Steve Jobs Died...

Meanwhile at Microsoft...

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Steve Jobs is one of the few people who can literally point at and say "Him, his ideas, his visions and his drive literally changed the world we live in a on fundamental level". The man lived his life in service of creativity and innovation. To act like he wasn't important is to be beyond ignorant.
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

here we go... gunna gas this man up all week like he invented the telephone...

what would the world be like w/o 2000 dollar laptops and iphones... thk jeebus for jobs


wow at lots of people saying they didn't think it was that serious. He had pancreatic cancer and had a prior liver transplant. If you have cancer probably the last one you want is pancreatic. I think the 5 year survival is like 5% or something very low.

cnn has a pic of him talking at the WWDC just a few monts ago...dude is gone already. cancer is no joke.

RIP to the GOAT. i've always knocked apple for this and that, but dude was nasty with it. Turned apple into THAT company...and then there was pixar
Originally Posted by SaNTi0321

Originally Posted by dhart48

@ people already saying RIP with no real substantial evidence that he's dead isn't official enough? 

seriously dude happens ALL THE TIME. its like people on here try way too hard to prove people wrong and be disrespectful...

yea he was a big man and he was my hero. sucks that a man like him has to pass away after all they have done to the world and made technology advance as fast as it did. RIP you will for ever be in my heart. 
Love Benjamin Flores
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

here we go... gunna gas this man up all week like he invented the telephone...

what would the world be like w/o 2000 dollar laptops and iphones... thk jeebus for jobs

c'mon son this isn't a thread about the heifers you tend to gas up.
think before you post in thread where someone dies.
Wonder how long it'll take before someone will say this is on some Illuminati tip...

RIP tho Jobs. I be on the PC's, but you know I'm mirin Apple products. Hell, I even got an iPhone right next to me right now.
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

here we go... gunna gas this man up all week like he invented the telephone...

what would the world be like w/o 2000 dollar laptops and iphones... thk jeebus for jobs


...the hell is your problem? SMH.

R.I.P. to a great visionary, leader, and innovator.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by solemunchies

 sources to confirm this?

WOW why does everyone have to question and ask for sources whenever someone dies?

almost EVERYTIME a death is reported on here its been true.

True...only that one time where a few of us thought Larry King was dead and we told O.P to change it to an appreciation post lol

He made the computer personal, and the smartphone fun. Bill Gates may have put a computer on every office desk, but it was Steve Jobs who put one in every dorm room and bedroom and living room. And then, years later, he repeated the trick, putting one in every bag and every pocket, thanks to the iPad and iPhone. If you use a computer or smartphone today, it is either one he created, or an imitation of his genius.

He changed the way movies are made, the way music is sold, the way stories are told, the very way we interact with the world around us. He helped us work, and gave us new ways to play. He was a myth made man.

No doubt.  Basically changed how we do things in so many ways etc it's crazy.    RIP Steve Jobs.
Wow..I knew he wasn't feelin well lately..especially since he stepped down from Apple..

ill say it again... what would the world be w/o 2k laptops and iphones? surely Microsoft wouldve never created anything that apple pioneered...

i cant STANDDDD the way americans mythologize ppl the instant they die... let bill gates die tommorow and wed b in the 20th century w/o Windows let someone tell it

he was just a man...

i dont care ANY more about his death then anyone else who passes from cancer... sad yes but chill with all the slobbing, his success in life is comendable but i promise u the world would be jus fine if he never existed
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