Students Kicked Off Campus for Wearing American Flag Tees on Cinco de Mayo

Originally Posted by lol

i dont see why its offensive. They live in america, if those mexicans are offended then maybe they should go back to mexico.

.....estas enojado?
Originally Posted by AirWeezy03

Originally Posted by lol

i dont see why its offensive. They live in america, if those mexicans are offended then maybe they should go back to mexico.

and what if those mexicans were born in america
Then what's the big deal? They're Americans who happen  to be of Mexican ancestry
Most likely they were tryna start @#$%, but they have every right to wear what they wore. Sensitive @#$ people these days
its not like they wore anti-immigration/ illegal immigrant shirts either (which they would still have the right to wear).
why would the Mexican population be mad? aren't they American as well? if not, why did they come over here? its the AMERICAN flag for Christ sakes.
You know those kids were being ignorant.
I mean, come on I don't see no mexicans on 4th of july wearing no damn mexico shirt or mexico dunks like that one kid.
Originally Posted by taimaishu123

why would the Mexican population be mad? aren't they American as well? if not, why did they come over here? its the AMERICAN flag for Christ sakes.
Students  didn't  tell the kids anything, the principal did.
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Most likely they were tryna start @#$%, but they have every right to wear what they wore. Sensitive @#$ people these days
its not like they wore anti-immigration/ illegal immigrant shirts either (which they would still have the right to wear).
They do have the right to wear the flag but i bet you money on any other say they wouldn't be dressed like that.
Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Most likely they were tryna start @#$%, but they have every right to wear what they wore. Sensitive @#$ people these days
its not like they wore anti-immigration/ illegal immigrant shirts either (which they would still have the right to wear).
They do have the right to wear the flag but i bet you money on any other say they wouldn't be dressed like that.
I agree, im just saying that they shouldnt have been sent home.
i graduated from this school (Class of 07)

I think these kids were just trying to be "cool" and wanted some attention (which they got) If it wasn't Cinco de mayo, i don't think they all would have worn the shirts.
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

So hypothetically, ya'll would not have an issue if the Mexican American kids were forced to turn their Mexican flag shirts inside out at school on the 4th of July?

A better analogy  is Mexican students in Mexico wearing Mexican flag   shirts on the 4th of July being  sent   home
What? Mexico doesn't celebrate the 4th of July, but we celebrate Cinco De Mayo. The students regardless of race are Americans. I don't follow you...

On a side note I'm sure they were trying to be disrespectful but the beauty of this country is that we have the right to disagree with each other and the government. Now, you give up your first amendment rights when you step into school so I think the government (school) has the right to tell them to knock it off. However, it's still a blow to civil liberties in general.

In comparison if the supreme court allows Fred Phelps and Westboro Baptist Church to protest at funerals for fallen American soldiers then these jerk-offs should be able to wear the American flag on Cinco de Mayo. In turn, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans, African Americans, etc should be able to sport their flags on the 4th of July if they feel like it.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"
Stupid.  We live in America NOT Mexico.  Unbelievable that Americans have to bow down due to an immigrant holiday.
Originally Posted by OGMIKEY

Pictures didn't look that bad it's pointless. Mexicans don't even take the holiday serious another holiday taken by the advertising powers that be to sell more @+%$. Kids are just too stupid to want to fight over anything, the white kids as stupid as it was wearing those shirts have a right to. Let them look silly who cares. I know school's have independence day off but I would not feel agitated if all the mexicans in the neighborhood started waving their flags.

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

So hypothetically, ya'll would not have an issue if the Mexican American kids were forced to turn their Mexican flag shirts inside out at school on the 4th of July?

A better analogy  is Mexican students in Mexico wearing Mexican flag   shirts on the 4th of July being  sent   home
What? Mexico doesn't celebrate the 4th of July, but we celebrate Cinco De Mayo. The students regardless of race are Americans. I don't follow you...
It's not a recognized American holiday, and being Mexican-American, I  forgot about it until the Suns game  came on. My point is, these kids were IN America wearing American flag shirts. However unrealistic,  the analogy makes sense. If an immigrant  from America went  to school in Mexico for whatever reason, and  wanted  to celebrate  the 4th of July,  the principal at his school  would not object  to Mexican kids  wearing  clothing  with  their  flag.

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

So hypothetically, ya'll would not have an issue if the Mexican American kids were forced to turn their Mexican flag shirts inside out at school on the 4th of July?

