. Seriously considering getting good at crossfit just to meet my future wife.
feels good to have a park right by my house, this is the first time i'm using it for cardio can just walk 2-5 miles to raise my calorie burn

also been using my bodybugg for the past 2 weeks says I burn about 3000-3200 calories. Been losing 2-3 lbs a week at 1k deficit so its been pretty spot on...

also cosign on all the :smokin chicks be at the classes in the gym. Especially the yoga class
Asked quite a while ago but never got an answer, so I'll give it another go. I don't seem to have an excessive amount of body fat in my stomach area, but my stomach always feel bloated aside from when I first wake up in the morning. Is there anything that's causing this much of a bloat every day. Do I need to try some sort of cleanse? From some research I've done I have found a cause may be sodium intake levels. Anybody have any advice?
Asked quite a while ago but never got an answer, so I'll give it another go. I don't seem to have an excessive amount of body fat in my stomach area, but my stomach always feel bloated aside from when I first wake up in the morning. Is there anything that's causing this much of a bloat every day. Do I need to try some sort of cleanse? From some research I've done I have found a cause may be sodium intake levels. Anybody have any advice?
How much water do you drink daily? If sodium is the problem, make sure you're taking in a minimum of a gallon a day.
Hey, I just made an account for niketalk after lurking through its forum for quite some time (6 years) due to my interest in sneakers.

Long story short, I came across this thread looking to get back in shape.

I'm 5'8 and weigh 140lbs haven't really had a consistent workout since my junior year (2 years ago) of high school.

Stop playing sports (ran track and play football) since I got myself a job.

I would like to add close about 20lbs of muscle mass by the end of the summer.

Any workout plan on how to achieve this goal?
You warm weather dudes better take advantage of the outdoors. In the summer time, I used to run 4-5 times a day + lift at night. I loved running outside. Now with this weather? Son. I can't even breathe in the cold much less run 3+ miles. Terrible. This jersey weather man :rolleyes :rolleyes
Asked quite a while ago but never got an answer, so I'll give it another go. I don't seem to have an excessive amount of body fat in my stomach area, but my stomach always feel bloated aside from when I first wake up in the morning. Is there anything that's causing this much of a bloat every day. Do I need to try some sort of cleanse? From some research I've done I have found a cause may be sodium intake levels. Anybody have any advice?

What is your diet like?

Just seems like you need to incorporate more fiber/water into your meals.
Asked quite a while ago but never got an answer, so I'll give it another go. I don't seem to have an excessive amount of body fat in my stomach area, but my stomach always feel bloated aside from when I first wake up in the morning. Is there anything that's causing this much of a bloat every day. Do I need to try some sort of cleanse? From some research I've done I have found a cause may be sodium intake levels. Anybody have any advice?

Might be low stomach acid levels. Stress, mineral levels, etc. can cause undersecretion of HCl in the stomach, altering how much food is degested, digestion speed, etc. You should find a functional medicine doctor in your area and see what they suggest.
Hey, I just made an account for niketalk after lurking through its forum for quite some time (6 years) due to my interest in sneakers.

Long story short, I came across this thread looking to get back in shape.

I'm 5'8 and weigh 140lbs haven't really had a consistent workout since my junior year (2 years ago) of high school.

Stop playing sports (ran track and play football) since I got myself a job.

I would like to add close about 20lbs of muscle mass by the end of the summer.

Any workout plan on how to achieve this goal?
To get BIG you gotta eat BIG playa

Theres a few plans you could go with, 5x5, starting strength, push/pull/legs, go to and check out the forums there. They will answer all your questions. Just remember you can workout like a mofo all you want but if your diet isn't on point you won't reap any of the benefits. 
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How can I get my shoulders to look like Rondo? Pound for Pound, he has some vicious shoulders. (No Romo)

Dwight Howard's shoulder game is something to envy.  I've always had naturally big shoulders and traps but that dude...smh.  No Francis Ocean.

Running on fumes this week.  Last minute projects have caused the job to take over my life.  Between that and running around the little one, I haven't gotten in my usual 5 - 6 days this week.

