STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

So far I've cut out all alcohol. And fast food/eating out. I use to drink a pint of whisky a day or 6 pack of miller lites. So thats good

Been eating salads for lunch rather than sandwiches then going home and cooking up chicken and eating that with just a tiny bit of bbq sauce. Usually eat carrots or broccoli with hummus with it/throughout the day

Any recs on breakfast though? For the most part ive just been running then skipping it til i have a salad w chicken for lunch. Raw oatmeal the way to go ?
Oats are good. Add in some protein and natural peanut butter and you should have your macros covered.
Oats are good. Add in some protein and natural peanut butter and you should have your macros covered.
Would I want protein if I'm trying to lose weight? trying to cut out about 15 pounds (although with putting on muscle I suppose it'd stay even right?)

I am getting protein from all the chicken I eat I believe, but definitely a noob to it. Been trying my best to check and here daily but can't find too much on BB really from my phone
So far I've cut out all alcohol. And fast food/eating out. I use to drink a pint of whisky a day or 6 pack of miller lites. So thats good

Been eating salads for lunch rather than sandwiches then going home and cooking up chicken and eating that with just a tiny bit of bbq sauce. Usually eat carrots or broccoli with hummus with it/throughout the day

Any recs on breakfast though? For the most part ive just been running then skipping it til i have a salad w chicken for lunch. Raw oatmeal the way to go ?

i eat instant oatmeal and fruit or a poptart and oatmeal for breakfast.
i eat instant oatmeal and fruit or a poptart and oatmeal for breakfast.
i just cut instant oatmeal out last week after realizing it was full of sugar. i'm struggling with these rolled oats though..
they taste like unrefined nature. makes me realize how many additives there are in the instant packs.
What would the difference be between hack squats and leg press? Aren't they kind of the same? Is one better?

I basically squat on leg days then do stiff leg deads then do lunges and calves...and if i have anything left il do laying hamstring curls. But with my groin issues after soccer ive started to squat less weight and look for other things to do that isolate my legs and don't put pressure on my groin

hack squats kill my knees. hate them like no other.

Ive never done them....idk why but the movement seems unnatural to me. I rarely do leg press unless im hurt and need back stability or something. But i love squatting and usually will squat for a good 30 mins until i can't walk
Would I want protein if I'm trying to lose weight? trying to cut out about 15 pounds (although with putting on muscle I suppose it'd stay even right?)

I am getting protein from all the chicken I eat I believe, but definitely a noob to it. Been trying my best to check and here daily but can't find too much on BB really from my phone
Yeah you want the protein to help hold on to your existing lean mass while cutting. Being new at it you could possibly add muscle while losing fat but it'll be difficult.
What would the difference be between hack squats and leg press? Aren't they kind of the same? Is one better?
Idk playa

But they feel different, and I noticed my leg strength increased when I added hacks to my leg routines, mind you I'm not like these other guys

I don't have a leg day, I do legs everyday for the simple fact that it keeps me flexible and it counteracts my tendinitis in my knee
i eat instant oatmeal and fruit or a poptart and oatmeal for breakfast.

i just cut instant oatmeal out last week after realizing it was full of sugar. i'm struggling with these rolled oats though.. :x they taste like unrefined nature. makes me realize how many additives there are in the instant packs.

I eat the weight control ones from QO. only like 7g of sugar per.
What would the difference be between hack squats and leg press? Aren't they kind of the same? Is one better?

I basically squat on leg days then do stiff leg deads then do lunges and calves...and if i have anything left il do laying hamstring curls. But with my groin issues after soccer ive started to squat less weight and look for other things to do that isolate my legs and don't put pressure on my groin

Hack Squats put more emphasis on my glutes for some reason. Supposedly good as a replacement for Front Squats. I don't like the movement too much though...

What would the difference be between hack squats and leg press? Aren't they kind of the same? Is one better?

I basically squat on leg days then do stiff leg deads then do lunges and calves...and if i have anything left il do laying hamstring curls. But with my groin issues after soccer ive started to squat less weight and look for other things to do that isolate my legs and don't put pressure on my groin

hack squats kill my knees. hate them like no other.

That's why I stopped doing them. Felt a lot more pressure on my knees even if I'm only doing 90 lbs.

Who reported lucky? Someone man up and say they did it.

Jewbacca will give you reps
I mostly only do squats. Occasionally I'll throw something different in the mix. They alone got my quads sitting at 28". Only thing doing a bunch of different exercises has done for me is kill my knees.
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