STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Budget under 150 . Strength is 455 back squat and 545 dl

Your skrenf levels are high enough to wear an SBD and not be a fraud
, but your budget is only high enough for Strength Shop or Inzer.

FYI I just bought a custom Pioneer that ran me over 4 bills.
Arm subbed a bunch of people today including my instructor again. :lol:

I need new moves. But I think Im naturally good on a top down dominant position (pause). I dont know what Im doing when Im on my back.

Biceps and back tomorrow.
🤣 the conviction in that clip is crazy…this what’s on regular tv these days 😮‍💨

did some heavy (for me) front squats for the 1st time in a minute, it was a lil more difficult than expected…progressed in smaller increments than usual, 225lbs-255-270-285-300 & spent too much energy/time

* I saw a lot of chakra wasted doing bunny hops.

* I always squat/front squat before I pull, even on T1 DL days.

* It's also possible you have a strength imbalance somewhere that prevents you from front squatting heavy weight.
* I saw a lot of chakra wasted doing bunny hops.

* I always squat/front squat before I pull, even on T1 DL days.

* It's also possible you have a strength imbalance somewhere that prevents you from front squatting heavy weight.

😂 good points gotta keep the 'bunny hops' tho, some plyometric exposure every session is kinda mandatory for me else i start to lose the abilities...T1 deadlift days?? definitely have some imbalances, trying to address those encompass the lil bit of accessory work i do, then there's improving core stability/strength generally which I feel like i get exposed whenever i do front squat
😂 good points gotta keep the 'bunny hops' tho, some plyometric exposure every session is kinda mandatory for me else i start to lose the abilities...T1 deadlift days?? definitely have some imbalances, trying to address those encompass the lil bit of accessory work i do, then there's improving core stability/strength generally which I feel like i get exposed whenever i do front squat

Again, you ask how to hit S/D 5/600 but be jacking up the order of operations like math class.

If you absolutely must do them, do them after the more important lifts are knocked out.

(Pro Tip: Personally, I take longer rests between the Big 4 sets and never super set exercises in-between them.(

Squat then deadlift first since those are most likely to kill you. Then do your accessory lifts, from big to small, then you plyo and stretching crap last.

I’d also bush the trap bar and learn to pull sumo and conventional (alternate both).

They are superior and the only true deadlifts (well, beside the ancient and glorious Old E style).

T1 simply denotes which lift is given priority for the day: a T1 Bench T2 Overhead day is a Bench Press —> Strict Press upper body day.

Even if deads are designated T1, always skwat first if they are scheduled. Squatting with a sore or taxed lower back is a no-go. :sick:
Again, you ask how to hit S/D 5/600 but be jacking up the order of operations like math class.

If you absolutely must do them, do them after the more important lifts are knocked out.

(Pro Tip: Personally, I take longer rests between the Big 4 sets and never super set exercises in-between them.(

Squat then deadlift first since those are most likely to kill you. Then do your accessory lifts, from big to small, then you plyo and stretching crap last.

I’d also bush the trap bar and learn to pull sumo and conventional (alternate both).

They are superior and the only true deadlifts (well, beside the ancient and glorious Old E style).

T1 simply denotes which lift is given priority for the day: a T1 Bench T2 Overhead day is a Bench Press —> Strict Press upper body day.

Even if deads are designated T1, always skwat first if they are scheduled. Squatting with a sore or taxed lower back is a no-go. :sick:

hitting on or close to those numbers is more of a far out goal than immediate one…if even feasible for how i’ve been progressing lifts with the frequency & intensity i’ve become accustomed to & if it makes sense as regular dude that only lifts a couple/few times a week

i usually do squat 1st, other than days i use the trap bar…what wrong with the trap bar tho? no issues w/low back, even tho i do get out of position w/form sometimes…what’s the reasoning for alternating pulling sumo? won’t it interfere w/conventional? wouldn’t deficit conventional deadlifts have more carryover?

what accessories do y’all do in support of the major compound lifts? i been adding rows & lat pull downs one day of the week, rotating stiff leg rdls, lunges, and elevated split squats, don’t do much for pressing other than trying to press more
Ive added more bulk the last few weeks. Arms looking mad beefy. Im a choke the sh out of someone tomorrow morning.:angry:

......with good technique.

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