STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

That;s great, pause of course. Did you track your body composition numbers? I am 285, ~30% bf. My goal is 225 by the summer. If I do that, my hops should return just off the strength of the increase bf% numbers, but if not then I'll get back into my hardcore plyos like I did when I was in my teens and see if I can't salvage a few more yrs (I'm 27) of being really athletic and dunking. Haven't done so in more than 2 yrs, haven't even been to the gym to hoop in almost a yr. See Snoop
I did track my body comp. Religiously. I would say I did too much if there is ever such a thing. You'll feel your bunnies come back once you get lighter.
Used to have an account but new NT isn't letting me log on. Anyways, just wanted to drop some motivation in here for the guys beginning the grind trying to lose weight.

March of 2012

October of 2012
repped helluva progress
Is there anything you guys do to get over a wall?  I havent changed much in my diet and exercise routine but over the last two weeks I havent lost any weight.
Started back on the Insanity workout videos

Trying to drop a few lbs before the holiday season.

Still will be lifting in the gym too.

I mostly have to get my diet on track... Tooooooo much fast food. SMH @ myself :smh: :smh: :smh:
Im 5'10 weighing 150lbs. I'm skinny but muscular. I want to get up to 160-165.
I moved up to 30lb dumbbells this week.
My upper body workouts consist of 3 sets:
Dumbbell bench press (30lb dumbbells)
Shrugs (30lb dumbbells)
Curls (30lb dumbbells)
Weighted Tri dips (45lb weight)
Weighted Sit up (50lb weight)
Inclined rows (30lb bells)
Shoulder raises (10-15lb bells)
Lat pull downs (90-105lbs)
Cable rows (105-120lbs)
Hammer Press (45lb each side)
Deadlifts (50lbs)
Ham Curls
Calf raises
Home workout:
Declinced push ups = 3 sets failure
Pull up = 3 sets failure
Run half a mile after lifting
Basketball when I'm not lifting
I started drinking a glass of milk before bed this week to see if that helps.
Anybody have any other tips that I can try?


I'm like the same. Except I'm lighter than you and bench a lot more (165lbs barbell and last time I did dumbbells it was 65lbs). You can probably lay off the cardio and instead of drinking milk drink a protein shake before bed.
Im 5'10 weighing 150lbs. I'm skinny but muscular. I want to get up to 160-165.
I moved up to 30lb dumbbells this week.
My upper body workouts consist of 3 sets:
Dumbbell bench press (30lb dumbbells)
Shrugs (30lb dumbbells)
Curls (30lb dumbbells)
Weighted Tri dips (45lb weight)
Weighted Sit up (50lb weight)
Inclined rows (30lb bells)
Shoulder raises (10-15lb bells)
Lat pull downs (90-105lbs)
Cable rows (105-120lbs)
Hammer Press (45lb each side)
Deadlifts (50lbs)
Ham Curls
Calf raises
Home workout:
Declinced push ups = 3 sets failure
Pull up = 3 sets failure
Run half a mile after lifting
Basketball when I'm not lifting
I started drinking a glass of milk before bed this week to see if that helps.
Anybody have any other tips that I can try?
 Lay off the basketball. Try and limit to once a week (hard I know). It's not just cardio, it's also requiring your entire body. And the constant stop and go burns requires more energy and burns way more calories.

The glass of milk is good. Try and add a granola bar or a PB sandwich
Still sitting at 64 pounds when I started my diet Feb 19th! Been hitting be weights for the past month pretty hard and I'm definitely noticing the fat melting off and the muscles starting to grow! Best decision I've ever made was to get myself into shape! 314 to 250 is pretty awesome but I've still got plenty of work to do and I can honestly say this thread has helped me out A LOT! Thanks to everyone that posts in here on a regular basis. :smokin
Still sitting at 64 pounds when I started my diet Feb 19th! Been hitting be weights for the past month pretty hard and I'm definitely noticing the fat melting off and the muscles starting to grow! Best decision I've ever made was to get myself into shape! 314 to 250 is pretty awesome but I've still got plenty of work to do and I can honestly say this thread has helped me out A LOT! Thanks to everyone that posts in here on a regular basis. :smokin

DOPE progress!!! :smokin

If you don't mind, how tall are you?
Might be a dumb question, but is there a general BF% that abs should start appearing? Or is it a case by case issue.