A better analogy  is Mexican students in Mexico wearing Mexican flag   shirts on the 4th of July being  sent   home
That would be better, but they don't celebrate Fourth of July in Mexico like American's celebrate Cinco de Mayo. So I can understand HybridSoldier23's analogy.

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Most likely they were tryna start @#$%, but they have every right to wear what they wore. Sensitive @#$ people these days
its not like they wore anti-immigration/ illegal immigrant shirts either (which they would still have the right to wear).
That's my view too. Disrespectful, but not wrong. It's America. If you want to wear it, wear it. I don't see how someone wearing something should affect what you're doing or what you believe in. That's part of this country and if you don't like it, leave...

BTW, some of the students were part Mexican, so it's not one race hating on another. The kids thought they were being discriminated upon because the VP, who is Hispanic, told one kid to remove his bandana (which had the American flag on it) because it was against school rules. Then he told the others they had to remove their shirts or turn them inside out.
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

So hypothetically, ya'll would not have an issue if the Mexican American kids were forced to turn their Mexican flag shirts inside out at school on the 4th of July?

A better analogy  is Mexican students in Mexico wearing Mexican flag   shirts on the 4th of July being  sent   home
What? Mexico doesn't celebrate the 4th of July, but we celebrate Cinco De Mayo. The students regardless of race are Americans. I don't follow you...
It's not a recognized American holiday, and being Mexican-American, I  forgot about it until the Suns game  came on. My point is, these kids were IN America wearing American flag shirts. However unrealistic,  the analogy makes sense. If an immigrant  from America went  to school in Mexico for whatever reason, and  wanted  to celebrate  the 4th of July,  the principal at his school  would not object  to Mexican kids  wearing  clothing  with  their  flag.

Makes sense, thanks for the clarification.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Stupid.  We live in America NOT Mexico.  Unbelievable that Americans have to bow down due to an immigrant holiday.
There are already 47 millions Latino in the US. Illegal immigrants keep coming. Also Latino women usually pump out like 1 kid per year so pretty soon that number will reach 100 mil. Revolution war coming in 2025...
"They said we could wear it on any other day," Daniel Galli said, "but today is sensitive to Mexican-Americans because it's supposed to be their holiday so we were not allowed to wear it today."

The whole "let's be sensitive to Mexican-Americans" stuff is pure BS. These kids have every right to wear whatever they wanted to even if they look like complete douchetards.
  • First of all, Cinco de Mayo is NOT a holiday here in this country (this is the USA still, right?). It's an excuse to get drunk and act like an amateur.
  • Second of all, actual Mexicans (from Mexico) have more of a right to celebrate the holiday, but they don't quite observe the date the way frat boys do here after they get off work. It's about as eventful to them as Flag Day is to us. You ever see anyone get collectively wasted during Flag Day?
That being said these dimwits who wore those atrocious flag fashions were doing this out of pure spite and antagonism not because they were patriotic or proud to be American.

And someone brought up the Fourth of July - if there were a bunch of Mexican and/or Mexican-American kids wearing clothing with the Mexican flag on July 4th there would simply be no issue. They would never get asked to change their clothing because the Fourth of July is an American holiday and told that they need to be sensitive to Americans. Somehow, the kids wearing clothing with Mexican flags would get portrayed as the victims.
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

So hypothetically, ya'll would not have an issue if the Mexican American kids were forced to turn their Mexican flag shirts inside out at school on the 4th of July?

the loophole to your theory being: school isnt in session during the summer.
This is dumb as %#*%. I wouldnt give a @%@% if somebody was wearing a mexican flag shirt on 4th of july. This is just dumb, they should get their !%$$# beat though for looking like that.
for some reason i dont think they should have gotten in trouble for wearing an american flag shirt on may 5th. That's like sending a kid home for not wanting to say the pledge of allegiance
They shouldn't have been sent home for wearing the shirts.
If they started some $+*% verbally or physically, they should have been disciplined--but that is not the case here.
Sure, they were being smartasses and it wasn't a coincidence, but the school district is soft for this one.
Originally Posted by heartofthacity

They shouldn't have been sent home for wearing the shirts.
If they started some $+*% verbally or physically, they should have been disciplined--but that is not the case here.
Sure, they were being smartasses and it wasn't a coincidence, but the school district is soft for this one.
While I think the punishment was OD and not meant for this, I thought it was in the best interest of the kids because I think there would have been fighting had they stayed in school for the day.
what i dont get is why you guys keep saying "what if mexicans did the same thing on the 4th of july"
cinco de mayo is not the mexican independence day, and as a mexican american, i dont really give a flying +%!% about cinco de mayo, its just another excuse to party...
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