preordered two tourney sticks today. hopefully the spot comes through.
Originally Posted by SenorRoboto2k5

Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

man nobody sucks at tekken. its a button mashers (me) dream.

I don't want to say that Tekken is all about button mashing, but you can certainly get further with button mashing in Tekken than SF. I remember whenTekken Tag Tournament came out for PS2, I played a LOT of Tekken then against my friend and we were playing it every day. I was beating him regularly, on a :nerd:ut of 10 times basis. He wasn't a button masher at all. Then one day I had another friend come over who wasn't into video games at all and we playedsome Tekken and he was just button mashing and almost beating me. I couldn't figure out what was wrong. He never tried the game before, but he was havingsuccess at button mashing. And I don't suck at Tekken, certainly not then. I mean, I wasn't a world class player, but I've played it a lot, enoughto be decent and know a lot of moves.

On the other hand, try button mashing in SF and you'll get your #*$ handed to you. I always laugh when I play against noobs who think that they can'tlose if they button mash with E. Honda.
both games have there respective button mashers, whether its spamming fireballs, jump the low kick/punch spam, leg sweeps, or spaming ff rk with hworang etcetc.
but if your pro, you just eat those things up. its like free candy.
street fighter is 1000x more strategic than tekken. lots of spacing involved and execution has to be on point if u want to be really good.
Originally Posted by aubstuh86

street fighter is 1000x more strategic than tekken. lots of spacing involved and execution has to be on point if u want to be really good.
You can't be serious.
Originally Posted by aubstuh86

street fighter is 1000x more strategic than tekken. lots of spacing involved and execution has to be on point if u want to be really good.


what you laughing at? dude is right. both games are different and strategic in their own way but if youre new to either, you WILL take WAY more time trying tobecome competitive at SF, especially SF4. tekken is no easy to learn, foreigners in japan are good at at. i'm sure 90% of them cant get off a SADC combo put a sf player on a atekken machine and tell him to pull off something. little high school kids and grandpas can easily pull off a 40-50% combo likethey got mad skills.
Originally Posted by Null Snake

Originally Posted by jae oh en

preordered two tourney sticks today. hopefully the spot comes through.
you son of a b i cant even find one
im not getting my hopes up. i have a feeling this place took more preorders than theyll have stock.

@ capcom charging ~20 bucks for all the alternate costumes.
Originally Posted by vandalshark

what you laughing at? dude is right. both games are different and strategic in their own way but if youre new to either, you WILL take WAY more time trying to become competitive at SF, especially SF4. tekken is no easy to learn, foreigners in japan are good at at. i'm sure 90% of them cant get off a SADC combo in put a sf player on a atekken machine and tell him to pull off something. little high school kids and grandpas can easily pull off a 40-50% combo like they got mad skills.
Stop, just stop. I been playing both games since their inceptions and no one is going to convince me that the learning curve in SF is greater thanTekken. SF4 is just now approaching the complexity that other games have had. Try doing an EWGF with Kazuya. Then master it. Then master doing it more thanonce in a row. Then master using it in your juggles. Then get back to me. Aside from the fact that there's so many mixups in tekken and so many moves tolearn for each character, as opposed to the 6-12 or however many moves per character in SF, tekken also gives you versatility in your defense and offense. Whatdo SF players know about Okizame? Sidesteps? Ground recovery? Counters? Chain grabs?


P.S. - I'm gonna be all over SF4
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