The reason I'm asking is because I scheduled to get it measured this Sunday and when I was talking to the trainer, he said I looked like I was at about 10% which is pretty low. But I just have a flab for a stomach. I guess fat is concentrated in different areas of the body for different people
lots of people says at 10% you should start seeing your abs but thats not true for everyone.
Thanks. I feel like I'm teetering right on the brink. My cut might not be as long as I anticipated. I just wanna get shredded

Dat Ryan Gosling body 
well it helps to know your exact BF%, someone saying you "look" like a certain percent doesnt help :lol: if you can get an accurate reading then it will help you. just keep up with your diet and what ever else you are doing and you should start seeing your abs slowly but surely.
well it helps to know your exact BF%, someone saying you "look" like a certain percent doesnt help
if you can get an accurate reading then it will help you. just keep up with your diet and what ever else you are doing and you should start seeing your abs slowly but surely.
Yeah he was giving me a rough estimate today. I'm going tomorrow or Sunday to get a full analysis. The one where you get a small electric pulse through your body. He said it'll be able to pinpoint exact locations with higher fat content which is pretty cool

Not that it matters because you can't spot burn but it's useful to know which areas will require more attention to build muscle before I go on my cut
Already done my session for the day

Warm Up: (10m)

-6 lengths across the gym
-Half length of gym sprints + broad jumps back
-20 Air squats
-quarter of gym sprints + 3x normal pushups, 3x wide pushups 3 x 3x release pushups

Strength: (20min)

-5x front squat
-5x high pull
-5x snatch grip
-5x full clean

Circuit: (20min)

-100x pushups (in partners, so technically 50-50)
-400m run
120x air squats (in partners, so technically 60-60)
-400m run
-150x pull ups (in partners, so technically 75-75)
-400m run
-100x pushups (in partners, so technically 50-50)

Already done my session for the day

Warm Up: (10m)

-6 lengths across the gym
-Half length of gym sprints + broad jumps back
-20 Air squats
-quarter of gym sprints + 3x normal pushups, 3x wide pushups 3 x 3x release pushups

Strength: (20min)

-5x front squat
-5x high pull
-5x snatch grip
-5x full clean

Circuit: (20min)

-100x pushups (in partners, so technically 50-50)
-400m run
120x air squats (in partners, so technically 60-60)
-400m run
-150x pull ups (in partners, so technically 75-75)
-400m run
-100x pushups (in partners, so technically 50-50)

mean.gif're on that spartan workout.  Props.
Already done my session for the day

Warm Up: (10m)

-6 lengths across the gym

-Half length of gym sprints + broad jumps back

-20 Air squats

-quarter of gym sprints + 3x normal pushups, 3x wide pushups 3 x 3x release pushups

Strength: (20min)

-5x front squat

-5x high pull

-5x snatch grip

-5x full clean

Circuit: (20min)

-100x pushups (in partners, so technically 50-50)

-400m run

120x air squats (in partners, so technically 60-60)

-400m run

-150x pull ups (in partners, so technically 75-75)

-400m run

-100x pushups (in partners, so technically 50-50)

:smh:'re on that spartan workout.  Props.

Yeah man, joined some guys about 3 months ago, who are on that beastin fitness life...been training with them. Changes up the routine everyday.
Right now, I'm just trying my best to keep up, I'm not exactly beasting...but I believe by February :smokin
Has anyone tried the White Blood 2 supplement by Controlled Labs? The stench of that **** is just... SMH.
can anyone give me some tips on bench pressing? I SUCK at it lol.... :smh:
I can barely bench 2 25's (like 3 sets of 9-10 reps), but it always feels weird/wrong, and I always feel like my form is wrong. suggestions lol?
i tried doing a ton of pushups thinking it would help, but it didn't, i think it made me worse actually :lol:

Focus on the negative, on the come up I go til just before my elbows lock out. Semi-slow movements pausing on the down and up for about a second. I see too many people on many lifts just doing whatever movement all herky jerky and calling it a "rep"
can anyone give me some tips on bench pressing? I SUCK at it lol.... :smh:
I can barely bench 2 25's (like 3 sets of 9-10 reps), but it always feels weird/wrong, and I always feel like my form is wrong. suggestions lol?
i tried doing a ton of pushups thinking it would help, but it didn't, i think it made me worse actually :lol:

Less reps. Maybe try 5 reps since your form might be getting worse as you fatigue. Also, just do less weight until you get your form correct.
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