Going to do some good stretching today (yoga) and attack it tomorrow.  Luckily my eating has remained on point minus two cookies.  Lil more sugar this week than last, but it all came from fruit so I ain't trippin'.
Asked quite a while ago but never got an answer, so I'll give it another go. I don't seem to have an excessive amount of body fat in my stomach area, but my stomach always feel bloated aside from when I first wake up in the morning. Is there anything that's causing this much of a bloat every day. Do I need to try some sort of cleanse? From some research I've done I have found a cause may be sodium intake levels. Anybody have any advice?
Could be gluten intolerance. Are you eating a lot of wheat these days? Try cutting some of that out of your diet and seeing what happens.

Hey, I just made an account for niketalk after lurking through its forum for quite some time (6 years) due to my interest in sneakers.
Long story short, I came across this thread looking to get back in shape.
I'm 5'8 and weigh 140lbs haven't really had a consistent workout since my junior year (2 years ago) of high school.
Stop playing sports (ran track and play football) since I got myself a job.
I would like to add close about 20lbs of muscle mass by the end of the summer.
Any workout plan on how to achieve this goal?
I'd suggest either Starting Strength or Greyskull LP. Both are linear progression plans oriented towards novices. In addition to consistently following these plans, you will need to eat significantly above maintenance. I'm guessing your maintenance at that weight is around 2200 calories per day. To gain weight and put on muscle mass, you should be eating at least 500 calories above that, so around 2700-2800 calories.
You'll also need to eat adequate amounts of protein - the number that I've seen thrown around the most is 0.8 grams per lb bodyweight, but you should probably aim a little higher than that. I'd say 150 grams at least - this should be pretty easy to do if you cook yourself meat for both lunch and dinner, eggs in the morning, and a protein shake or two. Nothing wrong with "too much protein," though it can get expensive or hard to fill up on.
Divide out the rest of your calories between carbs and fats. You'll need fats for recovery purposes and they're dense in calories so they'll help you hit your caloric goal. Carbs will give you energy you need and spike insulin leading to growth. the above paragraph is a pretty boiled down version of what you need to know but should be enough to get you started. I'd suggest recording your diet, counting calories, and taking regular measurements, so you can modify your diet as you see fit.

How can I get my shoulders to look like Rondo? Pound for Pound, he has some vicious shoulders. (No Romo)

Um low body fat. In terms of actual muscular development, those delts aren't that impressive. However, the striations really show through at such a low BF%.
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having a newborn is something else. got the rare workout in at 4am this morning. strength is down in the dumper. motivation and enthusiasm was high though. had alotta fun if anything. next time i might just bypass the weights and hit the stuff i've always wanted to try when the gym is empty: jacobs ladder, battle ropes, the sled etc.
Might be low stomach acid levels. Stress, mineral levels, etc. can cause undersecretion of HCl in the stomach, altering how much food is degested, digestion speed, etc. You should find a functional medicine doctor in your area and see what they suggest.

Thanks. Stress is definitely something I deal with on a daily basis, unfortunately until I get a new job that's not going away. Not to come off as too stupid, but a functional medicine doctor is just a regular doctor right? or is there something specific I should be looking for.

Could be gluten intolerance. Are you eating a lot of wheat these days? Try cutting some of that out of your diet and seeing what happens.

I'll have to look into this, as far as wheat goes, I usually have just one piece of bread a day with my eggs for breakfast.

Here's what my diet looks like for the most part. I personally cant pin point what's causing this bloating, from some of your responses I'm guessing it may very well be something health wise. Thanks for all the responses guys

2 whole eggs, 3 whites (scrambled)
piece of whole wheat toast (w/minimal amount of homemade preserves)
Steel cut oats w/blueberries (minimal amount of honey)
1 scoop protein

chobani or fage yogurt cup
string cheese

1-1 1/2 chicken breast
cup of steamed vegetables
1/2 brown rice (on occassion)

almonds (the amount usually just differers, I just throw a handful in a little container I have)

Post workout meal
1-1 1/2 chicken breast
1 scoop protein
1 cup vegetables
1/2 cup brown rice (on occassion)

Throughout the day I drink about 1 gallon of water
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NT help me lose 25 lbs I'm 5 6' 180 last time I checked smh . I Gained about 15 lbs in the past couple months . I need diet and workout advice thanks in advance
All-Star Sunday, had to play some ball. Got in a good sweat despite it being cold outside.
Just finished another spin class this afternoon. I'm telling you bros nothing like a great workout plus staring at *** in yoga pants for an hour 
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