Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

^who cares fanboy

I was just saying FOR THOSE WHO DIDN'T KNOW.
Like c'mon, I came trying to help someone out who didn't know.
^^^you should of seen me.... trying all hard....heart beatin fast.... fist pump on the first KO.... and double fist pump/jump combo on the second KO

Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

some people take this video game stuff a little too serious.
The women in Japan who rock the Felicia/Lilith/Morrigan costumes can continue to be serious though.

Even that Cammy, from the US, wearing a costume.

But yeah this guy is corny. The card the other person is holding up on the left isn't a good representation of Balrog either.
so i go to gamestop to preorder it today and the guy behind the desk tells me they have been selling it all day but now there sold out.....keep in mind this isthe same gamestop i called earlier that told me they didnt have it
Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Originally Posted by thaisativa1

already got a minor callus on my thumb!
Real talk.

This game is more demanding from your thumb than HD Remix
Really? Moves seem easier to pull off in this game than HDR to me. Damn Murphy's Law though, I just burned my thumb taking out the chicken from my oven earlier. Burned right through the thumb of the glove, now I got a white spot and it hurts
I'm the opposite, move are easier in the HD Remix, than again something about Street Fighter IV makes me put MORE effort into the dpad than HDRemix. Ugh, I just gotta get use to the game.

Finally play online, I face a dude with a 3 bar connection and it was smoooooth as a baby $#@. We ended up playing 8 matches and I won 6,
... I <3 thisgame!
Should I pick this game up? It would be for the ps3 since the 360 d-pad is a no-go....

But I dont know if ima still be playin this next month...

I swear I dont trust games no more

wastin $60 for something Ill only play 1 week -_-
Tournament, I'm down.

Anyone wanna be a nice NTer, and sell us some TE FightSticks from your local spots that're just sitting on shelves (for close to retail)?
man ken>ryu for me i suck really bad with ryu but i kick $** with ken...idk why there basically the same LOL but i couldnt beat that russian bastardzangief!! the seth guy is pretty easy i had more trouble on zangief, and
Yeah, I finally beat Seth too and have unlocked 3 characters. I just kept my distance and if I got close to him or if he fell close to me I would just jumpwaaay the hell back
. Dude is a beast if he's next to you.
Anyone else think the music is a little ayo?

"I can feel it coming all over me.."

Anyway, anyone wanna battle?

Gamertag - n3ggalus

Had a 10 in a row win streak on ranked earlier! wooooo!
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